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Terminal class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name Terminal class
Class ID 16385
Scope VI Scripting
Class Inheritance
Class Children

The Terminal class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide Terminal Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Terminal Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
634A000Connected WireReference to the connected wire.Read OnlyNo
634A001Type DescriptorRead OnlyNo
634A002DiagramReturns a reference to the owning diagram.Read OnlyNo
634A003Is Source?Provides a True value if the terminal is a source and a False value if the terminal is a sink.Read OnlyNo
634A004NameReturns the name of the terminal. The name is the non-translatable string identifier.Read OnlyNo
634A005CaptionReturns the caption for the terminal. The caption is the translatable string.Read OnlyNo
634A006Coercion Dot?Returns a value of True if a coercion dot is present on the terminal.Read OnlyNo
634A007Type Descriptor (Full)Read OnlyNo
634A008Data TypeReturns the data type of the terminal as a Variant.Read OnlyNo
634A009Is Hidden?Returns a value of True if the terminal hidden and a False if the terminal is not hidden.Read OnlyNo
634A00AHas Buffer AllocationRead OnlyYes


Show/Hide Terminal Properties Table

RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Terminal Methods Table
Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
6349C00Create ConstantCreates a constant for the terminal and returns a reference to it. You can specify an optional value for the constant.No
6349C01Create ControlCreates a control for the terminal and returns a reference to it. You can specify an optional value for the control.No
6349C02Create IndicatorCreates an indicator for the terminal and returns a reference to it. You can specify an optional value for the indicator.No
6349C03Connect WireConnects a wire to the terminal. The wire source can be either another terminal or a node.No
6349C04Create Described WireConnects a wire to the terminal. The wire source can only be another terminal.No
6349C05Create Shared Variable NodeCreates a shared variable node from the terminal and returns a reference to the shared variable node. You can link the project item of a variable to the new shared variable node.No


This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: GObject Class.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also