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Application class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name Application class
Class ID 1
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance

This class is a top-level class.

Class Children

This class has no children.

    The Application class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server). The Application class is the top-level instance of the application in its context. Multiple application instances can be open at a time.


    Show/Hide Application Properties Table

    R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
    RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    Application Properties Table
    Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
    0 Application:Name Filename of the application. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    1 Application:User Name User name used to open the application. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
    2 Application:Version Number Version number of the application. In a stand-alone application or shared library, this property returns the version of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    3 Application:Kind Indicates the LabVIEW instance the VI is running in, including invalid application types. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    4 Application:Target:Operating System Indicates the operating system for which the application was built. Mac OS refers to Mac OS versions 9 and 8. Carbon refers to Mac OS X (32-bit). Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    5 Application:Target:CPU Indicates the target CPU of an application. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    6 Operating System:Name Name of the operating system where the application is actually running. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    7 Operating System:Version Number Version number of the actual operating system. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    8 Application:Exported VIs In Memory Returns a list of exported VIs in memory. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    9 Printing:File Wrap Text Length Maximum number of characters on a single line in a file. Affects the Print:VI To HTML, Print:VI To RTF, and Print:VI To Text methods. Set this property to 0 to print all the characters on one line so the text does not wrap. Read/Write No
    A Printing:PNG Compression Level Number between 0 and 9 that specifies the level of compression you want for the PNG file for graphics in VIs printed either interactively or with the Print:VI To HTML method. The quality of the graphic is not affected by the compression, but the graphic file size and speed of compression are affected by this value. Valid values range from 0 to 9 and balance file compression with speed. 0 designates no compression. 1 designates less compression, but faster speed. 9 designates high compression, but slower speed. If you enter -1, LabVIEW selects the best combination of speed and compression. Read/Write No
    B Printing:JPEG Quality Percentage value from 0 to 100 specifying the level of quality you want for the JPEG graphic in VIs printed either interactively or with the Print:VI To HTML method. The scale balances image quality and file size. A value in the 75 to 95 range produces a compressed file with a high-quality image, and a value below 50 produces a smaller file size with a low-quality image. The default is 80. Read/Write No
    C Printing:Custom Connector? Specifies whether to print the connector pane and icon of VIs when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    D Printing:Custom Description? Specifies whether to print VI descriptions when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    E Printing:Custom Panel? Specifies whether to print the front panel when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    F Printing:Custom Panel Border? Specifies whether to print the front panel with a border when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    10 Printing:Custom Controls? Specifies whether to print front panel control information when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    11 Printing:Custom Control Descriptions? Specifies whether to print descriptions of front panel controls when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    12 Printing:Custom Control Types? Specifies whether to print data type information for front panel controls when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    13 Printing:Custom Diagram? Specifies whether to print block diagrams when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    14 Printing:Custom Diagram Hidden? Specifies whether to print the hidden frames in Case and Stacked Sequence structures that might be present on the block diagram when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    15 Printing:Custom Diagram Repeat? Specifies whether to print visible subdiagrams of each Case, Event, and Stacked Sequence structure in sequence with the non-visible subdiagrams when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. If you print the visible subdiagrams in sequence, those subdiagrams print twice. Read/Write No
    16 Printing:Custom List of SubVIs? Specifies whether to print a list of the subVIs and Express VIs including the icon, name, and path when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. If a polymorphic VI is a subVI, LabVIEW prints the instance used in the top-level VI including the icon, name, and path. If the top-level VI is polymorphic, LabVIEW prints a list of all the instances of the polymorphic VI including the icon, name, and path of each instance. Read/Write No
    17 Printing:Custom Hierarchy? Specifies whether to print the hierarchy of the VI in memory when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    18 Printing:Custom History? Specifies whether to print the VI revision history information when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    19 Application:Directory Path Absolute path to the directory where the application is located. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    1A Server:VI Access List List that describes which VIs on the VI server are accessible by remote clients. Read/Write Yes
    1B Server:TCP/IP Access List List that describes which TCP/IP addresses of remote clients may access the VI server. Read/Write Yes
