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DigitalTable class

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Class Name DigitalTable class
Class ID 61
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
Class Children

This class has no children.

    The DigitalTable class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


    Show/Hide DigitalTable Properties Table

    R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
    RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    DigitalTable Properties Table
    Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
    7494C000ValueValue of digital data control.Read/WriteYes
    7494C001Default ValueGets or sets the default value of the digital table control.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
    7494C002SizeWidth and height in pixels of the digital data control.Read/WriteYes
    7494C003Size:WidthWidth of the digital data control in pixels.Read/WriteYes
    7494C004Size:HeightHeight of the digital data control in pixels.Read/WriteYes
    7494C005Vertical Scrollbar VisibleIf TRUE, displays the vertical scroll bar.Read/WriteYes
    7494C006Horizontal Scrollbar VisibleIf TRUE, displays the horizontal scroll bar.Read/WriteYes
    7494C007Transitions VisibleIf TRUE, displays the transition values in the leftmost column as row headers.Read/WriteYes
    7494C008Signal Numbers VisibleIf TRUE, displays the signal numbers in the top row as column headers.Read/WriteYes
    7494C009FormatSelects the format in which to display the data.Read/WriteYes
    7494C00ATop Left CellThe row and column of the cell displayed in the top left corner of the table. Use this property to read or change the top item, or use it to read or change the leftmost column of information displayed.Read/WriteYes
    7494C00BOld Edit PositionRead/WriteYes
    7494C00CSelection StartIndex of the row and column pair that specifies the beginning of data selection (inclusive).Read/WriteYes
    7494C00DSelection SizeIndex of the row and column pair that specifies the number of rows and columns in the selection.Read/WriteYes
    7494C00ESelection ColorColor to use to highlight the data selection.Read/WriteYes
    7494C012Active Cell:Active CellSets the row and column of the active cell(s).Read/WriteYes
    7494C013Active Cell:Cell Foreground ColorColor of the text in the active cell in the control.Read/WriteYes
    7494C014Active Cell:Cell Background ColorBackground color of the active cell in the control.Read/WriteYes
    7494C015Value (Signaling)Sets the value of the control and generates a Value Change event.Write OnlyYes
    7494C016Content Rect PositionThe coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the top-left position of the content rectangle of the digital data control.Read OnlyYes
    7494C017Content Rect Position:LeftThe coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the left edge of the content rectangle of the digital data control.Read OnlyYes
    7494C018Content Rect Position:TopThe coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the top edge of the content rectangle of the digital data control.Read OnlyYes
    7494C019Content Rect BoundsThe size in pixels of the content rectangle of the digital data control.Read OnlyYes
    7494C01AContent Rect Bounds:WidthThe width in pixels of the content rectangle of the digital data control.Read OnlyYes
    7494C01BContent Rect Bounds:HeightThe height in pixels of the content rectangle of the digital data control.Read OnlyYes
    7494C01CActive Cell:Cell PositionThe coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the top-left position of the active cell(s).Read OnlyYes
    7494C01DActive Cell:Cell Position:LeftThe coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the left edge of the active cell.Read OnlyYes
    7494C01EActive Cell:Cell Position:TopThe coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the top edge of the active cell.Read OnlyYes
    7494C01FCell FontThe font of all cells in the digital data control. Use this property to change the size, style, or color of the cell font.Read/WriteYes
    7494C020Cell Font:NameThe name of the font in all cells. Predefined font names include App Font, Sys Font, and Dlg Font.Read/WriteYes
    7494C021Cell Font:SizeThe size of the font in all cells.Read/WriteYes
    7494C022Cell Font:BoldIndicates whether the text in all cells is bold.Read/WriteYes
    7494C023Cell Font:ItalicIndicates whether the text in all cells is italic.Read/WriteYes
    7494C024Cell Font:UnderlineIndicates whether the text in all cells is underlined.Read/WriteYes
    7494C025Cell Font:StrikeoutIndicates whether to strike out the text in all cells.Read/WriteYes
    7494C026Cell Font:ColorThe text font color in all cells.Read/WriteYes
    7494C027Edit PositionThe row-column pair index of the current text entry. Values of (0,0) indicate the top-left text entry. A value of –1 indicates the row headers. Values of (–2, –2) indicate that no edits are being made to the text of the control.Read/WriteYes


    Show/Hide DigitalTable Properties Table

    RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    DigitalTable Methods Table
    Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
    7494BC00Point to Row ColumnConverts a pixel coordinate to a row-column pair in the coordinates of the control. This method also returns whether the point is inside the bounds of the content rectangle.Yes (Read/Write)
    7494BC01Export ImageExports an image of a digital data control or indicator to clipboard or disk.Yes (Read/Write)
    7494BC02Export Image ColorYes
    7494BC03Export Data to ClipboardExports the table data to the clipboard in a tab-delimited format, which is accepted by most spreadsheet applications.Yes (Read/Write)
    7494BC04Export Data to ExcelExports the table data to Excel.Yes (Read/Write)


    This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: Control Class.


    Version Change(s)
    LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

    See Also