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ProjectItem class

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Class Name ProjectItem class
Class ID 74
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance

This class is a top-level class.

Class Children

The ProjectItem class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server). The ProjectItem class allows you to inspect and modify items that appear in the Project Explorer window, such as VIs, Virtual Folders, classes, libraries, etc.


Show/Hide ProjectItem Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
ProjectItem Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
35B53C00Type GUIDGets the type of the project item as a GUID string. Use the Type String property to return the type as a string.Read OnlyYes
35B53C01NameGets the name of the referenced project item as it is saved in the file.Read OnlyYes
35B53C02PathGets the path of the referenced project item.Read OnlyYes
35B53C03IconGets the icon of the project item in the Project Explorer window using the Icon cluster, which limits size and color depth.Read OnlyYes
35B53C04Visible In TreeIf TRUE, indicates that the Project Explorer window is visible and ancestors of the project item are expanded in the Project Explorer window up to the root of the project item.Read OnlyNo
35B53C05ProjectReturns a reference to the LabVIEW project to which the referenced project item belongs. You can use this reference with the Project properties.Read OnlyYes
35B53C06Item IDGets the item ID of the referenced project item as a string. You can use this item ID to uniquely identify the referenced item even if the path, name, or location in the Project Explorer window changes.Read OnlyYes
35B53C07VI ReferenceIf the project item refers to a VI, this property returns a reference to the VI. Otherwise, this property returns Not a Refnum. You can use this reference with the VI properties.Read OnlyYes
35B53C08Owned Items[]Returns an array of references to the contents of the referenced project item. You can use these references with the ProjectItem properties.Read OnlyYes
35B53C09OwnerReturns a reference to the project item that contains the referenced project item in the Project Explorer window. You can use this reference with the ProjectItem properties.Read OnlyYes
35B53C0BNIIMRead OnlyNo
35B53C0CVariable ReferenceReturns a reference to the variable the referenced project item references. If the referenced project item is not a variable item, this property returns Not a Refnum. You can use this reference with the Variable properties to configure shared variables programmatically.Read OnlyYes
35B53C0DDisplay NameGets as a string the name of the project item as the name appears in the Project Explorer window.Read OnlyYes
35B53C0EIs VisibleRead OnlyNo
35B53C0FPossible Child Types:AllRead OnlyNo
35B53C10Can Get VIReferenceRead OnlyNo
35B53C11Type StringGets the type of the project item as a string. Use the Type GUID property to return the type as a GUID.Read OnlyYes
35B53C12Library Item:TypeGets the type of the project item as it exists in the project library as a GUID string. If the item is not part of a library, this property returns an error. Use the Library Item Type:String property to return the type as a human-readable string.Read OnlyYes
35B53C13Library Item Type:StringReturns the type of the project item as it exists in the project library as a string. This property returns an error if the project item is not part of a library. Use the Library Item:Type property to return the type as a GUID.Read OnlyYes
35B53C14Is Provider BoundRead OnlyNo
35B53C16TargetReturns a reference to the target that contains the referenced project item. You can use this reference with the TargetItem properties.Read OnlyYes
35B53C17Possible Child Types:MenuRead OnlyNo
35B53C18Possible Child Types:DialogRead OnlyNo
35B53C19Suppress Change NotificationsRead/WriteNo
35B53C1ASpecial Dependency DescendentsRead OnlyNo
35B53C1BFound?Read OnlyYes
35B53C1CHyperLink AddressGets or sets the address of a hyperlink item.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
35B53C1DVI Reference No LoadIf the project item refers to a VI in memory, this property returns a reference to the VI. If the project item refers to a VI not in memory or to something that is not a VI, this property returns Not a Refnum. You can use this reference with the VI properties.Read OnlyYes
35B53C1EGet Auto-populating Folder PathReturns the path on disk this auto-populating folder is connected to.Read OnlyYes
35B53C1FSource IDRead/WriteYes
35B53C20Hidden LibraryRead/WriteYes
35B53C21EnabledApplicable in IIO only. Tasks and program VIs can be set to Enabled, in which case they will be deployed and run on the Controller.Read/WriteNo
35B53C24Find:Missing ItemsReturns all project items that have a path but do not exist on disk.Read OnlyNo
35B53C26Find:CallersReturns an array of references to all project items that reference the project item you select.Read OnlyNo
35B53C27Find:SubVIsReturns an array of references to all project items that are subVIs of the item you select.Read OnlyNo
35B53C28Find:Items with No CallersReturns an array of references to all top-level project items that call no other project items.Read OnlyNo
35B53C29Find:ConflictsReturns an array of references to all project items that are in conflict with the project item you select.Read OnlyNo
35B53C2AIn Conflict?Returns TRUE if this item conflicts with another item with a different path under the same target.Read OnlyYes
35B53C2BContains Conflicts?Returns TRUE if this item or items beneath this item in the project tree are in conflict.Read OnlyYes
35B53C2CLocked for EditsRead OnlyYes
35B53C2DCan Be ReplacedRead OnlyYes
35B53C2EFaceplate PathRead/WriteYes
35B53C2FTagSetRead OnlyYes
35B53C30Can Be Renamed?Read OnlyNo
35B53C31Can Be Removed?Read OnlyNo
35B53C32Files View ItemRead/WriteYes
35B53C33Find:ChildrenReturns an array of references to all project items that are children of the project item you select.Read OnlyNo
35B53C34Find:FriendsReturns an array of references to all project items that are friends of the project item you select.Read OnlyNo
35B53C35Find:Items that make this a dependencyReturns an array of references to all project items under the target that are not under dependencies but cause this item to be under dependencies.Read OnlyNo
35B53C36Missing?Read OnlyYes
35B53C37Can Contain VariableRead OnlyYes
35B53C38Find:Variable CallersReturns an array of references to all project VIs that reference the shared variable project item you specify.Read OnlyNo
35B53C39Is In Packed LibraryReturns TRUE if a packed project library contains the project item.Read OnlyYes
35B53C3APacked LibraryRead OnlyYes
35B53C3BFind:Items Incorrectly Claimed by a LibraryReturns an array of references to all items within a project that are claimed by a library but do not reciprocate the claim.Read OnlyNo
35B53C3CIs In Packed Library And Not ExportedRead OnlyYes
35B53C3DIs Packed LibraryRead OnlyYes
35B53C3EIs Variable Namespace?Read OnlyNo


