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Numeric class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name Numeric class
Class ID 17
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
Class Children

The Numeric class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide Numeric Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Numeric Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
633B000 Old Format & Precision Read/Write Yes
633B001 Old Format & Precision:Old Format Read/Write Yes
633B002 Old Format & Precision:Old Precision Read/Write Yes
633B003 Representation Gets or sets the data type on the numeric control. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
633B004 Data Entry Limits Cluster of (Min, Max, Increment). Changes to the data entry limits take effect the next time you change the value in the control, not when the property changes. Read/Write Yes
633B005 Data Entry Limits:Minimum Minimum value of numeric data range. Read/Write Yes
633B006 Data Entry Limits:Maximum Maximum value of numeric data range. Read/Write Yes
633B007 Data Entry Limits:Increment Increment of numeric data range. Read/Write Yes
633B008 Old Out of Range Action Read/Write Yes
633B00A Unit Label Reference to the unit label. You can use this reference with the Text properties. Read Only Yes
633B00B Response to Value Outside Limits Reads or writes the response to values outside the specified limits for maximum, minimum, and increment. Read/Write Yes
633B00C Response to Value Outside Limits:Maximum Reads or writes the response to values outside the specified limits for the maximum value. Read/Write Yes
633B00D Response to Value Outside Limits:Minimum Reads or writes the response to values outside the specified limits for the minimum value. Read/Write Yes
633B00E Response to Value Outside Limits:Increment Reads or writes the response to values outside the specified limits for the increment value. Read/Write Yes
633B00F Old Format String Read/Write Yes
633B010 Increment Key Binding Sets a shortcut key to increment this control. Read/Write Yes
633B011 Decrement Key Binding Sets a shortcut key to decrement this control. Read/Write Yes
633B012 Fixed-Point Representation:Bits Reads or writes the encoding of the fixed-point value. Using this property with non-fixed-point controls will cause an error. Read/Write Yes
633B013 Fixed-Point Representation:Bits:Signed Reads or writes whether the fixed-point value is a signed value. FALSE means signed. Using this property with a non-fixed-point number will result in an error. Read/Write Yes
633B014 Fixed-Point Representation:Bits:Word Length Reads or writes the word length of the fixed-point value. FALSE means signed. Using this property with a non-fixed-point numeric will result in an error. Read/Write Yes
633B015 Fixed-Point Representation:Bits:Integer Word Length Reads or writes the integer word length of the fixed-point value. Using this property with a non-fixed-point numeric will result in an error. Read/Write Yes
633B016 Fixed-Point Representation:Desired Reads or writes the desired range of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read/Write Yes
633B017 Fixed-Point Representation:Desired:Range Min Reads or writes the desired minimum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read/Write Yes
633B018 Fixed-Point Representation:Desired:Range Max Reads or writes the desired maximum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read/Write Yes
633B019 Fixed-Point Representation:Desired:Delta Reads or writes the desired delta of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read/Write Yes
633B01A Fixed-Point Representation:Actual Reads the actual range of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read Only Yes
633B01B Fixed-Point Representation:Actual:Range Min Reads the actual minimum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read Only Yes
633B01C Fixed-Point Representation:Actual:Range Max Reads the actual maximum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read Only Yes
633B01D Fixed-Point Representation:Actual:Delta Reads the actual delta of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read Only Yes
633B01E Adapt To Source Gets or sets whether you want the value to inherit the fixed-point configuration settings of an input fixed-point value. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
633B01F Fixed-Point Representation:Include Overflow Status? Reads or writes whether LabVIEW includes an overflow status with the fixed-point number. Read/Write Yes
633B020 Fixed-Point Overflow Status Visible? Read/Write Yes (Read Only)


This class has no methods or it inherits methods from its parent: Control Class.


This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: Control Class.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2020 In LabVIEW 2020 the following properties were changed from Private to VI Scripting:

See Also