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SceneObject class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name SceneObject class
Class ID 105
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
Class Children

This class has no children.

The SceneObject class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide SceneObject Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
SceneObject Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
2D877800GeometryRead OnlyYes
2D877801TextureReads the texture that you apply to the 3D object.Read OnlyYes
2D877803Blending:ModeReads or writes if the color values you apply to a 3D object blend.Read/WriteYes
2D877804Blending:BinReads or writes the draw bin in which you drop and store objects. The bin of an object affects the order in which the object appears when you render the scene.Read/WriteYes
2D877806Blending:Function:DestinationReads or writes the blend factor you apply to the color values of the currently stored pixels.Read/WriteYes
2D87780ADraw Style:ModeReads or writes the method you use to draw the 3D object. You can choose from the following options:Read/WriteYes
2D87780BDraw Style:Frontface ModeReads or writes how you determine the front-facing polygons of the 3D object.Read/WriteYes
2D87780CDraw Style:Face Culling ModeReads or writes the culling method you apply to the object.Read/WriteYes
2D87780EDraw Style:Line WidthReads or writes the width of lines drawn for the 3D object. Set the value to -1 to inherit the line width of a parent object.Read/WriteYes
2D87780FDraw Style:Point SizeReads or writes the size of the points you use to draw the geometry. Set the value to -1 to inherit the point size of a parent object.Read/WriteYes
2D877810Fog:FunctionReads or writes the blending factor you use to apply fog to an object.Read/WriteYes
2D877811Fog:StartReads or writes the point at which the fog effects you apply to the object begin.Read/WriteYes
2D877812Fog:EndReads or writes the point at which fog effects end. Fog grows denser as you move away from the camera but cuts off completely at the specified fog end point.Read/WriteYes
2D877813Fog:DensityReads or writes the density of the fog you apply to the object. Valid values include any non-negative, floating-point number between 0 and 1.Read/WriteYes
2D877814Fog:ColorReads or writes the RGBA color value of the fog. The elements of this property accept values 0 to 1, where 0 represents the absence of the red, green, or blue color and 1 represents a full saturation of the current color.Read/WriteYes
2D877815Material:Color ModeReads or writes how the 3D object reacts to light. Materials only appear in lighted scenes.Read/WriteYes
2D877816Material:AmbientReads or writes the RGBA color value of the object that the ambient light affects. Materials only appear in lighted scenes.Read/WriteYes
2D877817Material:DiffuseReads or writes the RGBA color value of the lit object based on the angle between the orientation of the object and the direction of the light source. Materials only appear in lighted scenes.Read/WriteYes
2D877818Material:SpecularReads or writes the RGBA color value of the object that represents the reflection of specular light off of the object. Materials only appear in lighted scenes.Read/WriteYes
2D87781AMaterial:ShininessReads or writes the size of the highlight that appears on the object when light reflects specularly off the object. Shine can be a value from 0128. Materials only appear in lighted scenes.Read/WriteYes
2D87781BSpecials:Anti-aliasingRead or writes whether the object is anti-aliased to smooth lines and edges that appear jagged.Read/WriteYes
2D87781CSpecials:AutonormalizingRead or writes whether the vertex normals of the object automatically normalize to enhance rendering speed.Read/WriteYes
2D87781DSpecials:Shade ModelReads or writes whether a color-filled object appears shaded with one color or multiple colors.Read/WriteYes
2D877822Specials:Depth TestReads or writes whether the pixels of the 3D object pass the depth test. If the object passes the depth test, the incoming depth value replaces the value in the depth buffer when you render the scene.Read/WriteYes
2D877823Specials:LightingReads or writes whether a 3D object appears lit.Read/WriteYes
2D877824Specials:TexturingReads or writes whether a 3D object appears with a texture. This property must be set to On to apply textures to an object.Read/WriteYes
2D877825Blending:Function:SourceReads or writes the blend factor you apply to the color values of the incoming fragment.Read/WriteYes
2D877827Material:EmissionReads or writes the RGBA color value of the emissive light of the object. Emissive light emanates from the object itself instead of an external light source. Materials only appear in lighted scenes.Read/WriteYes
2D877828TransformationReads or writes the transformation you apply to the object.Read/WriteYes
2D877829View Port:ModeReads or writes how to specify the size of the view port you use to view the scene.Read/WriteYes
2D87782AView Port:View PortReads or writes the position and size of a viewing port through which you can view a 3D object in the 3D picture control. The x and y values specify the coordinates within the view port at which LabVIEW renders the object. The width and height specify the width and height of the view port. If you define a view port, objects do not appear beyond the specified bounds of the view port.Read/WriteYes
2D87782BDrawableReturns the drawable attribute applied to a 3D object. Drawable attributes include geometries and text. You must close this reference.Read OnlyYes
2D87782CLine Stipple:ModeSets the mode for line stipple.Read/WriteYes
2D87782DLine Stipple:FactorThe multiplier on the line stipple pattern. LabVIEW uses each bit factor number of times. Valid values range from 1 to 256, inclusive.Read/WriteYes
2D87782ELine Stipple:PatternBit pattern for line stippling. This property converts a 16-bit unsigned integer into binary. For example, if you input the number 5, the bit pattern is 101. The bit pattern determines if the fragment is drawn on the graph. The Line Stipple:Factor property determines the size of the fragment.Read/WriteYes
2D87782FBillboard:ModeSets the billboard mode for the 3D graph object. If the mode is No Billboarding, the object normal is set to default.Read OnlyYes
2D877830Billboard:NormalThe vector that describes the direction the object is facing before the object rotates. LabVIEW ignores this property if the value of Billboard:Mode is No Billboarding.Read OnlyYes
2D877831Billboard:AxisReturns the axis that rotates if Billboard:Mode is axial.Read OnlyYes
2D877832Billboard:PositionsReturns the positions of the objects to be billboarded.Read OnlyYes
2D877833PolygonOffset:ModeGets/sets the mode for polygon offset.Read/WriteYes
2D877834PolygonOffset:FactorGets or sets the polygon offset factor. Changes to this property cause the polygon mode to change to off if it was inherited previously.Read/WriteYes
2D877835PolygonOffset:UnitsGets or sets the polygon offset units. Changes to this property cause the polygon mode to change to off if it was inherited previously.Read/WriteYes