Show/Hide ProjectItem Properties Table

RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
ProjectItem Methods Table
Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
35B53800Add FileAdds a file at the specified path to the LabVIEW project with the referenced project item as the parent. You also can use the Project Explorer window to add a file to a project.No
35B53801Add ItemAdds a new project item of the specified type to the LabVIEW project with the referenced item as the parent. You also can use the Project Explorer window to add an item to a project.No
35B53803DeleteRemoves the referenced project item from the LabVIEW project. If the item has children, the children also are deleted. You also can use the Project Explorer window to remove items from the project.No
35B53809Close RefeeNo
35B5380ADebug Bind:To ItemNo
35B5380BDebug Bind:To ChildrenNo
35B5380CTag:Get TagReturns a tag value associated with the project item.Yes (Read/Write)
35B5380DTag:Set TagSets a tag value associated with the LabVIEW project.No
35B5380ETag:DeleteRemoves the named tag from the LabVIEW project item.No
35B5380FTag:Get NamesReturns an array of tag names of all tags on the referenced project item.Yes (Read/Write)
35B53810Get All DescendentsRecursively returns project items that appear under the referenced item in the project tree. For example, if you call this method on project library A that contains an inner project library B, the method returns items owned both by library A and library B.Yes (Read/Write)
35B53811Make Item Visible in TreeNo
35B53812Select ItemNo
35B53813Simulate:Drag SelectionNo
35B53816Simulate:Drag To VINo
35B53817Simulate:Paste To VINo
35B53818Simulate:Drag From PathsNo
35B53819CollapseHides the contents of an expandable project item in the Project Explorer window. Expandable project items include folders, project libraries, LabVIEW classes, and XControls.No
35B5381BNew from TemplateNo
35B5381CSuppress Project DialogsNo
35B5381ESCC Get InfoNo
35B5381FQuery BehaviorNo
35B53821Delete Privately (tell no outsiders)No
35B53822Tag:Get XML TagReturns the value in an XML tag.Yes (Read/Write)
35B53823Tag:Set XML TagSets the value of an XML tag associated with the LabVIEW project.No
35B53824Add Item From MemoryAdds an item that exists in memory to the LabVIEW project with the referenced project item as the parent.No
35B53825Notify Item ChangedNo
35B53826ExpandDisplays the contents of an expandable project item in the Project Explorer window. Expandable project items include folders, project libraries, LabVIEW classes, and XControls.No
35B53827Arrange ByNo
35B53828Set UrlNo
35B53829Get All Descendents2Yes
35B5382BConvert to Auto-populating FolderConnect this project item to a folder on disk.No
35B5382CStop Auto-populatingDisconnect this folder from a folder on disk.No
35B5382DDelete On DiskYes
35B5382EList of Refer ProjectItemsYes
35B5382FReplace With Item in ProjectYes
35B53830Choose SubstituteYes
35B53834Get Variable URLsNo
35B53835Add Item From Memory PrivatelyNo
35B53836Get Library Access ScopeNo
35B53837Replace Item WithNo


This class has no events.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also