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VI Server Class Hierarchy Table

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This is an alternated view of the classes to aid in discovery of the VI Server Classes. Click on Column Headers to sort.

Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting

VI Server Class Hierarchy Table
Unique ID Parent ID Class Name Basic Script Private Deprecated
1 Application X
98 CopyConflict X
99 CopyExpert X
97 CopyItem X
94 CopyOperation X
3 Generic X
131 3 Bus X
56 3 ConnectorPane X
38 3 Cursor X
16479 3 FlatSequenceFrame X
16494 16479 TimeSequenceFrame X
36 3 GObject X
16503 36 AbstractDiagram X
16384 16503 Diagram X
16473 16384 CompanionDiagram X
16511 16384 ScDiagram X
16489 16384 SDF Companion Diagram X
16488 16384 SDFDiagram X
16472 16384 SimDiagram X
16423 16384 TopLevelDiagram X
16502 16503 MathDiagram X
16386 36 Constant X
16461 16386 AbsTimeConstant X
16388 16386 ArrayConstant X
16422 16386 BooleanConstant X
16393 16386 ClusterConstant X
16450 16386 ColorBoxConstant X
16394 16386 FixedConstant X
16445 16386 IONameConstant X
16447 16445 DAQChannelNameConstant X
16457 16445 DAQmxNameConstant X
16446 16445 DSCTagConstant X
16470 16445 GenClassTagFlatRefConstant X
16460 16445 GenClassTagRefConstant X
16449 16445 IVILogicalNameConstant X
16448 16445 VISAResourceNameConstant X
16501 16386 LabVIEWClassConstant X
16553 16386 MapConstant X
16389 16386 NumericConstant X
16390 16389 DigitalNumericConstant X
16391 16389 NamedNumericConstant X
16425 16391 EnumConstant X
16424 16391 RingConstant X
16387 16386 PathConstant X
16482 16386 RefNumConstant X
16452 16482 ClassSpecifierConstant X
16529 16482 GenClassRefConst X
16538 16482 TypedRefNumConstant X
16539 16538 DataValRefNumConstant X
16552 16386 SetConstant X
16392 16386 StringConstant X
16466 16392 ComboBoxConstant X
6 36 Control X
60 6 AbsTime X
16 6 ActiveXContainer X
14 6 Array X
8 6 Boolean X
30 6 Cluster X
72 30 RadioButtonsControl X
7 6 ColorBox X
61 6 DigitalTable X
22 6 GraphChart X
25 22 IntensityChart X
26 22 IntensityGraph X
92 22 MixedSignalGraph X
23 22 WaveformChart X
24 22 WaveformGraph X
121 24 DigitalGraph X
83 24 XYGraph X
28 6 IOName X
49 28 DAQChannelName X
57 28 DAQmxName X
48 28 DSCTag X
122 28 GenClassTagFlatRef X
67 28 GenClassTagRef X
51 28 IVILogicalName X
50 28 VISAResourceName X
102 6 LabVIEWClassControl X
12 6 ListBox X
10 6 LVVariant X
137 6 Map X
127 6 MixedCheckbox X
46 6 MulticolumnListbox X
130 6 MultiSegmentPipe X
17 6 Numeric X
20 17 ColorRamp X
18 17 Digital X
19 17 NamedNumeric X
35 19 Enum X
34 19 Ring X
33 17 NumericWithScale X
32 33 Knob X
21 33 Slide X
53 6 PageSelector X
55 53 TabControl X
11 6 Path X
15 6 Picture X
78 6 Pixmap X
70 6 PlugInControl X
71 6 PlugInDDODummyContainer X
9 6 RefNum X
68 9 GenClassRef X
59 9 LVObjectRefNum X
58 59 VIRefNum X
44 9 TypedRefNum X
135 44 DataValRefNum X
100 6 SceneGraphDisplay X
90 6 Scrollbar X
136 6 Set X
27 6 String X
29 27 ComboBox X
132 6 StubDDO X
65 6 SubPanel X
13 6 Table X
66 6 TreeControl X
47 6 WaveformData X
4 36 Decoration X
5 4 Text X
39 5 NumericText X
16459 36 FlatSequence X
16495 16459 TimeFlatSequence X
16480 36 FlatSequenceInnerTunnel X
16481 36 FlatSequenceOuterTunnel X
16396 36 FormulaParameter X
16500 16396 MathScriptNodeParameter X
16464 16396 ScriptNodeParameter X
16421 36 Node X
16402 16421 CallByRef X
16451 16421 ControlReferenceConstant X
16522 16421 FeedbackNode X
16409 16421 Formula X
16504 16409 InlineCNode X
16499 16409 MathScriptNode X
16436 16409 ScriptNode X
16400 16421 Function X
16437 16400 ArrayToCluster X
16429 16400 Comparison X
16535 16429 InRangeAndCoerce X
16492 16400 FileDialog X
16432 16400 FlattenUnflattenString X
16483 16432 FlattenString X
16433 16400 GPIBReadWrite X
16430 16400 ReadWriteFile X
16431 16400 TypeCast X
16397 16421 Global X
