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Structure class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name Structure class
Class ID 16404
Scope VI Scripting
Class Inheritance
Class Children

The Structure class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide Structure Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Structure Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
6360800AutoSize To Fit Contents?Sets or returns whether the structure automatically resizes to fit its contents.Read/WriteNo
6360801Tunnels[]Returns an array of references to the tunnels of the loop.Read OnlyNo
6360802Frame SizeGets or sets the height and width of the structure.Read/WriteYes
6360803Diagrams[]Returns all subdiagrams of the structure.Read OnlyYes
6360804Target Syntax CheckingRead/WriteNo
6360805Content RectReturns the size of the visible portion of the subdiagram of a structure.Read OnlyYes
6360806Frame RectangleRead/WriteNo
6360807Shared Clones:Automatic Allocation Strategy EnabledIndicates whether LabVIEW uses the Automatic allocation option for reentrant VIs within the structure.Read/WriteYes
6360808Shared Clones:Pre-AllocateIndicates whether LabVIEW uses the Preallocate allocation option for reentrant VIs within the structure.Read OnlyYes
6360809Fix ContentsExcludes the contents of the structure when you clean up the block diagram if you set this property to TRUE; otherwise, includes the contents of the structure in the clean up operation.Read/WriteNo
636080ASubdiagram Label VisibleSets the visibility of the subdiagram label. This property is similar to the Visible Items»Subdiagram Label item on the shortcut menu of a structure. This property is also similar to the Subdiagram label visible option on the Appearance page of the Properties dialog box.Read/WriteNo


Show/Hide Structure Properties Table

RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Structure Methods Table
Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
6360400Auto SizeAutomatically resizes the structure to fit its contents.No
6360401Remove StructureRemoves the structure from the block diagram. LabVIEW merges the contents of the visible frame of the structure with the block diagram. However, LabVIEW removes the contents of the hidden frames of the structure.No
6360402Shared Clones:Pre-AllocateDirects LabVIEW to use the Preallocate allocation option for reentrant VIs within the structure.Yes (Read/Write)
6360403Shared Clones:Allocate as NeededDirects LabVIEW to use the Allocate As Needed allocation option for reentrant VIs within the structure.Yes (Read/Write)


This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: Node Class.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also