    1C Application:All VIs In Memory Returns a list of VIs in memory for the specified Application instance. This property returns an error if you wire a remote application reference to the reference input. For a remote application, use the Exported VIs in Memory property to return a list of exported VIs. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    1D Application:Menu Launch:VI Returns the name of the VI that launched the calling VI from a menu selection. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    1E Application:All System VIs in Memory Returns all System VIs in the specified application instance. Read Only Yes
    1F Application:Menu Set This property returns the palette set name currently in use. Palette set is a concept from pre-LabVIEW 8 where users could have more than one set of palettes. Since LabVIEW 8, LabVIEW ships with only one palette set and doesn't allow users to create more palette sets. There is no concepts of palette set anymore. Read/Write No
    20 Server:TCP Listener Active Specifies whether the TCP interface to the VI Server is currently accepting connections. Read/Write Yes
    21 Display:Primary Workspace Gives the bounding rectangle of the computer's primary monitor. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    22 Display:All Monitors Returns information about all the monitors on the computer, including their bit depths and bounding rectangles. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    24 Server:VI Calls Allowed Not implemented. Read/Write No
    25 Server:VI Operations Allowed Not implemented. Read/Write No
    26 Server:Application Operations Allowed Not implemented. Read/Write No
    27 Server:Logging Enabled Specifies whether the TCP interface to the VI Server is logging operations to a file. Read/Write Yes
    28 Server:Logging File Path Path of the log file created during TCP/IP communication. Read/Write Yes
    29 Printing:Custom All Controls? Specifies whether to print all controls or only the controls wired to the connector pane when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    2A Application:Controls Palette Open This application property indicates if the Controls Palette is visible when read; and shows/hides the controls palette when written. Read/Write No
    2B Application:Functions Palette Open This application property indicates if the Functions Palette is visible when read; and shows/hides the Functions Palette when written. Read/Write No
    2C Application:Tools Palette Open This application property indicates if the Tools Palette is visible when read, and shows/hides the Tools Palette when written. Read/Write No
    2D Application:Default:File Dialog Path Read/Write Yes
    2E Web Server:Server Active Determines whether the built-in Web Server is enabled. This property immediately changes the status of the Web Server without requiring you to restart LabVIEW. Changes using this property are not saved across sessions of LabVIEW and are not reflected on the Web Server page of the Options dialog box. Read/Write Yes
    2F Web Server:Root Directory Path Specifies the root directory from which the built-in Web Server loads files for document requests. Read/Write Yes
    30 Web Server:HTTP Port The port to which the built-in Web Server listens for HTTP requests. Read/Write Yes
    31 Web Server:Read Timeout Determines how long the built-in Web Server waits for read operations to complete when the Web Server reads HTTP requests from HTTP clients. Read/Write Yes
    32 Web Server:Logging Enabled Determines whether the built-in Web Server logs to a file information about HTTP requests. Read/Write Yes
    33 Web Server:Logging File Path Determines where the built-in Web Server places the log file. Read/Write Yes
    34 Web Server:TCP/IP Access List Sets or gets the TCP/IP addresses that have access to the Web Server. This property also sets or gets whether each address has access to view a VI remotely, view and control a VI remotely, or does not have access to the Web Server. Read/Write Yes
    35 Web Server:VI Access List Sets or gets the VIs that are visible through the Web Server. This property also sets or gets whether LabVIEW allows access to each VI. Read/Write Yes
    36 Application:Parent Window For Dialogs Specifies a parent window (HWND) to which LabVIEW dialogs are modal to. Read/Write Yes
    37 Application:Version As Integer This property returns LabVIEW's version in internal format. Read Only Yes
    38 Application:Embedded Root Path This is the root path exported by an embedded system. Read Only Yes
    39 Application:Preferences File Path Read Only Yes
    3A Application:Host Preferences Section Read Only Yes
    3B Application:Registered Owner Read Only Yes
    3C Application:Registered Organization Read Only Yes
    3D Application:Serial Number Read Only Yes
    3E Application:Downloaded VIs Reports those VIs that have been downloaded to RT system. Read Only No
    3F Application:Show FP Tip Strips Writing the property: Setting this property to TRUE enables the display of tip strips on front panel controls. Setting the property to FALSE prevents them from being displayed. Reading the property: Specifies whether tip strips display when idling over controls on the front panel. Read/Write Yes
    41 Remote Panel:Connections To Clients Returns an array of clusters containing connection information about the clients currently connected to the computer. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    42 Remote Panel:Connections To Servers Returns an array of clusters containing connection information about the servers to which the computer is currently connected. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    43 Remote Panel:NetLoad Monitor Enabled Specifies whether or not to turn on or off the network traffic monitor. Read/Write Yes
    44 Application:Target:IP Address Returns the IP address of the execution target of a LabVIEW Real-time development system. Read Only Yes
    45 Application:Remote Web Server Active Read Only Yes
    46 Application:Active:VI Returns the name of the active VI in the application. Read Only Yes
    47 Application:Selection List Changed Read Only Yes
    48 Printing:Color/Grayscale? If TRUE, LabVIEW sends color/grayscale output to the printer. If FALSE, LabVIEW sends monochrome output to the printer. Read/Write Yes
    49 Printing:Default Printer Gets or sets the name of the default printer in LabVIEW. Read/Write Yes
    4A Printing:Method Gets or sets how LabVIEW prints. Read/Write Yes
    4B Printing:Available Printers Returns an alphabetized array of printer names available on the computer. Read Only Yes
    4D Application:Unattended Mode Read/Write Yes
    4E Application:Default:Error Handler VI Read/Write Yes
    4F Application:Command Line Arguments Returns an array of user-defined command-line arguments passed when LabVIEW launched. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    51 Application:Use App Template Browser Read/Write Yes
