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NumericWithScale class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name NumericWithScale class
Class ID 33
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
Class Children

The NumericWithScale class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide NumericWithScale Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
NumericWithScale Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
633F800Housing SizeSize of the housing in terms of width and height in pixels.Read/WriteYes
633F801Housing Size:WidthWidth of the housing area in pixels.Read/WriteYes
633F802Housing Size:HeightHeight of the housing area in pixels.Read/WriteYes
633F803Active SliderShows which slider/needle is active.Read/WriteYes
633F804Slider ColorsColors of the active slider/needle expressed in terms of (Foreground Color, Background Color) pair.Read/WriteYes
633F805Slider Colors:FG ColorForeground color of the active slider/needle.Read/WriteYes
633F806Slider Colors:BG ColorBackground color of the active slider/needle.Read/WriteYes
633F808Num Of SlidersGets or sets the number of sliders.Read OnlyYes (Read Only)
633F809Text Labels Visible?Specifies whether text labels are visible for markers.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
633F80AText Labels[]Array of names for the markers.Read/WriteYes
633F80BDigital Displays[]References to the digital displays.Read OnlyYes (Read Only)
633F80CScale InfoRead/WriteYes
633F80DHousing ColorsForeground and background colors of the slide/knob housing.Read/WriteYes
633F80EHousing Colors:FG ColorForeground color of the active slider/needle.Read/WriteYes
633F80FHousing Colors:BG ColorBackground color of the active slider/needle.Read/WriteYes
633F810Show Value Tip StripDisplays the current value of a numeric control as you move the slider or needle.Read/WriteYes


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RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
NumericWithScale Methods Table
Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
633F400Add SliderAdds a slider or a thumb.No
633F401Delete SliderDeletes a slider or a thumb.No


This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: Numeric Class.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also