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Control class

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Class Name Control class
Class ID 6
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
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The Control class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide Control Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Control Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
6332000VisibleDisplays the front panel control.Read/WriteYes
6332001DisabledIndicates whether you can operate the control.Read/WriteYes
6332002Key FocusIf TRUE, the control has key focus and receives the keys pressed on the keyboard.Read/WriteYes
6332003BlinkingIf TRUE, the control blinks.Read/WriteYes
6332004CaptionReference to the caption object. You can use this reference with the Text properties.Read OnlyYes
6332005LabelReference to the label object.Read OnlyYes
6332006TerminalReturns the reference to the block diagram terminal of this control. Use this property to navigate between the front panel and the block diagram of a VI.Read OnlyNo
6332007IndicatorIf TRUE, the front panel object is an indicator. If FALSE, the object is a control.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
6332008Synchronous DisplayWhen TRUE, enables synchronous display that shows every update to a data value in a control or indicator. When FALSE, asynchronous display permits the execution system to reduce updates to a slower rate and spend more time executing VIs.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
6332009Control Reference Nodes[]Returns references to the control reference nodes of this control.Read OnlyNo
633200ALocal Variables[]Returns references to the local variables of this control.Read OnlyNo
633200BProperty Nodes[]Returns references to the property nodes of this control.Read OnlyNo
633200CInvoke Nodes[]Returns references to the invoke nodes of this control.Read OnlyNo
633200DValueData value of the control (LV variant). If this is a Boolean value configured with a latching mechanical action, this property always returns an error. Due to race conditions that can occur when you have a Boolean value with latching mechanical action, you cannot programmatically read Boolean values that are set with a latching mechanical action.Read/WriteYes
633200EDefault ValueDefault value of the control (LabVIEW variant).Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
633200FDescriptionDescription of the front panel object that appears in the Context Help window when you move the cursor over the object and in VI documentation you generate.Read/WriteYes
6332010Focus Key BindingSets a shortcut key to navigate to this control.Read/WriteYes
6332011Type DescriptorRead OnlyYes
6332014Tip StripSets or returns the tip strip of a control. A tip strip is the brief description of the object that appears when you move the cursor over the object.Read/WriteYes
6332015DataSocket:URLGets or sets the URL to which the control is connected. Valid URLs for using the DataSocket properties to connect controls are the opc, ftp, and http protocols on Windows, and the dstp and file protocols on all LabVIEW-supported platforms.Read/WriteYes
6332016DataSocket:ModeGets or sets the mode of the data connection.Read/WriteYes
6332017DataSocket:EnabledThis is the enabled state of the opc, ftp, and http connection on Windows, and the dstp and file connection on all LabVIEW-supported platforms. A connection can transfer data only when enabled.Read/WriteYes
6332018DataSocket:StatusReturns the status of the data connection. The connection status can be Invalid Status, Unconnected, Active, Idle, Error, or Connecting.Read OnlyYes
6332019Wizard DataRead/WriteYes
633201AIs Typedef?Returns whether the control is linked to the type definition.Read OnlyYes (Read Only)
633201BTypedef:PathReturns the path to the type definition if the control is linked to a type definition. Otherwise, LabVIEW returns an empty path.Read OnlyYes (Read Only)
633201CAuto-Update From TypedefIf TRUE, the control automatically updates when the type definition changes.Read/WriteYes
633201DBit Accurate Data SizeRead OnlyYes
633201EDataSocket:LED VisibleShows or hides the connection status indicator.Read/WriteYes
633201FLatch ValueRead/WriteYes
6332020Is On Connector PaneReturns whether a control or indicator is on the connector pane of a VI.Read OnlyYes
6332021Skip When TabbingIf TRUE, LabVIEW skips this control when you tab through the front panel.Read/WriteYes
6332022Has CaptionReturns TRUE if the control has a caption.Read OnlyYes
6332023Value (Signaling)Sets the value of the control and generates a Value Change event.Write OnlyYes
6332025Typedef:VIReturns a reference to the type definition if the control is connected to a type definition. Otherwise, LabVIEW returns <NotARef>.Read OnlyNo
6332026C TypeRead OnlyYes
6332027Type Descriptor (Full)Read OnlyYes
6332028Data Binding:PathReads or writes the NI Publish-Subscribe Protocol (NI-PSP) URL to which the control is connected. To write this property, you must bind the control to the PSP URL before you begin writing.Read/WriteYes
6332029Data Binding:ModeGets or sets the mode of the data connection.Read/WriteYes
633202AData Binding:StatusReturns the status of the data connection. The connection status can be Invalid Status, Unconnected, Active, Idle, Error, or Connecting.Read OnlyYes
633202BData Binding:LED VisibleShows or hides the data binding indicator.Read/WriteYes
633202CData Binding:Persist IDRead OnlyYes
633202DData Binding:Binding TypeReturns the type of binding.Read OnlyYes
633202EData Binding:Blink On AlarmRead/WriteYes
633202FGrow InfoReturns the growing abilities for this control.Read OnlyYes
6332030Grow Info:Can Grow HorizontallyReturns if this control can grow horizontally.Read OnlyYes
6332031Grow Info:Can Grow VerticallyReturns if this control can grow vertically.Read OnlyYes
6332032Grow Info:Min HorizontallyReturns the minimum size horizontally this control can grow.Read OnlyYes
6332033Grow Info:Min VerticallyReturns the minimum size vertically this control can grow.Read OnlyYes
6332034Grow Info:Max HorizontallyReturns the maximum size horizontally this control can grow.Read OnlyYes
6332035Grow Info:Max VerticallyReturns the maximum size vertically this control can grow.Read OnlyYes
6332036XControl:Is XControl?Returns TRUE if the control is an XControl, FALSE otherwise.Read OnlyYes
6332037XControl:Container BoundsSets or gets the container bounds of the XControl.Read/WriteYes
6332038XControl:Container Bounds:WidthWidth of the XControl.Read/WriteYes
6332039XControl:Container Bounds:HeightHeight of the XControl.Read/WriteYes
633203AStyle IDReturns the style of the control.Read OnlyYes
633203BIs Stub?Read OnlyYes
633203DDisabledIndicates whether you can operate the control.Read/WriteYes
633203EOwning PaneReturns a reference to the pane that owns the referenced control.Read OnlyYes
633203FBuilt-In Mouse Wheel SupportSets the conditions under which the control responds to mouse wheel movement.Read/WriteYes
6332040Control IndexGets the index of the control or indicator you specify. If the control or indicator for which you want to get the index does not have a terminal on the block diagram, this property returns an error.Read OnlyYes
6332041Value (Undoable)Write OnlyYes
6332043Default Value (Undoable)Write OnlyNo