Show/Hide SceneObject Properties Table

RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
SceneObject Methods Table
Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
2D877400Object:Add ObjectReads or writes a 3D object you add to a 3D scene. If you wire the Object output, you must close the reference when you no longer need it.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877409Object:Object CountReturns the number of children directly under the scene object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877415Object:Remove ObjectRemoves a child object from the 3D object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877416Transformation:RotateRotates the object around the given Axis by the Angle. This method performs a relative rotation from the current position of the object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877417Transformation:TranslateTranslates the object by the specified vector. This method performs a relative translation from the initial position of the object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877418Transformation:ScaleScales the object by the specified scaling factor. This method performs a relative scale from the current position of the object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877419Transformation:Set RotationRotates the object around the given Axis by the Angle. This method performs an absolute rotation from the current position of the object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D87741ATransformation:Set TranslationTranslates the object by the specified vector. This method performs an absolute translation from the initial position of the object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D87741BTransformation:Set ScaleScales the object by the specified scaling factor. This method performs an absolute scale from the current position of the object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D87741CTransformation:ClearClears any transformations applied to the object and sets the transformation property to the identity matrix.Yes (Read/Write)
2D87741DLight:Get StateReturns the state of the light.Yes (Read/Write)
2D87741ELight:Set StateSets a state for the light.Yes (Read/Write)
2D87741FClip Plane:Get StateReturns the state of the clip plane applied to an object in a 3D scene.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877420Clip Plane:Set StateSets a state for the clip plane.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877421Object:Get ObjectReturns a reference to a child object identified by the index you specify.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877422Set GeometryYes
2D877423Texture:Set TextureReads or writes the texture you apply to an object in a 3D scene.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877424Texture:Remove TextureRemoves the texture image associated with the object. If texturing is enabled, the object inherits the texture of its parent after this method executes.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877425Light:Add LightReads or writes the light you add to a 3D scene. If you wire the Light output, you must close the reference when you no longer need it.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877426Clip Plane:Add Clip PlaneAdds a clip plane to the 3D scene. If you wire the Clip Plane output, you must close the reference when you no longer need it.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877427Transformation:Get RotationReturns the Axis and Angle that define the rotation of the object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877428Transformation:Get TranslationReturns the translation of the object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877429Transformation:Get ScaleReturns the scale factors of the object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D87742ALight:Get LightGets the child light owned by this object at the given index.Yes (Read/Write)
2D87742BClip Plane:Get Clip PlaneGets the child clip plane owned by this object at the given index.Yes (Read/Write)
2D87742CLight:Remove LightRemoves the given light owned by this object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D87742DClip Plane:Remove Clip PlaneRemoves the given clip plane if it is owned by this object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D87742ELight:Light CountReturns the number of lights directly owned by this object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D87742FClip Plane:Clip Plane CountReturns the number of clip planes directly owned by this object.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877430Object:Find ObjectTakes a 3D scene reference and an object name and returns the first object in the scene with a matching name.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877431Set DrawableSpecifies the drawable attribute to apply to a 3D object. Drawable attributes include geometries and text. You must specify a drawable attribute for the object to appear in the 3D scene.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877432Set Billboard ParamsSets or updates parameters for billboarding.Yes (Read/Write)
2D877434Bounding:Get BoxYes
2D877435Bounding:Get SphereYes


This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: SceneNode Class.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also