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Library class

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Class Name Library class
Class ID 80
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
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The Library class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide Library Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Library Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
4D10E800Localized NameThe localized name of the item.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
4D10E801VersionThe version number of the LabVIEW project library.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
4D10E802DescriptionSpecifies the description of the LabVIEW project library for the Context Help window.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
4D10E804Help:Document TagIndex keyword or HTML filename for a topic in the compiled help file to which the LabVIEW project library is linked.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
4D10E805Help:Document PathPath or symbolic path to an HTML file (.htm or .html) or compiled help file (.chm or .hlp) to which the LabVIEW project library is linked.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
4D10E80CDataLogging:EnableEnables data logging capability if set to TRUE.Read/WriteNo
4D10E80DAlarmsEvents:EnableEnables alarms and events logging capability if set to TRUE.Read/WriteNo
4D10E80EAlarmsEvents:Use DataLogging DatabaseSets the alarms and events database to be the same as the database that logs data. If set to TRUE, LabVIEW ignores properties set on the AlarmsEvents database.Read/WriteNo
4D10E80FAlarmsEvents:Database NameSpecifies the name of the database where the Shared Variable Engine logs alarms and events.Read/WriteNo
4D10E810DataLogging:Database PathSpecifies the file path to the database where the Shared Variable Engine logs data.Read/WriteNo
4D10E811AlarmsEvents:Database PathSpecifies the file path to the database where the Shared Variable Engine logs alarms and events.Read/WriteNo
4D10E812AlarmsEvents:Database ComputerSpecifies the name of the computer where the alarms and events database resides.Read/WriteNo
4D10E813DataLogging:Database NameSpecifies the name of the database where the Shared Variable Engine logs data.Read/WriteNo
4D10E814DataLogging:Database ComputerSpecifies the name of the computer where the database resides.Read/WriteNo
4D10E815DataLogging:LifespanSets the lifespan (in days) of the logged data in the database. If value is 0, then data is always available, otherwise the database can destroy data after the number of specified days.Read/WriteNo
4D10E816Context:Has Edits In Another ContextRead OnlyNo
4D10E817Context: Has Edits In This ContextRead OnlyNo
4D10E818Context:Is Reserved In Other ContextRead OnlyNo
4D10E819Context:Is Reserved In This ContextRead OnlyNo
4D10E81AIgnore LocksWrite OnlyNo
4D10E81BModifications Bit SetRead OnlyNo
4D10E81CNameReturns the name of the library. If the library has not been saved to disk, you can write to this property to change the name.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
4D10E81DQualified NameReturns the qualified name of the library.Read OnlyYes (Read Only)
4D10E81EAmalgamation:Suppress SynchronizeRead/WriteYes
4D10E81FSignatureReturns an MD5 hash of the library. This value changes if the library changes.Read OnlyYes
4D10E820Process:Save State PeriodThe period (in minutes) the variable engine should save the process state.Read/WriteNo
4D10E821FriendsReturns a list of strings which contain the qualified names of the friends of this library.Read OnlyYes
4D10E822Owning ApplicationReturns a reference to the application instance that owns this library. Be sure and close this reference afterward.Read OnlyYes
4D10E823Is In Packed LibraryReturns TRUE if a packed project library contains the library.Read OnlyYes
4D10E824Packed Library:Source Project PathRead OnlyYes
4D10E825Packed Library:GUIDRead OnlyYes
4D10E826Contains Compiled CodeSets or returns whether LabVIEW stores the library in the compiled object cache.Read/WriteNo
4D10E827Source VersionRead OnlyNo


Show/Hide Library Properties Table

RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Library Methods Table
Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
4D10E400Source Scope:SetSets the access scope of an item that the LabVIEW project library owns, such as public or private access.No
4D10E401Source Scope:GetRetrieves the access scope for an item that the LabVIEW project library owns, such as public or private access.Yes (Read/Write)
4D10E402Lock State:SetSets the level of editing permission for a LabVIEW project library, including the password.No
4D10E403Lock State:GetReturns the lock state of the LabVIEW project library and indicates whether the password for the project library is in the password cache.Yes (Read/Write)
4D10E404Library Tag:GetRetrieves a tag set on the LabVIEW project library.Yes (Read/Write)
4D10E405Library Tag:SetSets a tag on the LabVIEW project library.No
4D10E406Library Tag:DeleteDeletes a tag from the LabVIEW project library.No
4D10E407Library Tag:Get NamesRetrieves a list of names for all tags set on the LabVIEW project library.Yes (Read/Write)
4D10E408Save:LibrarySaves the LabVIEW project library file. You also can right-click the project library in the Project Explorer window and select Save As from the shortcut menu to save the project library file.No
4D10E409Icon:GetRetrieves the icon associated with a LabVIEW project library.Yes (Read/Write)
4D10E40AIcon:SetSets the icon for a project library from image data you specify.No
4D10E40BDebug Apply From Other ContextNo
4D10E40DSynchronize In All ContextsNo
4D10E40ESave:CopySaves a copy of the LabVIEW project library file.No
4D10E40FLock State:Set Temp Lock StateNo
4D10E410Disconnect From LibraryDisconnects a LabVIEW project library that is a sublibrary of another project library from the owning project library.No
4D10E411Save:For PreviousSaves a copy of the project library and all items within the project library that is readable by LabVIEW 8.0 and later. This method is similar to the LabVIEW Version selection on the Save for Previous Version dialog box.No
4D10E412Library Data:AddYes
4D10E413Library Data:GetYes
4D10E414Save:Save to BufferYes
4D10E415Set DocModNo
4D10E416Apply Icon To Existing VI ItemsApplies the icon for a library to the icons of all objects in the library. You can use this method to update the icons for objects in a library after you edit the library icon. This method loads member objects of the library into memory if they are not already in memory. Callers might be prompted to provide VI passwords or to save the loaded VIs.No
4D10E417Save:Target LibraryNo
4D10E418Amalgamation:Set Edits Only On ThisYes
4D10E419Hilite In Project WindowShows this library in a project window. If the library is already in a project window, this will show the project window and set focus to the library item in the project. If the library is already in a library-only project window for which it is the root item, this will show the library-only project window. If the library is not in any project window, this will open a library-only project window containing the library.No
4D10E41BFriends:Add Friend LibraryAdds a friend to the list of friends of this library.No
4D10E41CFriends:Add Friend VIAdds a friend to the list of friends of this library.No
4D10E41DFriends:Remove Friended VI or LibraryRemoves a friend from the list of friends of this library.No
4D10E41FSet Path As PackedNo
4D10E420Disconnect Variables From TypedefsDisconnects variables in the library from type definitions.Yes (Read/Write)
4D10E421Source Scope:Set and PropagateSets the access scope of an item that the LabVIEW project library owns, such as public or private access. If the item is a dynamic dispatch VI, LabVIEW also changes the scope of other implementations.No
4D10E422Replace With A Packed LibraryNo
4D10E423License:Get License StatusYes
4D10E424Packed Library:Get Non Exported PathsNo
4D10E425NI Security:Set Access Control ListYes
4D10E427Save:Shifted CopyNo


This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: ProjectItem Class.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also