    52 Application:Assistants Use Strict Types Default Read/Write Yes
    53 Application:Auto-Route Wires Returns whether LabVIEW automatically finds a route for a wire. Read/Write No
    54 Application:Target:Info Read Only Yes
    55 Application:Target:Kind Read Only Yes
    56 Application:Defer Drawing Read/Write Yes
    57 Application:Default:Data Directory Path to the default data directory. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    58 Application:Search Paths Read/Write Yes
    59 Application:Real-Time Support Read Only Yes
    5A Application:User Interface Available If you are not targeted to a real-time (RT) platform, this property is always TRUE. If you are targeted to an RT-platform and the host is connected, this property is TRUE. When this property is FALSE, the host is not connected, requiring that the Real-Time Module application must be able to handle all operations independent of the host. Use this property to determine when it is safe to display a dialog box that requires user interaction. Read Only Yes
    5B Application:Delete FP Terminal from Diagram Returns whether LabVIEW deletes terminals corresponding to front panel objects from diagram operations. Read/Write No
    5C Printing:Custom Express VI Configuration? Specifies whether to print the configuration information for any Express VIs on the block diagram when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    5D Server:Port Gets or sets the LabVIEW VI server port. LabVIEW returns an error if you attempt to access this property on a remote application. Read/Write Yes
    5E Remote Panel:Is Supported Read Only Yes
    5F Application:Installed Package Read Only Yes
    60 Application:Inside Build App Read/Write Yes
    62 Application:Internet Toolkit Installed Read/Write Yes
    63 Application:Language Indicates the language of the LabVIEW environment or stand-alone application as a string according to ISO 639. Values include en, de, fr, ja, ko, and zh-cn. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    64 Application:Window For Panel Origin Read/Write Yes
    65 Module Handle Read Only Yes
    66 Application:Pump OS Messages Read/Write Yes
    67 Application:Full Feature Read Only Yes
    68 Application:All Contexts Read Only Yes
    69 Project:Projects[] Returns an array of references to each LabVIEW Project in memory. You can use these references with the Project Properties. Read Only Yes
    6A Application:DWarn Dialog Read/Write Yes
    6B Options:Use Abridged Menus Read/Write No
    6E Source Control:Configuration Data Read/Write Yes
    6F Source Control:Provider Name Read/Write Yes
    70 Source Control:Provider Location Read/Write Yes
    71 Source Control:Display Only Selected Files Read/Write Yes
    72 Source Control:Select Hierarchy When Adding Files Read/Write Yes
    73 Source Control:Select Callers When Checking Files Out Read/Write Yes
    74 Source Control:Display Warning If File Is Checked Out Read/Write Yes
    75 Source Control:Use Dialog Box For File Checkout Read/Write Yes
    76 Source Control:Prompt to Check Out Read/Write Yes
    77 Source Control:Prompt to Add to SCC When Adding to Project Read/Write Yes
    78 Source Control:Prompt to Add SubVIs Read/Write Yes
    7A Application:Context Name Read Only Yes
    7C NI Security:User Indicates the name of the user who is currently logged in, using the format of <Domain Name>\<User Name>. Read Only Yes
    7D Application:Is Editor In MDI Mode Read Only Yes
    7E Project:Owning Project Returns a reference to the project that owns the referenced application. Read Only No
    7F Application:Menu Launch:App Returns a reference to the application instance that launched the calling VI from a menu selection. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    80 Application:Active:Application Gets an application reference to the active VIs owning application. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    81 Project:Default Project Read Only No
    82 Project:Has Any Project Been Created Read Only Yes
    83 Application:LVTarget Read Only No
    84 Application:Private? Read Only Yes
    85 Project:Show Path in Project Window Read/Write Yes
    86 Project:Target Item Returns the associated target item of the application reference you specify. Read Only Yes
    87 Project:Get Last Max Load Time Read Only Yes
    88 Project:Libraries[] Read Only No
    89 Application:Save Format Read/Write Yes
    8B Application:Target:Class Name Read Only Yes
    8C Options:Editor Menu Bar Read Only No
    8D Application:Debug Name Returns the name used for opening a debugging connection to this application or shared library. This method is only useful in built applications or shared libraries. Read Only Yes
    8E Application:Cross Context Settings Read Only No
    8F Application:Default:Context Name Read Only Yes
    90 Application:Default:Application Returns the default application reference. Read Only Yes
    91 Application:All Libraries in All Application Instances Read Only Yes
    92 Project:Active Project Returns a reference to the LabVIEW Project that is active when this property executes. A project is active if the user has the associated project in Project Explorer in focus or any member of the project in focus, including VIs, Controls, and LabVIEW Project Libraries. Read Only No
    93 Printing:Custom Control Label/Caption? Specifies whether to print the label and/or caption for each control when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    94 Server:Service Name Gets or sets the service name for the LabVIEW VI Server. Read/Write Yes
    96 Application:Z Compress Level Read/Write Yes
    97 Application:On Line Read/Write Yes
    98 Debug Server:Server Active Determines whether the Debug Server is enabled. You can use this property only in LabVIEW-built applications or shared libraries. Read/Write Yes
    99 Debug Server:TCP/IP Access List List that describes which TCP/IP addresses of remote clients can access the Debug Server. You can use this property only in LabVIEW-built applications or shared libraries. Read/Write Yes
    9B Source Control:Include VILib In Get Dependents Read/Write Yes
    9C Source Control:Include InstrLib In Get Dependents Read/Write Yes
    9D Save for Previous:Original App Read Only Yes
    9E Application:VI Of Top Most Block Diagram Returns a reference to the block diagram highest in the Z order, which is most likely the last block diagram accessed. Read Only Yes
    9F Run Reserve XInterface Components Read/Write Yes
    A0 NI Security:Nobody Logged In? Determines if anyone is logged in. Read Only Yes
    A1 NI Security:Unique User Read Only Yes
    A2 Delay File Notifications Read/Write Yes
