The Pane class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).
Show/Hide Pane Properties Table
Pane Properties Table
Property ID
Long Name (English)
18166800 | Pane Color | Background color of the pane. | Read/Write | Yes |
18166801 | Controls[] | Array of references to the controls and indicators on the pane. | Read Only | Yes (Read Only) |
18166802 | Decorations[] | Array of references to the decorations in the pane. | Read Only | Yes (Read Only) |
18166803 | All Objects[] | Array of references to all the objects (controls and decorations) on the pane. | Read Only | Yes (Read Only) |
18166804 | Minimum Pane Size | If the pane is sizable, this property determines the minimum size to which a pane can be reduced. Setting this property can cause the pane or window to grow if its current size is less than the minimum size. | Read/Write | Yes |
18166805 | Origin | A cluster that contains the vertical and horizontal coordinates of the upper left corner of the pane. The coordinates are relative to the coordinate system of the pane. | Read/Write | Yes |
18166806 | Horizontal Scrollbar Visibility | Gets or sets the horizontal scroll bar visibility of the pane. | Read/Write | Yes |
18166807 | Vertical Scrollbar Visibility | Gets or sets the vertical scroll bar visibility of the pane. | Read/Write | Yes |
18166808 | Content Area Rect | Returns the bounding rectangle of the content area of the pane in the coordinate system of the pane. | Read Only | Yes |
18166809 | Label | Reference to the label object. | Read Only | Yes |
1816680A | Background Mode | Sets the positioning of the background image in the pane. | Read/Write | Yes |
1816680B | Background Image | Sets the background image the pane uses. LabVIEW supports BMP, JPEG, and PNG graphic formats for background images. | Read/Write | Yes |
1816680C | Scroll To Origin At Run Time | | Read/Write | Yes |
Show/Hide Pane Properties Table
Pane Methods Table
Method ID
Long Name (English)
64AFA400 | Make Space | Makes space in the pane by moving objects out of a location in a specified direction. | No |
64AFA402 | Select All | Selects all objects in the pane. | No |
64AFA403 | Paste Selection | Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the specified coordinates in the pane. If the pane is unwired then the default pane is the top left pane. | No |
64AFA404 | Group Objects | Groups pane objects together. If the Objects parameter is not wired, the method groups the currently selected objects. All objects must be in the same pane or an error is returned. After this method executes, the panel selection list contains the grouped objects. | No |
64AFA405 | Lock Objects | Locks pane objects. If the Objects parameter is not wired, currently selected objects are locked. After this method executes, the panel selection list contains the locked objects. | No |
64AFA406 | Ungroup Objects | Ungroups pane objects. If the Objects parameter is not wired, currently selected objects are ungrouped. | No |
64AFA407 | Unlock Objects | Unlocks objects. If the Objects parameter is not wired, currently selected objects are unlocked. You can select or wire-in multiple locked objects to unlock them. | No |
64AFA408 | Set Scaling Mode | Sets the scaling mode for objects within the pane. | Yes (Read/Write) |
64AFA409 | Get Scaling Mode | Gets the scaling mode for the pane. | Yes (Read/Write) |
64AFA40A | Convert Pane To Panel Coordinates | Converts the input point from the local pane coordinates to the coordinates of the front panel as the output point. | Yes (Read/Write) |
64AFA40B | Convert Panel To Pane Coordinates | Converts the input point from the front panel coordinates to the coordinates of the local pane as the output point. | Yes (Read/Write) |
Show/Hide Pane Events Table
Pane Events Table
1073741842 | Mouse Down | Generated when you click the mouse button on a pane. | Notify |
2147483655 | Mouse Down? | Generated when you click the mouse button on a pane. | Filter |
1073741839 | Mouse Enter | Generated when the cursor enters the bounds of the pane. | Notify |
1073741838 | Mouse Leave | Generated when the cursor leaves the bounds of the pane. | Notify |
1073741833 | Mouse Move | Generated when you move the mouse over a pane. | Notify |
1073741832 | Mouse Up | Generated when you release the mouse button on a pane. LabVIEW does not generate this event if a shortcut menu appears when you click the mouse button. | Notify |
1073741905 | Mouse Wheel | Generated when you scroll the mouse wheel over a pane. | Notify |
1073741884 | Pane Size | Generated when the user sizes the pane by clicking and dragging the window frame, clicking and dragging a splitter bar, maximizing the front panel, or when the user restores the pane to its original size from a maximized state. | Notify |
2147483699 | Shortcut Menu Activation? | Generated when the user right-clicks blank space on the front panel to display the shortcut menu. | Filter |
1073741876 | Shortcut Menu Selection (User) | Generated when the user selects a user-defined shortcut menu item from the shortcut menu of the pane. | Notify |
More info to come.
See Also