Show/Hide Control Properties Table

RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Control Methods Table
Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
6331C00Reinitialize To DefaultReinitializes the value of the control to the default value.Yes (Read/Write)
6331C01Create:Control ReferenceCreates a control reference for the control and returns a reference to it.No
6331C02Create:Local VariableCreates a local variable for the control and returns a reference to it.No
6331C03Create:Property NodeCreates a Property Node for the control and returns a reference to it.No
6331C04Create:Invoke NodeCreates an Invoke Node for the control and returns a reference to it.No
6331C05Old Get ImageYes
6331C06Attach DataSocketNational Instruments recommends using front panel data binding through the Shared Variable Engine or using the Bind To Network Path method to attach a data connection to a control.Yes (Read/Write)
6331C07Remove DataSocketRemoves an opc, ftp, and http connection from a control on Windows, and a dstp and file connection from a control on all LabVIEW-supported platforms.Yes (Read/Write)
6331C08Copy Wizard TemplateNo
6331C09Disconnect From TypedefDisconnects the control from the type definition and returns TRUE. If the control is not connected to a type definition, LabVIEW returns FALSE.No
6331C0AUpdate From TypedefUpdates the control from the type definition and returns TRUE. If the control is not connected to a type definition, LabVIEW returns FALSE.No
6331C0BOld Get FP Term ImageYes
6331C0CGet ImageReturns an image of a front panel object.Yes (Read/Write)
6331C0DGet Terminal ImageReturns an image of the block diagram terminal of a front panel object.Yes (Read/Write)
6331C0EStart DragStarts a drag and drop operation using the specified control as the source.Yes (Read/Write)
6331C0FData Binding:Bind To Network PathBinds a control to an NI Publish-Subscribe Protocol (NI-PSP) network path. You can add new connections only at edit time.Yes (Read/Write)
6331C11Data Binding:Bind To Network VariableYes
6331C12Data Binding:UnbindUnbinds a control from an NI Publish-Subscribe Protocol (NI-PSP) network path.Yes (Read/Write)
6331C13Fit Control To PaneResizes the control to the size of the pane that contains it and sets the control to scale with the pane.Yes (Read/Write)
6331C14Data Operations:Copy DataCopies data from the control to the clipboard.Yes (Read/Write)
6331C15Data Operations:Paste DataPastes data from the clipboard to the control.Yes (Read/Write)
6331C16Stub:Convert To StubNo
6331C17Stub:Revert From StubNo