    A3 MathScript:Path Read Only Yes
    A4 Application:Multi Pwd Op Cancelled? Read Only No
    A5 MathScript:All M Files In Context Read Only No
    A6 Application:Is Migration Enabled Read/Write No
    A7 Crosslink:Force Enable Dialogs Read/Write Yes
    A8 Crosslink:Suppress Dialogs Read/Write Yes
    A9 Suppress Auto Update Dependencies Read/Write Yes
    AA Application:Let Private Context Run With XNode Read/Write Yes
    AD Application:Clipboard VI Read/Write Yes
    AE Tool Number Read/Write Yes
    AF Application:Compiler:DFIR Compiler Read/Write Yes
    B0 Supress Update Name Preflight Read/Write Yes
    B1 Palettes:Functions Names Returns the names of all the items in the Functions palettes for a given application reference. Read Only No
    B2 Palettes:Controls Names Returns the names of all the items in the Controls palettes for a given application reference. Read Only No
    B3 Statechart:Show Custom Icon Read Only Yes
    B4 Statechart:Show Configuration Read Only Yes
    B5 Web Server:Config File Path The path of the LabVIEW Web Server configuration file. Read Only Yes
    B6 Web Server:Default Config File Path The path of the Web Server configuration file that contains the LabVIEW default configuration. Read Only Yes
    B7 Statechart:CodeGenCaseStruct Read/Write Yes
    B8 Statechart:Show Path for IsIn Read Only Yes
    B9 Application:Saveable Versions An array of the LabVIEW versions to which this version of LabVIEW can save. The array is in reverse chronological order, with the zeroth element being the current version of LabVIEW. Each element of the array is a valid version to pass to VI server functions which save to previous versions. Read Only No
    BA Application:DSC Support Read Only Yes
    BB Load and Save Warnings:Auto Test Mode Read/Write No
    BC Load and Save Warnings:History Read Only No
    BD Statechart:InlineTopLevelGraph Read/Write Yes
    BE Application:Property and Method Data Types Read Only No
    BF Operating System:Build Number Build number of the actual operating system. This string returns an alphanumeric value of the build number that you can use to compare the build version of operating systems. This property is read only. Read Only Yes
    C1 Application:Compiler:Sanity Read/Write Yes
    C2 Application:Compiler:DOT Read/Write Yes
    C6 Operating System:Detailed Name Detailed name of the operating system where the application is actually running. This string value returns the operating system and its version. This property is similar to a combination of Operating System:Name property and Operating System:Version Number property, which return the platform name and a numeric version number respectively. This property is read only. Read Only Yes
    CA Application:Compiler:LLVM Compiler Read/Write Yes
    CD Application:All Libraries in Application Instance Lists all Libraries currently in memory in this application instance. Read Only Yes
    CE Application:Target:Number of Logical Processors Returns the number of processing units the computer or target contains. Read Only Yes
    D0 Application:Target:Number of Cores per Package Returns the number of cores per package the computer or target contains. Read Only Yes
    D1 Application:Target:Number of Logical Processors per Core Returns the number of logical processors per core the computer or target contains. Read Only Yes
    D2 Application:Target:Current Processor ID Read Only Yes
    D3 Application:Target:Data Cache Entry Sizes Returns an array of the entry sizes, in bytes, for all cache levels the computer or target contains. Read Only Yes
    D4 Application:Target:Data Cache Sizes Returns an array of the cache sizes, in bytes, for each cache level the computer or target contains. Read Only Yes
    D5 Application:Target:Number of Packages Returns the number of packages, or chips, the computer or target contains. Read Only Yes
    D7 Application:Version Year Version year of the application. In a stand-alone application or shared library, this property returns the version year of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    D9 Application:Compiler:BriefDOT Read/Write Yes
    DA Application:Is Build App Instance Read/Write No
    DB Application:TestStandOptions Read/Write Yes
    DC Application:Legacy Build App File Layout Read Only Yes
    DD Application:Available Environment Modes Read Only No
    DE Application:Save Version Returns the version number of the LabVIEW file format to which LabVIEW documents are saved. This version number might be different from the version number of the application. For example, LabVIEW with the version number 9.0.1 saves LabVIEW documents with a file format version number of 9.0. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
    DF Application:Save Version As Integer Read Only Yes
    E0 Get NXT Context Read Only No
    E1 Application:Hide Load Warning Read/Write Yes
    E2 Application:Disable Path Case Read/Write Yes
    E3 Application:Lock Instantiations for AppBuilder Read/Write No
    E4 Application:Clipboard Mode Read/Write Yes
    E6 Application:Compiler:SSE Runtime Optimization Read/Write Yes
    E7 Printing:Custom Cluster Constants? Specifies whether to print the hidden contents of iconified cluster constants that might be present on the block diagram when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Read/Write No
    E8 MathScript:Compiler Signature Read Only No
    E9 VIObjCache:Path Read Only Yes
    EA Application:Compiler:SSE1 Code Generation Read/Write Yes
    EB Application:Compiler:SSE2 Code Generation Read/Write Yes
    EC Application:UD Refnum Files Read Only No
    ED Application:Rename Variables for AppBuilder Read/Write No
    EE Statechart:Is Installed Read Only Yes
    EF Application:Current Environment Mode Returns the current environment mode of LabVIEW, such as robotics. If you call this property from a VI in the LabVIEW development system environment, this property returns an empty string. Read/Write Yes
    F0 MathScript:HighlightingColors Read Only No
    F1 MathScript:ColorsInSync Read/Write No
    F2 MathScript:CompilerInMemory Read Only No
    F3 VIObjCache:Available in RTE Read/Write Yes
    F4 Application:Mass Compile Warn On Read Only VIs Read/Write No
    F5 Application:InstCachePath Read Only Yes
    F6 Application:Is Compile Suppressed Read/Write No
    F7 VIObjCache:DistPath Read Only No
    F8 VIObjCache:UserPath Read Only No
    F9 Application:Library Finish Partial Load Enabled Read/Write Yes
    FA AppBuilderCache:Path Read Only No
    FB Separate Compiled Code For New Files Read Only No
