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OverridableParameterTerminal class

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VI Server Class Information
Return to VI Server Class Hierarchy
Class Name OverridableParameterTerminal class
Class ID 16515
Scope VI Scripting
Class Inheritance
Class Children

This class has no children.

The OverridableParameterTerminal class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide OverridableParameterTerminal Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
OverridableParameterTerminal Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
794E2C00 Numeric Override Policy Reads or writes the numeric override policy of the terminal. Read/Write No
794E2C01 Numeric Override Representation Reads or writes the numeric override representation of the terminal. Read/Write No
794E2C02 Fixed-Point:Maximum Word Length Reads or writes the maximum word length of the fixed-point value. Read/Write No
794E2C03 Fixed-Point:Overflow Policy Reads or writes the overflow policy of the fixed-point value. Read/Write No
794E2C04 Fixed-Point:Quantization Policy Reads or writes the quantization policy of the fixed-point value. Read/Write No
794E2C05 Fixed-Point:Representation:Bits Reads or writes the encoding of the fixed-point value. Using this property with a non-fixed-point numeric will result in an error. Read/Write No
794E2C06 Fixed-Point:Representation:Bits:Signed Reads or writes whether the fixed-point value is a signed value. FALSE means unsigned. Using this property with a non-fixed-point numeric will result in an error. Read/Write No
794E2C07 Fixed-Point:Representation:Bits:Word Length Reads or writes the word length of the fixed-point value. Using this property with a non-fixed-point numeric will result in an error. Read/Write No
794E2C08 Fixed-Point:Representation:Bits:Integer Word Length Reads or writes the integer word length of the fixed-point value. Using this property with a non-fixed-point numeric will result in an error. Read/Write No
794E2C09 Fixed-Point:Representation:Desired Reads or writes the desired range of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read/Write No
794E2C0A Fixed-Point:Representation:Desired:Range Min Reads or writes the desired minimum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read/Write No
794E2C0B Fixed-Point:Representation:Desired:Range Max Reads or writes the desired maximum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read/Write No
794E2C0C Fixed-Point:Representation:Desired:Delta Reads or writes the desired delta of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read/Write No
794E2C0D Fixed-Point:Representation:Actual Reads the actual range of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read Only No
794E2C0E Fixed-Point:Representation:Actual:Range Min Reads the actual minimum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read Only No
794E2C0F Fixed-Point:Representation:Actual:Range Max Reads the actual maximum of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read Only No
794E2C10 Fixed-Point:Representation:Actual:Delta Reads the actual delta of the fixed-point value based on its encoding. Read Only No
794E2C11 Representation Hack to simplify Property Page. Reading returns representation from terms data type. Writing sets override type to rep and policy to always. Read/Write No
794E2C12 Fixed-Point:Representation:Include Overflow Status Policy Reads or writes whether LabVIEW includes an overflow status with the fixed-point number. Read/Write No
794E2C13 Uses Fixed-Point Overflow and Quantization Returns true if the computation of this parms value uses the fixed-point overflow and quantization policies. E.g. returns false for i8+i8=i16. Read Only No


This class has no methods or it inherits methods from its parent: ParameterTerminal Class.


This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: ParameterTerminal Class.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2020 In LabVIEW 2020 the following properties were changed from Private to VI Scripting:

See Also