16410 16421 GrowableFunction X
16551 16410 AssertStructuralTypeMismatchNode X
16411 16410 BuildClusterArray X
16550 16410 BuildMapNode X
16549 16410 BuildSetNode X
16476 16410 Bundler X
16414 16476 BuildArray X
16415 16476 NamedBundler X
16417 16410 CallLibrary X
16416 16410 CIN X
16412 16410 CompoundArithmetic X
16438 16410 FormatScanString X
16413 16410 IndexArray X
16418 16410 ObjectFunction X
16505 16418 Constructor X
16420 16418 Invoke X
16419 16418 Property X
16542 16410 RegisterForEvents X
16477 16410 Unbundler X
16478 16477 NamedUnbundler X
16517 16421 InPlaceBorderNode X
16518 16517 InPlaceArrayNode X
16530 16517 InPlaceArraySplitNode X
16519 16517 InPlaceClusterNode X
16524 16517 InPlaceDataValRefNode X
16521 16517 InPlaceElementNode X
16548 16517 InPlaceMapNode X
16544 16517 InPlaceVariantAttributeNode X
16520 16517 InPlaceVariantNode X
16398 16421 Local X
16523 16421 MathScriptCallByRef X
16531 16421 SharedVariableDynamicOpen X
16532 16421 SharedVariableDynamicRead X
16533 16421 SharedVariableDynamicWrite X
16512 16421 SharedVariableNode X
16465 16421 StaticVIReference X
16404 16421 Structure X
16545 16404 ClosureStructureNode X
16516 16404 InPlaceElementStructure X
16405 16404 Loop X
16434 16405 ForLoop X
16435 16405 WhileLoop X
16467 16435 TimedLoop X
16406 16404 MultiFrameStructure X
16408 16406 CaseStructure X
16487 16406 DisableStructure X
16458 16406 EventStructure X
16546 16406 RaceStructureNode X
16407 16406 Sequence X
16462 16407 ExternalNode X
16543 16406 TargetStructureNode X
16474 16404 SimulationNode X
16537 16404 StatechartStructureNode X
16509 16537 ForkNode X
16510 16537 JoinNode X
16507 16537 JunctionNode X
16506 16537 RegionNode X
16508 16537 StateNode X
16490 16404 SynchronousDataFlowNode X
16496 16404 TimedSequence X
16401 16421 SubVI X
16526 16401 AbstractDynamicDispatch X
16528 16526 CallParentNode X
16527 16526 DynamicDispatchSubVI X
16453 16401 ConfNode X
16534 16401 GenericSubVI X
16443 16401 PolymorphicSubVI X
16540 16421 TextBaseNode X
16541 16540 ExpressionNode X
16403 16421 UnitCast X
16485 16421 XNode X
16497 16485 XDataNode X
75 36 Pane X
31 36 Panel X
16484 36 PolymorphicVISelector X
16444 36 PropertyItem X
40 36 Scale X
43 40 ColorGraphScale X
41 40 ColorScale X
69 41 RotaryColorScale X
42 40 GraphScale X
52 40 SlideScale X
16428 36 SequenceLocal X
16475 36 SimulationDCO X
76 36 Splitter X
16491 36 SynchronousDataFlowDCO X
16385 36 Terminal X
16395 16385 ControlTerminal X
16441 16385 InnerTerminal X
16456 16385 OuterTerminal X
16514 16385 ParameterTerminal X
16515 16514 OverridableParameterTerminal X
16493 36 TimedStructDCO X
16426 36 Tunnel X
16525 16426 ConditionalTunnel X
16486 16525 SelectorTunnel X
16442 16426 LeftShiftRegister X
16427 16426 LoopTunnel X
16536 16426 RegionTunnel X
16399 16426 RightShiftRegister X
16439 36 Wire X
16454 3 MasterWizard X
54 3 Page X
37 3 Plot X
16440 3 Probe X
16463 3 SubWizard X
16498 16463 CodeWizard X
16547 16463 ExternalEditorWizard X
16455 16463 StateDiagramWizard X
91 LVTarget X
73 Project X
133 ProjectFilesViewItem X
74 ProjectItem X
77 74 BuildSpecification X
80 74 Library X
85 80 LVClassLibrary X
126 80 StatechartLibrary X
103 80 XInterfaceLibrary X
88 103 XControlLibrary X
89 103 XNodeLibrary X
125 74 LibraryData X
134 74 LVClassPropDefFolder X
120 74 PropertyFolder X
119 120 XPropertyFolder X
95 74 TargetItem X
96 ProjectItemType X
93 Provider X
123 Scene X
128 123 SceneDrawable X
112 128 SceneGeometry X
113 112 SceneBox X
114 112 SceneCone X
115 112 SceneCylinder X
116 112 SceneHeightField X
118 112 SceneMesh X
117 112 SceneSphere X
129 128 SceneText X
104 123 SceneNode X
110 104 SceneClipPlane X
106 104 SceneLight X
105 104 SceneObject X
111 123 SceneTexture X
84 123 SceneWindow X
82 TagSet X
81 Variable X
2 VI X
79 2 FacadeVI X
87 2 MethodVI X
101 2 PolymorphicVI X
62 2 SubsystemVI X