    FC Application:Compiler Threshold Gets or sets how complex a VI must be before the compiler limits optimizations to improve editor responsiveness. If the complexity of a VI is lower than the threshold indicated by this value, the compiler does not limit optimizations, thereby improving the execution speed of the VI. If the complexity of a VI is higher than the threshold, the compiler limits optimizations in order to improve editor responsiveness for the VI. Read/Write No
    FD Application:Locked Down For Build Read/Write Yes
    FE Application:Cross Compile Count Read Only No
    FF Application:GdiCount Read Only No
    100 Application:Compiler:FP Register Candidate Read/Write Yes
    101 Application:Compiler:AutoInlining Read/Write Yes
    102 Application:ShowAutoErrDialog Read/Write Yes
    103 Application:Selective Deallocation Read/Write Yes
    104 Application:Selective Deallocation:EnableForAllVIs Read/Write Yes
    105 Application:Selective Deallocation:LargeBufferThreshold Read/Write Yes
    106 Application:Enable Inheritance LinkRef Addition Read/Write Yes
    107 Application:Enable Inheritance LinkRefs Read/Write Yes
    108 Application:Full Version Year Read Only Yes
    109 Application:Version Year Number Only Read Only Yes
    110 Application:ImageTableMaxCount Read Only Yes
    111 Application:Enable Binary Compatibility Load Read/Write Yes
    112 Application:EnableExcursionFreeExecSystems Read/Write Yes
    113 Application:IgnoreUnresolvedDLLRef Read Only Yes
    114 Application:ImageTableCount Read Only Yes
    115 Application:PPL LoadInCompatible LVVersion Default Value Read/Write Yes
    116 Application:Treat LV 2016 As Binary Compatible Read/Write Yes
    117 Application:SaveChangesAutoSelection Read/Write No
    118 Application:NativeEventTracingEnabled Read/Write Yes
    119 Application:NeverShrinkBuffers Read/Write Yes


    Show/Hide Application Methods Table

    RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    Application Methods Table
    Property ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
    7D0 Print:Function To Printer No
    7D5 Mass Compile Loads and compiles VIs in a directory, including VIs in subdirectories, for the specified application instance. No
    7D6 User Interaction:Compare VIs No
    7D7 Check In Out No
    7D8 Check Out Status No
    7D9 Check Out Mod Dates No
    7DA History Since No
    7DB Linker:Old Read Info From File No
    7DE Bring To Front On Windows and macOS, brings the application windows to the front. Yes
    7DF Linker:Old Write Info From File No
    7E0 Build:Application No
    7E1 Build:Distribution No
    7E2 Convert Type and Data (Deprecated) Yes
    7E3 LVRT:Disconnect From Slave Disconnects the open connection between LabVIEW and an RT target. No
    7E4 LVRT:Check DLLs No
    7E6 Call Internal Command Yes
    7E7 Query Internal Operation Tracking Data Yes
    7E8 Class Operator:Get Gets the operator VI associated with the specified class. Returns FALSE if it does not find the operator VI. Yes
    7E9 Class Operator:Set Sets an operator VI for the specified class. Returns FALSE if it fails. Yes
    7EA Class Operator:Remove Removes the operator VI associated with the specified class. Returns FALSE if it does not find the operator VI. Yes
    7EB Class Operator:Remove All Removes all operator VIs associated with all classes. Yes
    7EC Compare Types Yes
    7ED Clipboard:Get Image Returns the image currently stored on the clipboard. Yes
    7EE Remote Panel:Server Network Load Yes
    7EF Clipboard:Empty Clears the clipboard. No
    7F1 Remote Panel:Open Connection To Server Opens a connection to a server and displays the front panel of a VI on the server computer. You also can request control of the front panel. Yes
    7F2 Remote Panel:Client Network Load Yes
    7F3 Compile VIs Needing Compilation No
    7F4 User Interaction:Show Inplaceness Terminals No
    7F5 Data Color Yes
    7F6 Open:VI From Buffer Yes
    7F7 Connection Responsiveness:Check Checks if the VI Server connection is responsive. Yes
    7F8 Connection Responsiveness:Information Gets and sets how often LabVIEW checks if a VI Server connection is responsive. Yes
    7F9 Get VI:Version Returns the LabVIEW file format version of the VI. The file format version of the VI might be different from the version of LabVIEW in which the VI was last saved. For example, if you use LabVIEW 9.0.1 to save a VI, the VI has a file format version of 9.0. Yes
    7FA User Interaction:Place Palette Object on Cursor Places a palette object on the cursor so the object is ready to add to the front panel window or the block diagram window. No
    7FB Browse DataSocket Launches the DataSocket Browser dialog box to establish a connection to a DataSocket item. Yes
    7FC Resolve Symbolic Path Yes
    7FD User Interaction:Hilight Palette Menu Item Opens the Controls or Functions palette and highlights the specified control or function. No
    7FE Are Obj Refs Same? (Deprecated) Yes
    7FF New LabVIEW Document Creates a new LabVIEW document. This method achieves the same results as when you create a new document in the New dialog box. No
    800 Password:Clear Cache Yes
    801 Password:Add To Cache Yes
    802 Remote Panel:Close Connection To Server Closes a connection to a VI on the server computer. Yes
    803 Remote Panel:Client Request Control Requests control of the front panel of a VI on the server computer. Yes
    804 Remote Panel:Client Release Control Returns control of the remote front panel to the server. The server grants control to the next client in the queue or regains control if no requests are in the queue. Yes
    805 Get VI:Title Returns the name that appears in the title bar of the specified VI. This method does not load the VI into memory. Yes
    806 Get VI:Description Returns the description stored in the VI description field on the Documentation page of the VI Properties dialog box for the specified VI. Unlike the VI Description property, this method does not load the VI into memory. Yes
    807 Add Probe To Cache Yes
    808 Check File Is VI Yes
    809 Create COM WDT Data Yes
    80A Image Data To Byte Array Yes
    80B .NET:Get Assembly Full Name No
    80C .NET:Convert To .NET Type Yes
    80D .NET:Convert Object To LabVIEW Variant Yes
    80E Palettes:Get Menu Information No
    810 C TypeDefs:Reset Yes
    811 C TypeDefs:Get Yes
    812 Context:Open Sibling Yes
    813 Project:Open Loads a LabVIEW Project from disk. If the project is already in memory, this method returns a reference to the existing project. You can use this reference with the Project Properties. Yes
    814 Project:New Creates a new, empty LabVIEW Project. You also can use the Project Explorer window to create a new project. No
    815 Context:Create Local Host App Instance Yes
    816 Linker:Notify of File Change No
