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Path class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name Path class
Class ID 11
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
Class Children

This class has no children.

    The Path class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


    Show/Hide Path Properties Table

    R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
    RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    Path Properties Table
    Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
    6336800 Value Value of the path control. Read/Write Yes
    6336801 Default Value Gets or sets the default value of the path control. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
    6336802 Text Size Read/Write Yes
    6336803 Text Size:Width Width of the path control in pixels. Read/Write Yes
    6336804 Text Size:Height Height of the path control in pixels. Read/Write Yes
    6336805 Path Text Reference to the path text. Read Only Yes
    6336806 Browse Dialog Options (Deprecated) Read/Write Yes
    6336807 Browse Options:Prompt Set or get the prompt string of the browse dialog box. Read/Write Yes
    6336808 Browse Options:Match Pattern Set or get the match pattern string of the browse dialog box. Read/Write Yes
    6336809 Browse Options:Selection Mode Set or get the selection mode of the browse dialog box. Read/Write Yes
    633680A Browse Options:Start Path Set or get the start path of browse dialog box. Read/Write Yes
    633680B Browse Button:Visible Specifies if the path control browse button is visible. Read/Write Yes
    633680C Browse Button:Disabled Specifies whether the browse button of a path control can be operated. Read/Write Yes
    633680D Browse Options:Pattern Label Label to display in the file dialog box next to the custom pattern. Use the Browse Options:Match Pattern property to set a custom pattern. Read/Write Yes
    633680E Value (Signaling) Sets the value of the control and generates a Value Change event. Write Only Yes
    633680F Size Width and height in pixels of the frame around the text area of the path control, not including the browse button. Read/Write Yes
    6336810 Size:Width Width of the path control in pixels. Read/Write Yes
    6336811 Size:Height Height of the path control in pixels. Read/Write Yes
    6336812 Scrollbar Visible Displays a vertical scroll bar for a path object. Read/Write Yes
    6336813 Browse Options:Button Text Specifies the label to display in the file dialog box for the accept or OK button. If you do not specify a label, the button text defaults to OK. Read/Write Yes
    6336814 Browse Button Rect Returns the coordinates of the rectangle that encloses the browse button for the path control. Read Only Yes
    6336815 Allow Dropping If TRUE, the control automatically accepts paths dragged to it, including the LV_PATH data type from drag and drop events. The LV_PATH data type is of type path. If FALSE, LabVIEW does not automatically accept any drops, including from the operating system, at run time. LabVIEW returns error 1157 if you set this property on an indicator. Read/Write Yes
    6336816 Browse Options Set or get the file dialog box options. The options include prompt, mode, start path, and button text. Read/Write Yes
    6336817 Path Too Long To Fit Specifies how to display a path that is too long to fit in the path control or indicator. LabVIEW applies the value of this property only if the scrollbar of the control or indicator is hidden. Read/Write Yes
    6336818 Shows Abbreviated Behavior? Returns whether the referenced path control or indicator is currently abbreviating the path. This property returns FALSE if the object is set to clip the path, if the scrollbar is visible, or if the path fits in the path object. Read Only Yes


    This class has no methods or it inherits methods from its parent: Control Class.


    This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: Control Class.


    Version Change(s)
    LabVIEW 2020 In LabVIEW 2020 the Browse Button Rect property was changed from being Private to being part of the Basic Development Environment.

    See Also