Table class
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Class Name | Table class |
Class ID | 13 |
Scope | Basic Development Environment |
Class Inheritance |
Class Children | This class has no children. |
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The Table class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).
Show/Hide Table Properties Table
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R/W | Readable/Writable Permissions |
RTE | Available in the Run-Time Engine |
Basic Development Environment | |
VI Scripting | |
Private | |
Deprecated |
Property ID | Long Name (English) | Description | R/W | RTE |
6338000 | Value | Value of table control: 2D array of strings. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338001 | Number of Columns | Number of visible columns in the table, including the row headers if visible. The number of columns might change if the vertical scroll bar is visible. This property counts partially visible columns. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338002 | Number of Rows | Number of visible rows in the table. If the table uses column headers, this number includes one row for the column headers. The number of rows might change if the horizontal scroll bar is visible. This property counts partially visible rows. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338003 | Visible Items:Index Visible | Displays the row-column index of the top left visible cell in a table. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338004 | Visible Items:Vertical Scrollbar Visible | If TRUE, displays the vertical scroll bar. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338005 | Visible Items:Horizontal Scrollbar Visible | If TRUE, displays the horizontal scroll bar. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338006 | Visible Items:Row Headers Visible | Shows the row headers. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338007 | Visible Items:Column Headers Visible | If TRUE, displays the column headers. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338008 | Selection Color | Color used to draw the data selection. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338009 | Old Edit Position | Read/Write | Yes | |
633800A | Index Values | Row and column index of the cell displayed in the top left corner. If you display the row and column headers, the non-header cell is the top left corner. | Read/Write | Yes |
633800B | Selection Start | Row and column index that specifies the beginning of data selection. Coordinates begin at (0,0), which is top left, and do not include headers. | Read/Write | Yes |
633800C | Selection Size | Index of the row and column pair that specifies the number of rows and columns in the selection. | Read/Write | Yes |
633800D | Row Header Strings[] | An array of the strings in the row headers. | Read/Write | Yes |
633800E | Column Header Strings[] | An array of the strings in the column headers. | Read/Write | Yes |
633800F | Active Cell:Active Cell | Sets the row and column of the active cell(s). | Read/Write | Yes |
6338010 | Active Cell:Cell FG Color | Read/Write | Yes | |
6338011 | Active Cell:Cell Background Color | The background color of active cell(s). | Read/Write | Yes |
6338012 | Active Cell:Cell Size | The size of the active cell(s) in pixels. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338013 | Active Cell:Cell Size:Width | The width of the table control in pixels. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338014 | Active Cell:Cell Size:Height | The height of the table control in pixels. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338015 | Default Value | Gets or sets the default value of the table control. | Read/Write | Yes (Read Only) |
6338016 | Autosizing Row Height | Determines whether the rows autosize their height to display all text when fonts change or when the number of lines in a cell changes. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338017 | Smooth Horizontal Scrolling | If TRUE, the horizontal scrolling of the table is by pixels, such that the first column may be horizontally clipped. If FALSE, the table scrolls by whole column widths such that the first column is never clipped. However, if a column is wider than the width of the table, you cannot see the text that is hidden off the right edge of that column. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338018 | Multiple Line Input | If TRUE, you can enter multiple lines of text in the table cells by pressing the <Enter> key on the keyboard. If FALSE, pressing the <Enter> key on the keyboard while editing cells causes LabVIEW to commit the edits in the current cell and the text focus moves to the next cell. This property does not affect run-time behavior of the table. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338019 | Value (Signaling) | Sets the value of the control and generates a Value Change event. | Write Only | Yes |
633801A | Size | The width and height in pixels of the table control. | Read/Write | Yes |
633801B | Size:Width | The width of the table control in pixels. | Read/Write | Yes |
633801C | Size:Height | The height of the table control in pixels. | Read/Write | Yes |
633801D | Content Rect Position | The coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the top-left position of the content rectangle of the table control. | Read Only | Yes |
633801E | Content Rect Position:Left | The coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the left edge of the content rectangle of the table control. | Read Only | Yes |
633801F | Content Rect Position:Top | The coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the top edge of the content rectangle of the table control. | Read Only | Yes |
6338020 | Content Rect Bounds | The size in pixels of the content rectangle of the table control. | Read Only | Yes |
6338021 | Content Rect Bounds:Width | The width in pixels of the content rectangle of the table control. | Read Only | Yes |
6338022 | Content Rect Bounds:Height | The height in pixels of the content rectangle of the table control. | Read Only | Yes |
6338023 | Active Cell:Position | The coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the top-left position of the active cell(s). | Read Only | Yes |
6338024 | Active Cell:Position:Left | The coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the left edge of the active cell. | Read Only | Yes |
6338025 | Active Cell:Position:Top | The coordinate in pixels, relative to the origin of the owning pane, of the top edge of the active cell. | Read Only | Yes |
6338026 | Active Cell:Cell Font | The font of the active cell in the table control. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338027 | Active Cell:Cell Font:Name | The name of the font in the active cell. Predefined font names include App Font , Sys Font , and Dlg Font . | Read/Write | Yes |
6338028 | Active Cell:Cell Font:Size | The size of the font in the active cell. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338029 | Active Cell:Cell Font:Bold | Indicates whether the text in the active cell is bold. | Read/Write | Yes |
633802A | Active Cell:Cell Font:Italic | Indicates whether the text in the active cell is italic. | Read/Write | Yes |
633802B | Active Cell:Cell Font:Underline | Indicates whether the text in the active cell is underlined. | Read/Write | Yes |
633802C | Active Cell:Cell Font:Strikeout | Indicates whether to strike out the text in the active cell. | Read/Write | Yes |
633802D | Active Cell:Cell Font:Color | The text font color in the active cell. | Read/Write | Yes |
633802E | Active Cell:Cell Justification | Gets and sets the justification of text within a table cell. | Read/Write | Yes |
633802F | Visible Items:Horizontal Lines Visible | If TRUE, displays horizontal lines that separate rows in the table. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338030 | Visible Items:Vertical Lines Visible | If TRUE, displays vertical lines that separate columns in the table. | Read/Write | Yes |
6338031 | Edit Position | The row-column pair index of the current text entry. Values of (0,0) indicate the top-left text entry. A value of –1 indicates the row or column header. Values of (–2, –2) indicate that no edits are being made to the text of the control. | Read/Write | Yes |
Show/Hide Table Properties Table
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RTE | Available in the Run-Time Engine |
Basic Development Environment | |
VI Scripting | |
Private | |
Deprecated |
Method ID | Long Name (English) | Description | RTE |
6337C00 | Set Cell Value (Deprecated) | Yes | |
6337C01 | Point to Row Column | Converts a pixel coordinate to a row-column pair in the coordinates of the control. This method also returns whether the point is inside the bounds of the content rectangle. | Yes (Read/Write) |
6337C02 | Export Image | Exports an image of a table to the clipboard or disk. | Yes (Read/Write) |
6337C03 | Export Image Color | Yes | |
6337C04 | Export Data to Clipboard | Exports the table data to the clipboard in a tab-delimited format, which is accepted by most spreadsheet applications. | Yes (Read/Write) |
6337C05 | Export Data to Excel | Exports the table data to Excel. | Yes (Read/Write) |
6337C06 | Set Cell Value | Sets the value of a cell specified by the row and column index. If you specify –2 for the row and column index, LabVIEW returns error 1. | Yes (Read/Write) |
This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: Control Class.
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History information is needed. What changes have occurred over previous versions? |
Version | Change(s) |
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More info to come. |