Scale class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name Scale class
Class ID 40
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
Class Children

The Scale class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide Scale Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Scale Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
632F000StyleGets or sets the style of the marks on a scale. The values (0-8) for this property correspond with the options on the Style shortcut menu, available by right-clicking a scale on a graph or chart and selecting Style, from top-left (0) to bottom-right (8).Read/WriteYes
632F001Display FormatSpecifies the format and precision of the scale. Format can be 0-Decimal, 1-Scientific, 2-Engineering, 3-Binary, 4-Octal, 5-Hexadecimal, 6-Relative Time, 7-Time and Date, 8-SI, or 9-Custom (read-only). Precision is the number of digits after the decimal point.Read/WriteYes
632F002Display Format:FormatSpecifies the format of the numeric increments of the scale. This property accepts the following format values: 0-Decimal, 1-Scientific, 2-Engineering, 3-Binary, 4-Octal, 5-Hexadecimal, 6-Relative Time, 7-Time and Date, 8-SI, and 9-Custom (read-only). You cannot wire a value of 9 to this property because the value is read-only. This property returns a value of 9 if the object uses automatic formatting, the format string contains text, or the format string includes more than one format specifier.Read/WriteYes
632F003Display Format:PrecisionNumber of digits after the decimal point. If you wire a value of 9 to the Format property, this property returns an error.Read/WriteYes
632F004RangeA scale is a component of many front panel objects in LabVIEW, such as the X and Y scales of graphs and charts. The scale consists of a range of values, specified as a cluster of (Minimum, Maximum, Increment, Minor Increment, and Start).Read/WriteYes
632F005Range:MinimumMinimum value of scale. Use this property to set the minimum value allowed in the range.Read/WriteYes
632F006Range:MaximumMaximum value of scale. Use this property to set the maximum value allowed in the range.Read/WriteYes
632F007Range:IncrementIncrement value of scale. Use this property to determine the distance between tick marks.Read/WriteYes
632F008Range:Minor IncrementMinor increment value of scale. Use this property to determine the distance between minor tick marks.Read/WriteYes
632F009Range:StartStart value of scale. Use this property to determine the value of the first tick marker after the minimum.Read/WriteYes
632F00AFlippedIf TRUE, reverses the positions of the minimum and maximum values on the scale.Read/WriteYes
632F00BMapping ModeScale mapping mode: 0-Linear, 1-Logarithmic.Read/WriteYes
632F00CEditableAllows editing of scale values.Read/WriteYes
632F00DTick Colors:Tick ColorColor of the tick mark.Read/WriteYes
632F00ETick Colors:Minor Tick ColorColor of the minor tick mark.Read/WriteYes
632F00FUniform Marker Spacing?Determines whether the markers are uniformly spaced.Read/WriteYes
632F010VisibleShows the scale.Read/WriteYes
632F011Old RangeRead/WriteYes
632F012Marker ColorsText color and background color of scale marker.Read/WriteYes
632F013Marker Colors:Text ColorColor of the scale marker text.Read/WriteYes
632F014Marker Colors:BG ColorBackground color of the scale marker.Read/WriteYes
632F015MarkerReference to the scale marker.Read OnlyYes
632F016Format StringSets the format string of the scale.Read/WriteYes
632F017Tick ColorsGets or sets the tick color and minor tick color of the scale.Read/WriteYes
632F018Autoscale PaddingRead/WriteYes


This class has no methods or it inherits methods from its parent: GObject Class.


This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: GObject Class.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also