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GObject class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name GObject class
Class ID 36
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
Class Children

The GObject class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server). It is a child of the Generic class and is the parent of all classes of objects that appear on the Front Panel (i.e. Controls, Indicators, Decorations, etc.) and that appear on the Block Diagram (i.e. Nodes, Functions, Structures, Terminals, Wires, etc.). Properties and Methods for the GObject class are available to all of the classes that inherit from it.


Show/Hide GObject Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
GObject Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
632A800 Position Position of the top left corner of the bounding rectangle of the object on the front panel window in terms of left and top coordinates. Read/Write Yes
632A801 Position:Left Position of the left corner of the bounding rectangle of the object on the front panel window. Read/Write Yes
632A802 Position:Top Position of the top corner of the bounding rectangle of the object on the front panel window. Read/Write Yes
632A803 Bounds Maximum bounding area of the object specified in terms of width and height in pixels. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
632A804 Bounds:Area Width Width of the maximum bounding area of the object in pixels. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
632A805 Bounds:Area Height Height of the maximum bounding area of the object in pixels. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
632A806 Grouped Returns TRUE if and only if the GObject is a member of a group (including locked groups). Read Only No
632A807 Locked Returns TRUE if and only if the GObject has been locked to prevent editing. Read Only No
632A808 Group Member Refs[] Returns an array of GObject references to all members of the same front panel grouping (including locked groups) as the source object. Read Only No
632A809 Selected Returns TRUE if the GObject is selected. Read/Write Yes
632A80A Total Bounds Rect Returns the coordinates of all sides of the entire object including labels, captions, and other visible parts connected to the object. Read Only Yes
632A80B Master Bounds Rect Returns the coordinates of all the sides of the object excluding labels, captions, and other visible parts connected to the object. Read Only Yes
632A80C Basic Object Flags Read/Write No
632A80D Is Wizard Locked Read Only Yes
632A80F Resize Info:Can Resize Horizontally Read Only Yes
632A810 Resize Info:Can Resize Vertically Read Only Yes
632A811 Resize Info:Name in Resize Dialog Read Only Yes
632A812 Resize Info:Include In Resize Read Only Yes
632A813 UID Returns the unique identifier (UID) for the object. UIDs are identifiers for LabVIEW objects and are always unique within the same VI. Inspect the UID of an object to verify that it is the exact object that you want to manipulate. Read Only Yes
632A814 Dependencies:Missing Dependency Paths Returns the array of paths listing every missing dependency of the given object. Read Only No
632A815 Dependencies:Missing Dependency Names Returns the array of qualified names listing every missing dependency of the given object. Read Only No
632A816 Dependencies:Found Dependency Paths Returns the array of paths listing every dependency that is not missing of the given object. Read Only No
632A817 Dependencies:Found Dependency Names Returns the array of qualified names listing every dependency of the given object loaded into memory. Read Only No


Show/Hide GObject Methods Table

RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
GObject Methods Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
632A400 Move Moves the object to the specified position. No
632A401 Object Highlight Given a Gobject Reference, this method scrolls to and highlights the object. Yes
632A402 Replace Replaces the current object with a new object and returns a reference to the new object. Use only one of the following inputs to specify the new object: Style, Path, or Palette String. No
632A403 Replace No Attributes Replaces the current object with a new object and returns a reference to the new object. Use only one of the following inputs to specify the new object: Style, Path, or Palette String. This method does not maintain any size or color attributes of the object you replace. No
632A404 Launch Config Page No
632A405 Invalidate Yes
632A406 Replace Preferring Stub DDO OnFP No
632A407 Get Help Info Returns the help information for the object. Yes


This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: Generic Class.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2020 In LabVIEW 2020 the following changes were made:

See Also