LabVIEW 2020

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LabVIEW 2020
Release Date(s)
  • May 2020
  • January 2021 (SP1)

Key Features and Changes
  • Interfaces
  • Partially broken wires
  • Publish web services to NI Web Server
  • Repairing packages
  • Clear variant data types

New features in LabVIEW 2020

  • Interfaces - Expanded object-oriented programming to introduce interfaces as a companion feature to classes.
  • Clear Variant Data right-click menu option[1] - Clears data from Variant controls and indicators.
  • Enum to Array of Enums function[2] - Creates an array with all possible Enum values.
  • Create NI GUID function[3] - Adds a native GUID function to LabVIEW.
  • Remove (no error) from Error Control (hidden INI key)[4] - Set NI.LV.RemoveNoError=TRUE to remove the (no error) suffix from Error Controls.
  • Build Path Relative Path Input[5] - The default type for the second input of the Build Path function was changed to relative Path instead of String.
  • Break Bad Wire Branches Only[6] - Wires only break for broken branches instead of all branches.
  • Class Dialog Improvements[7] - The dialog for creating new classes was changed to provide more features.
  • Double Click Array To Cluster[8] - The property dialog for the Array To Cluster function can now be opened by a double-click.
  • Set Text Icon for Project Libraries[9] - The Project Library configuration dialog has a new Set Text Icon... button, which provides a way to quickly set the text, text color and background color for the library icon.
  • Range Limits for Type[10] - Returns the maximum and minimum values for a given data type.
  • Generate Checksum Values[11] - Adds native functions to calculate SHA-2 and SHA-3 checksums to LabVIEW.
  • Hide Event Data Node and Iteration Terminal[12] - It is now possible to hide Event Data Nodes in Event Structures and Iteration Terminals on For- and While loops.
  • Multi-Error Support[13] - Collect multiple error values on a single error wire (adds a new subpalette for handling multiple errors).
  • Hide Last Item for Rings when running[14] - Adds an option to hide the last item from a ring control.

Application icon design

The application icon was changed for LabVIEW 2020 SP1:


External links


  1. Clear Variant Data by Darren Nattinger
  2. Enum to Array of Enums by Darren Nattinger
  3. Create NI by Darren Nattinger
  4. Remove (no error) From Error Control by Darren Nattinger
  5. Build Path Relative Path Input by Darren Nattinger
  6. Break Bad Wires Only by Darren Nattinger
  7. Class Dialogue Improvements by Darren Nattinger
  8. Double Click Array To Cluster by Darren Nattinger
  9. Edit Icons by Darren Nattinger
  10. Range Limits for Type VI by Darren Nattinger
  11. Generate Checksum Values by Darren Nattinger
  12. Hide Event Data Node and Iteration Terminal by Darren Nattinger
  13. Multi-Error Support by Darren Nattinger
  14. Hide Last Item for Rings by Darren Nattinger