Show/Hide Control Events Table

Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Control Events Table
Code Name Description Type
1073741869Drag EndedGenerated after a drag and drop operation completes.Notify
2684354617Drag EnterGenerated when there is a drag operation pending and the cursor enters the bounds of a control.Notify
1073741885Drag LeaveGenerated when there is a drag operation pending and the mouse leaves a control that can accept a drag, or if a user cancels a drag and drop operation when hovering over a control.Notify
2684354618Drag OverGenerated when there is a drag and drop operation pending, as the mouse moves over a control.Notify
2684354606Drag Source UpdateGenerated when the mouse moves or a key state changes during a drag and drop operation.Notify
1073741867Drag Starting
2147483692Drag Starting?
2684354622DropGenerated when the user lifts the mouse when hovering over a control when there is a drag and drop operation pending.Notify
1073741847Key DownGenerated on a control that has keyboard focus. If a key press matches a keyboard shortcut in the VI menu, such as Ctrl-C or Ctrl-V, LabVIEW does not generate a Key Down event, regardless of whether the menu item is enabled. Key Down Event Caveats
  • (Windows) F3 generates a Key Down event only in the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine.
  • LabVIEW only generates events for the Cluster»All Elements source when the cluster has keyboard focus, not when an individual element inside the cluster has keyboard focus.
2147483658Key Down?Generated on a control that has keyboard focus. If a key press matches a keyboard shortcut in the VI menu, such as Ctrl-C or Ctrl-V, LabVIEW does not generate a Key Down event, regardless of whether the menu item is enabled.Filter
1073741848Key RepeatGenerated at regular intervals when the user presses and holds a key in a front panel control.Notify
2147483659Key Repeat?Generated when the user presses and holds a key in a front panel control.Filter
1073741836Key UpGenerated when the user releases a key on the keyboard in a specific control on the front panel.Notify
1073741842Mouse DownGenerated when you click the mouse button on a specific control.Notify
2147483655Mouse Down?Generated when you click the mouse button on a specific control.Filter
1073741839Mouse EnterGenerated when the cursor enters the bounds of the front panel object.Notify
1073741838Mouse LeaveGenerated when the cursor leaves the bounds of the front panel object.Notify
1073741833Mouse MoveGenerated when you move the mouse over a control.Notify
1073741832Mouse UpGenerated when you release the mouse button on a specific control. LabVIEW does not generate this event if a shortcut menu appears when you click the mouse button.Notify
1073741905Mouse WheelGenerated when you scroll the mouse wheel over a control.Notify
2147483699Shortcut Menu Activation?Generated when the user right-clicks a control to display the shortcut menu.Filter
1073741892Shortcut Menu Dismissed
2147483701Shortcut Menu Selection? (App)Generated when the user selects an application item from the shortcut menu. This event is posted before the application item is processed by LabVIEW.Filter
1073741878Shortcut Menu Selection (App)Generated when the user selects an application item from the shortcut menu of a control. Use the Shortcut Menu Selection (User) event to generate an event when the user selects a user-defined menu item. This event is posted after the built-in shortcut menu item is processed by LabVIEW.Notify
1073741876Shortcut Menu Selection (User)Generated when the user selects a user-defined item from the shortcut menu. Use the Shortcut Menu Selection (App) event to generate an event when the user selects an application item from the shortcut menu.Notify
1073741826Value ChangeGenerated when the user changes the value of a control. You must read the terminal of a latched Boolean control in its Value Change event case.Notify


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also