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Splitter class

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VI Server Class Information
Return to VI Server Class Hierarchy
Class Name Splitter class
Class ID 76
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
Class Children

This class has no children.

    The Splitter class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


    Show/Hide Splitter Properties Table

    R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
    RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    Splitter Properties Table
    Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
    7A90C800Is Vertical?Indicates whether the splitter pane is vertical. This property is TRUE if the splitter pane is vertical and FALSE if it is horizontal.Read OnlyYes
    7A90C801Splitter PositionControls the position of the splitter. If the splitter is vertical, the position is the horizontal coordinate of the left of the splitter. If the splitter is horizontal, the position is the vertical coordinate of the top of the splitter.Read/WriteYes
    7A90C802ColorsColors of the splitter bar in a (Foreground Color, Background Color) pair.Read/WriteYes
    7A90C803Colors:FG ColorSpecifies the foreground color of the splitter bar.Read/WriteYes
    7A90C804Colors:BG ColorSpecifies the background color of the splitter bar.Read/WriteYes
    7A90C805Splitter Position LockedLocks the splitter bar so that it cannot be moved by the user.Read/WriteYes
    7A90C806SizingDetermines the splitter bar behavior when you resize its owner. The owner of a splitter bar can be the window or another splitter bar.Read/WriteYes
    7A90C807LabelReference to the label object.Read OnlyYes


    This class has no methods or it inherits methods from its parent: GObject Class.


    Show/Hide Splitter Events Table

    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    Splitter Events Table
    Code Name Description Type
    1073741842Mouse DownGenerated when you click the mouse button on a splitter bar.Notify
    2147483655Mouse Down?Generated when you click the mouse button on a splitter bar.Filter
    1073741839Mouse EnterGenerated when the cursor enters the bounds of the splitter bar.Notify
    1073741838Mouse LeaveGenerated when the cursor leaves the bounds of the splitter bar.Notify
    1073741833Mouse MoveGenerated when you move the mouse over a splitter bar.Notify
    1073741832Mouse UpGenerated when you release the mouse button on a splitter bar. LabVIEW does not generate this event if a shortcut menu appears when you click the mouse button.Notify
    1073741905Mouse WheelGenerated when you scroll the mouse wheel over a splitter bar.Notify


    Version Change(s)
    LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

    See Also