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IntensityGraph class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name IntensityGraph class
Class ID 26
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
Class Children

This class has no children.

    The IntensityGraph class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


    Show/Hide IntensityGraph Properties Table

    R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
    RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    IntensityGraph Properties Table
    Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
    6344C01Smooth UpdateDraws graph with less flicker, but slightly slower. (Mac OS X) LabVIEW ignores this property.Read/WriteYes
    6344C02Z ScaleReference to the Z-Scale.Read OnlyYes
    6344C03Ignore ArrayIndicate use of Color Table instead of Z Scale color settings.Read/WriteYes
    6344C04Color TableArray of 256 colors defining the color map.Read/WriteYes
    6344C05Active CursorUse this property to get and set the active cursor and set properties and methods on that cursor.Read/WriteYes
    6344C06CursorReference to active cursor.Read OnlyYes
    6344C07Old Cursor ListRead/WriteYes
    6344C08Selected CursorsDisplays the currently selected cursor.Read/WriteYes
    6344C09Z Scale InfoRead/WriteYes
    6344C0ACursor Legend VisibleDisplays the cursor legend.Read/WriteYes
    6344C0BPlot Images:FrontSets the plot area foreground image, which is in front of the plot data.Read/WriteYes
    6344C0COld Annotation ListRead/WriteYes
    6344C0DOld Cursor ListRead/WriteYes
    6344C0EAnnotation ListArray of information about all annotations. Each array element is a cluster of annotation elements.Read/WriteYes
    6344C0FCursor ListArray of information about all cursors. Each array element is a cluster of Cursor properties.Read/WriteYes
    6344C10Cursors Scroll GraphGets or sets whether dragging the cursor outside the bounds of the graph continues to scroll the graph. Set this property to TRUE to allow scrolling outside the bounds of the graph.Read/WriteYes


    Show/Hide IntensityGraph Properties Table

    RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    IntensityGraph Methods Table
    Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
    6344800Export Data to ClipboardExports the graph data to the clipboard in a tab-delimited format, which is accepted by most spreadsheet applications.Yes (Read/Write)
    6344801Export Data to ExcelExports the graph data to Excel.Yes (Read/Write)


    Show/Hide IntensityGraph Events Table

    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    IntensityGraph Events Table
    Code Name Description Type
    1073741864Cursor GrabGenerated when the user first clicks the graph cursor to move it. This event is useful if you want to register when a user interacts with a graph cursor.Notify
    2147483687Cursor Grab?Generated when the user first clicks the cursor to move it. This event is useful if you want to register when a user interacts with a graph cursor, or if you want to disable user interaction with the graph cursors.Filter
    1073741865Cursor MoveGenerated when the user moves a cursor either by clicking and dragging the cursor or using the Cursor Movement Tool.Notify
    1073741866Cursor ReleaseGenerated when the user releases the cursor after dragging it. This event is useful if you want to register when a user has finished interacting with a graph cursor.Notify


    Version Change(s)
    LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

    See Also