    817 Project:Get New Items Yes
    818 Project:Do New Item No
    819 User Interaction:Edit Icon Deprecated No
    81A User Interaction:Invoke Menu Item Simulates the user selecting a menu item. In general, this method works on global menu items but not document-specific menu items, in which case the method fails silently. Yes
    81B Open:LabVIEW Document Opens a LabVIEW document. No
    81C Recently Opened:LV Files Gets the list of most recently used files from LabVIEW and displays the paths and filenames. This method returns the same list as if you selected File»Recent Files. No
    81D User Interaction:Search LabVIEW Help No
    81E Context:Get Preferred Yes
    81F License:Check Out Yes
    820 License:Check In Yes
    823 Configuration:Get Settings Yes
    825 Library:Open Opens the LabVIEW Project Library specified by Path. Yes
    826 Library:Create Creates a new LabVIEW Project Library. No
    827 NI Security:Login Logs a user into the NI domain. Yes
    828 NI Security:Logout Logs the current user out of the NI domain and reverts to the default user. Yes
    829 NI Security:Invoke Login Dialog Invokes the NI Security Login dialog box programmatically. Yes
    82A NI Security:Get Access Rights Validates the access control list with the current application user logged in. Yes
    82B I/O Control:Get Names Yes
    82C I/O Control:Get Name Attributes Yes
    82F Project:Register Proj Ref For Cleanup Proc No
    830 Open:Recently Opened File Opens the file specified by Index from the most recently used file list. Yes
    831 XControl:Create Creates an XControl library. No
    832 XNode:Create No
    833 XControl:Open Opens an XControl library and returns a reference to it. No
    834 XNode:Open No
    835 Project:Load Default Project Yes
    836 Get Shell Icon Of File Yes
    837 Project:Get Icon Of Type Yes
    839 User Interaction:Invoke Preferences Dialog Yes
    83A License:Get Licensed Version Yes
    83B Get VI:ConPane CRC v1 (Deprecated) Yes
    83C Configuration:Set Settings Yes
    83D Configuration:Get Target App's Settings Yes
    83E Configuration:Set Target App's Settings Yes
    83F Global Data:Set Yes
    840 Global Data:Get Yes
    841 Global Data:Free Yes
    842 Linker:Old Read Info From File No
    843 Linker:Write Info To File No
    844 Debug Connection:Open Debug Connection Opens a connection to the application or shared library you can debug. No
    845 Debug Connection:Close Debug Connection Closes the connection to the application or shared library specified in Debug Name. No
    846 Debug Connection:List Applications or Shared Libraries Returns the list of applications and shared libraries you can debug on the computer specified by Server Address. No
    848 License:Get Feature Status Yes
    849 Library:Deploy Library Deploys a library file to the specified computer. Yes
    84B NI Security:Change Password Yes
    84C NI Security:Get Domains Yes
    84D Save Stock Objects No
    84E Library:Undeploy Library Removes a library from a target. Yes
    84F Compare:Data Types Yes
    850 Data Type Color Returns the color associated with a data type. Yes
    851 Clipboard:Read From Clipboard Reads text from the system clipboard. Yes
    852 Clipboard:Write to Clipboard Writes text to the system clipboard. Yes
    853 Recently Opened:LV Projects Gets the list of most recently used LabVIEW Projects from LabVIEW and displays the paths and project names. This method returns the same list as if you selected File»Recent Projects. No
    854 Open:Recently Opened Project Opens the project specified by Index from the most recently used project list. Yes
    855 VIs Strings:Export Exports to a tagged text file all the User Interface related strings of the VIs specified by VI Array. No
    856 VIs Strings:Import Imports to a tagged text file all the User Interface related strings of the VIs specified by VI Array. Yes
    857 VIs Strings:Export Private No
    858 Password:Delete From Cache Yes
    859 LVRT:Unload Startup App No
    85A Get VI:Is Standard (Deprecated) Yes
    85B Tag:Get Tag Yes
    85C Tag:Set Tag Yes
    85D Tag:Remove All Tags Yes
    85E Tag:Remove Tag Yes
    85F Get VI:ConPane CRC v2 (Deprecated) Yes
    860 Get VI:Is Probe Returns whether the specified VI is a probe without loading the VI. No
    861 Palettes:Refresh Updates the Controls and Functions palette set programmatically. No
    862 Help Image:Get Data Type Help Image No
    863 Context:Reference Count:Increment Yes
    864 Context:Reference Count:Decrement Yes
    865 NI Security:Shared Variable Engine Login Yes
    866 NI Security:Shared Variable Engine Logout Yes
    867 NI Security:Shared Variable Engine User Yes
    868 Help Image:Get Function Context Help Image No
    869 Type Descriptor:Add Path Info No
    86A Type Descriptor:Clean Path Info No
    86B Type Descriptor:Recursive Typedef Disconnect No
    86C Get Class Name From Class ID Yes
    86D Context:Get From Project No
    86E Library:Get File LabVIEW Version Returns the LabVIEW file format version of the library. The file format version of the library might be different from the version of LabVIEW in which the library was last saved. For example, if you use LabVIEW 9.0.1 to save a library, the library has a file format version of 9.0. Yes
    86F Type Descriptor:Has Complete Path Info No
    870 Add To Most Recently Used List Yes
    871 Project:Open With Private Contexts Yes
    872 LVRT:Transfer Files To Target No
    873 Scene:New Object Creates a new object in a 3D scene. Yes
    874 Scene:New Texture Gets a reference to a texture to apply to a geometry in a 3D scene. Yes
    877 Scene:Drawable:Geometry:New Box Creates a geometry that you can use to set an object in a 3D scene to a box. Yes
    878 Scene:Drawable:Geometry:New Cone Creates a geometry that you can use to set an object in a 3D scene to a cone. Yes
    879 Scene:Drawable:Geometry:New Cylinder Creates a geometry that you can use to set an object in a 3D scene to a cylinder. Yes
    87A Scene:Drawable:Geometry:New Height Field Creates a new height field in a 3D scene. Yes
    87B Scene:Drawable:Geometry:New Sphere Creates a geometry that you can use to set an object in a 3D scene to a sphere. Yes
    87C Scene:Drawable:Geometry:New Mesh Creates a new mesh in a 3D scene. Yes
    87E Scene:New Clip Plane Creates a new clip plane in a 3D scene. Yes
    87F Scene:New Window Creates a new window in which LabVIEW generates the 3D scene. Yes
    880 Scene:Write Scene File Writes a new 3D scene file. The filename must end with a .lvsg or .dae extension. Yes
    881 Scene:Read Scene File Reads a 3D scene file that you create with the Scene:Write Scene File method. The file being read must have a .lvsg or .dae extension. Yes
