SubPanel class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name SubPanel class
Class ID 65
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
Class Children

This class has no children.

The SubPanel class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide SubPanel Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
SubPanel Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
72584000Scale PanelRead/WriteYes
72584002Panel TransparentIf TRUE, LabVIEW draws the background of the front panel in the subpanel control as transparent. If FALSE, LabVIEW draws the background color of the front panel.Read/WriteYes
72584003Container BoundsSize of the area in the subpanel control that contains the front panel.Read/WriteYes
72584004Container Bounds:WidthWidth of the area in the subpanel control that contains the front panel.Read/WriteYes
72584005Container Bounds:HeightHeight of the area in the subpanel control that contains the front panel.Read/WriteYes
72584006X Scrollbar VisibleRead/WriteYes
72584007Y Scrollbar VisibleRead/WriteYes
72584008Allow User to Open DiagramIf TRUE, displays an Open Block Diagram item on the shortcut menu when the user right-clicks on the border of a subpanel control in a running VI or within the border of a subpanel control but not on a control or indicator on the front panel loaded in a subpanel control in a running VI. If FALSE, the Open Block Diagram menu item does not appear.Read/WriteYes
7258400AValue (Signaling)Write OnlyYes
7258400COriginReturns the scroll origin of the hosted panel.Read/WriteYes
7258400DDiagram InsertedSpecifies whether to insert a diagram in the subpanel instead of the front panel.Read OnlyYes
7258400FInserted VIReturns a reference to the VI currently loaded in the referenced subpanel control.Read OnlyYes


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RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
SubPanel Methods Table
Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
72583C00Insert VILoads a VI in the subpanel control without changing the state of the VI.Yes (Read/Write)
72583C01Remove VIUnloads the VI in the subpanel control. If no references to the VI remain, LabVIEW removes the VI from memory. If references to the VI remain and the VI stays in memory, this method does not change the state of the VI.Yes (Read/Write)
72583C02InsertBlockDiagramInserts the VI block diagram into the subpanelYes (Read/Write)
72583C03Insert Remote VIYes


This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: Control Class.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also