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Text class

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Class Name Text class
Class ID 5
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
Class Children

The Text class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide Text Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Text Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
632D800TextText as displayed in the front panel object. For example, if you set a string control to use Password Display, this property returns the password string, such as ****, not the Normal Display of the string.Read/WriteYes
632D801FontCluster of font name, size, bold, italic, underline, strikeout.Read/WriteYes
632D802SelectionText selection specified in terms of character positions for the beginning of selection (inclusive) and end of selection (not inclusive). If you set the start and end to be the same, LabVIEW inserts a caret into the text.Read/WriteYes
632D803Selection:StartCharacter position for the beginning of selection (inclusive).Read/WriteYes
632D804Selection:EndAllows you to select the end point of text in a text string.Read/WriteYes
632D805Scroll PositionPosition of the scroll box in the scroll bar.Read/WriteYes
632D806Size to Text?Sets whether the size of the text object changes according to the text included. You can write this property only for free labels, control labels, and captions.Read/WriteYes
632D807Font:NameFont name. Predefined font names include App Font, Sys Font, and Dlg Font. If you provide an empty string, this property returns an error.Read/WriteYes
632D808Font:SizeFont size.Read/WriteYes
632D809Font:BoldIndicates whether the text is bold.Read/WriteYes
632D80AFont:ItalicIndicates whether the text is italic.Read/WriteYes
632D80BFont:UnderlineIndicates whether the text is underlined.Read/WriteYes
632D80CFont:StrikeoutIndicates whether the text is in the strikeout font.Read/WriteYes
632D80DFont:ColorSets the color of the currently selected text. You can use the Selection property to select a subset of a string.Read/WriteYes
632D80EText ColorsChanges the foreground and background color of a text string.Read/WriteYes
632D80FText Colors:Text ColorText color for all fonts in the text.Read/WriteYes
632D810Text Colors:BG ColorBackground color of text object.Read/WriteYes
632D811Interpret As UnicodeRead/WriteYes
632D812Document BoundsReturns the size required to display the entire text.Read OnlyYes
632D813Document Bounds:WidthReturns the width required to display the entire text.Read OnlyYes
632D814Document Bounds:HeightReturns the height required to display the entire text.Read OnlyYes
632D815JustificationGets and sets the justification of text.Read/WriteYes
632D816Vertical ArrangementGets and sets the vertical arrangement for the text. You can set the vertical arrangement for labels, captions, and free labels.Read/WriteYes
632D817LockLocks the label or caption to the owning control, indicator, or terminal. You cannot set this property on text fields that are not labels or captions, such as Boolean text, numeric text, free labels, and so on.Read/WriteYes
632D818FontTypeWrite OnlyYes
632D819Attached ObjectGets or sets the reference to a block diagram object to which a text label is attached. This property only works with free labels on the block diagram.Read/WriteYes
632D81AEnable HyperlinksRead/WriteYes
632D81BText OverflowRead/WriteYes


Show/Hide Text Properties Table

RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Text Methods Table
Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
632D400Move to Default LocationMove a label to its default location relative to its owner.Yes (Read/Write)


This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: Decoration Class.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also