    882 Force AutoSave No
    883 .NET:Load Assembly To ObjMgr No
    884 Tag:VI:Get VI Tag Yes
    885 Tag:VI:Set VI Tag No
    886 Get VI:Revision History Returns the revision history that appears when you click the Revision History button on the General page of the VI Properties dialog box of the specified VI. This method does not load the VI into memory. Yes
    887 Signature:Get User Code GUID From VI File Yes
    888 Signature:Get Signature From VI File Yes
    889 Scene:New Light Creates a new light in a 3D scene. Yes
    88A Update Launch Message Yes
    88B Bit Accurate Data Size For Type Yes
    88C Get VI:Icon Returns the icon of the specified VI without loading the VI into memory. Yes
    88D Notify LV SCC Enabled Yes
    88E LabVIEW Class:Open Opens the LabVIEW Class specified by Path. No
    88F LabVIEW Class:Create Creates a new LabVIEW Class. No
    890 Synchronize Everything Yes
    893 Project:Close Refs Yes
    894 User Interaction:Merge VIs No
    895 Library:Deploy Libraries Deploys library files to the specified computer. Yes
    896 Tag:VI:Get VI Tag Names Yes
    897 Statechart:Open Opens the statechart specified by Path. No
    898 Statechart:Create Creates a new statechart. You must save the statechart to disk. No
    899 Project:Open As Untitled No
    89A Library:OpenAsUntitled No
    89B Debug Start Timing Yes
    89C Linker:Read Info From File No
    89D Error Window:Open Yes
    89E Debug Connection:Get Debug Connection No
    89F Create GUID Yes
    900 Scene:Drawable:New Text Creates a new text object in a 3D scene. Yes
    901 Open:VI As Template Yes
    902 Force Update Disk Monitoring Yes
    903 Multi Pwd Prompt Operation:Begin No
    904 Multi Pwd Prompt Operation:End No
    905 Desktop Tracing:Setup Yes
    906 Desktop Tracing:Get Trace Data Yes
    909 Get Global Dependency Data Yes
    90A Invalidate Depdendency File Info Yes
    90B Project:Register Debug VI Yes
    90C Project:Simulate File Open Yes
    90D Open:VI As System VI Yes
    90E Statechart:Open Private Yes
    90F Project:Doing Auto Save Recovery Yes
    910 Allow Scripting Yes
    911 Enable External Proptypes Yes
    912 Enable Temp Selection Yes
    913 Enable Meta Transactions Yes
    914 Symbols:Get Value No
    915 Error Window:Defer Updates No
    916 Desktop Tracing:Is Tracing Enabled Yes
    917 Web Server:Configure Configures the LabVIEW Web Server with the given file. If you do not wire Web Server to the configuration file, Web Server uses the default configuration file. Yes
    918 MathScript:Check Watched Paths No
    919 Open:LabVIEW Documents No
    91A Get VI:ConPane DataType Returns the data type of the connector pane as variant data without loading the VI. Yes
    91B Get Active VI Reference Returns a reference to the VI whose window is currently active (focused). If the active window is not a VI, this method returns Not A Ref. No
    91C Code Coverage:Start No
    91D Code Coverage:Stop No
    91E Code Coverage:Reset No
    91F Code Coverage:Reset VI No
    920 Code Coverage:All VIs Measured No
    921 Code Coverage:VI Percentage No
    922 Code Coverage:Uncovered Diagrams No
    923 Code Coverage:Show Uncovered Diagrams No
    924 User Interaction:Abort Merge VIs No
    925 User Interaction:Merge Load VI No
    926 User Interaction:Merge Save VI No
    927 User Interaction:Merge Cross Load VI No
    928 User Interaction:Merge Close VI No
    929 User Interaction:Merge Load Library No
    92A User Interaction:Merge Close Library No
    92B User Interaction:Merge Clean Up Context No
    92C User Interaction:Merge Save Library No
    92D License:Get Feature Activators Yes
    92E User Interaction:Merge Load Refees No
    92F Library:Undeploy Libraries Undeploys library files from the specified computer. Yes
    930 Palettes:Close All Palettes Closes the Controls and Functions palette sets programmatically. To close the palette sets, add the Palettes:Close All Palettes method to the block diagram and run the VI. No
    931 User Interaction:Edit Icon No
    932 Create Generic VI Instantiation No
    933 Move VIs Yes
    935 Library:Get Ref By Qualified Name Retrieves a reference to a LabVIEW Project Library that is already loaded within the application instance. If the library cannot be found in memory, LabVIEW returns Not A Refnum. Yes
    936 Copy Data Convert Yes
    937 MathScript:Load MathScript Compiler No
    938 Get VI Hierarchy Image Scaled Gets the scaled image of the VI Hierarchy. Yes
    939 Search:Open Session No
    93A Search:Close Session No
    93B Search:Load Plugin No
    93C Search:Init Session No
    93D Search:SyncSearch No
    93E Search:Sync Search For QD No
    93F User Interaction:Place Object On Cursor Places an object on the cursor so the object is ready to add to the front panel window or the block diagram window. You can specify the object using either style or path. No
    940 User Interaction:Place Project Item On Cursor No
    941 NXT:Update Context Name No
    942 Clear Instantiation Cache Cache No
    943 Get Instantiation ConPane From Cache No
    944 Desktop Tracing:Filter VI Lib Events Yes
    945 MathScript:Locate Math Script Target Syntax VI No
    946 Get Environment Mode Settings Path No
    947 Get VI:Editor Version Returns the version of LabVIEW that last saved the VI. The version of LabVIEW that last saved the VI might be different from the file format version of the VI. For example, if you use LabVIEW 9.0.1 to save a VI, the VI has a file format version of 9.0. Yes
    948 Get VI:Qualified Name Returns the qualified name of the referenced VI without loading the VI. Yes
    949 NXT:Open VI In Context No
    94B Prepare to Load Files Yes
    94C Palettes:Get Palette Item Icon No
    94D Compiler:Read DFIR Tokens Yes
    94E Probes:Create Probe VI From Variant No
    94F Probes:Get Probe Path List From Variant No
    950 Get VI:Help Info Returns Help path, Help tag, Help Used, and Help URL from the Documentation page of the VI Properties dialog box for the specified VI. This method does not load the VI into memory. Yes
    951 Build:PackedLibrary No
    952 Compiler:Get Compiler Settings Yes
    953 Compiler:Set Compiler Settings Yes
    954 Project:Get File LabVIEW Version Returns the LabVIEW file format version of the project. This version might be different from the version of LabVIEW in which the project was last saved. Yes
    955 Save All Yes
    956 LabVIEW Class:Release LV Class Cookies Yes
    957 Consolidated Save No
    958 Compare:CPTMs For Packed Library Yes
    959 Palettes:Get Palette Item Path Returns the path to the palette item you specify. Yes
    95A Get Environment Mode Display Name Returns the display name of the environment mode you specify. Yes
    95B Clear Compiled Object Cache Deletes all compiled code in the User object cache. No
    95C Packed Library:Get Exported File List Yes
    95D Library:Is Opened In Any Context No
    95E Compiler:Compile App Context Yes
    95F Packed Library:Enable Caching Yes
    960 Simulation:Get Parameter Offsets Yes
    961 LVRT:Get Packed Library Signatures No
    962 Open:VI Without Refees Yes
    963 Build:Object Cache No
    964 Install Adjacent Cache No
    965 Palettes:Get Palette Statistics No
    966 Palettes:Force Finsh Load All Palettes No
    967 Flush Archive Caching Yes
    968 Clear Specific Compiled Object Cache No
    969 Restart Quits and then restarts LabVIEW. This method is supported only on Windows. Yes
    970 GetCompiledObjectFile Yes
    971 Clear Application Builder Cache Deletes all VI object files from the object cache that a build specification compiles. No
    972 Tracing Timer Enable No
    973 Tracing Timer Harvest Log And Reset No
    974 Context:Cross Context Load Unsaved VI Yes
    975 LabVIEW Class:All Methods of LVClass (Deprecated) Yes
    976 LabVIEW Class:Get Implementing VI Path and Scope (Deprecated) Yes
    977 Get VI:ConPane CRC Ignore Dynamic Dispatch v1 (Deprecated) Yes
    978 Freeze Poly VIs No
    979 Get Instantiation VI Path Yes
    97A Change Control Popup RTM Paths No
    97B Project:New with Prompts Creates a new, empty LabVIEW Project and prompts the user to add any open VIs from the main application instance. No
    97C Reset Cross Compile Count No
    97D Get Broken VI List No
    97E Get VI:Is Global No
    97F Get VI:Compiled For Current No
    980 MathScript:Load MathScript Compiler Component No
    981 Menus:Refresh Refreshes the File, Tools, and Help menus from disk programmatically. No
    982 Library:Has Shared Variables No
    983 User Interaction:Compare VIs XML No
    984 Get VI:Has GPIB Prim No
    985 Object Manager:Get Managers Yes
    986 Object Manager:Get Classes Yes
    987 Object Manager:Get Properties Yes
    988 Object Manager:Show Help Yes
    989 Get VI:Bookmarks Returns the bookmark information for the VI specified in VI Path. You do not need to load the VI into memory in order to read the bookmark information. This method returns an error if the VI is password protected, if the VI is saved in an earlier version of LabVIEW and is not currently in memory, or if the VI does not have a block diagram. Yes
    98A Do Post Install ObjCache Check No
    98B LabVIEW Class:All Methods of LVClass Returns an array of names and an array of paths for all methods of a class. The methods of the class are member VIs that can be called as subVIs. In other words, LabVIEW excludes global VIs, control VIs, and polymorphic VIs from the output arrays. Yes
    98C LabVIEW Class:Get Implementing VI Path Returns the path to the VI that implements the specified method within the specified class. If the specified class does not implement the method, this method returns an ancestor VI implementation. Yes
    98D Get VI:Get Prim Dependency Flags No
    98E Compiler:Is Callee Inlined Yes
    98F User Interaction:Show Palette Object Context Help Updates the Context Help window to show content for a palette object you specify, similar to when you mouse over the palette menu item. This method also returns a Boolean to indicate whether the specified palette object is found. If the Context Help window is closed when this method runs, the Context Help window displays the content for the specified palette object when you open the Context Help window unless you moved the mouse onto another item after the method runs. No
    990 Get VI:Help Info Returns Help path, Help tag, Help Used, and Help URL from the Documentation page of the VI Properties dialog box for the specified VI. This method does not load the VI into memory. Yes
    991 Memory Profiling:DSObserver Command Yes
    992 OpenBinaryLibrary Yes
    993 Close LEIF Build Data Cookie No
    994 Build:BCRTEEnabledPackedLibrary No
    995 Packed Library:Is Packed Library Loadable In Binary Compatible LabVIEW Yes
    996 BCRTE:SetGlobalBackwardCompatibleLoadEnabled Yes
    997 BCRTE:IsGlobalBackwardCompatibleLoadEnabled Yes
    998 Linker:Read Info From File Exclude LVRT Shipped Libs No
    999 Project:Open And Suppress Source-Only Loads a LabVIEW Project from disk. If the project is already in memory, this method returns an error. Within the loaded project, the "source-only" setting on all VIs, all Controls, and all libraries is suppressed. This means that anything loaded within the project will get a "has unsaved changes" mark if it needs to update itself to match the LabVIEW version, the OS environment, or any of its dependencies (subVIs, typedefs, etc). No
    99A NativeEventTracing:Setup Yes
    99B Get VI:ConPane CRC v3 Yes
    99C Get VI:ConPane CRC Ignore Dynamic Dispatch v2 Yes
    99D LabVIEW Class:Create Interface Creates a new LabVIEW interface. No
    99E Freeze Type Propagation In Build Context Yes
    99F Unfreeze Type Propagation In Build Context Yes


    Show/Hide Application Events Table

    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    Application Events Table
    Code Name Description Type
    1073741888 Application Activation Occurs when the user activates LabVIEW. Notify
    1073741850 Application Instance Close When registered for in a VI running inside a LabVIEW Project, generated when the application instance of the project is closed for any reason, such as when you close the Project Explorer window, when you select File»Close All or File»Quit, or when you run a VI that executes the Quit LabVIEW function. When registered for in a VI running outside a project, generated when you exit LabVIEW through the user interface or with the Quit LabVIEW function. Notify
    2147483652 Application Instance Close? When registered for in a VI running inside a LabVIEW Project, this event is generated when the application instance of the project is closed interactively, such as when you close the Project Explorer window or when you select File»Close All or File»Quit. When registered for in a VI running outside a project, this event is generated only when you exit LabVIEW through the user interface. Filter
    1073741908 Auto Error Notification
    1073741906 Bookmark Info Change Generated when the user changes a bookmark. Notify
    1073741896 Context Help Window Updated Occurs when the Context Help window is updated. Notify
    1073741883 NI Security User Change Generated when the user logs into the application. Notify
    1073741889 OS Open Document
    2147483717 OS Open Document?
    1073741897 Selection Change
    1073741825 Timeout Occurs when the Event structure times out. Wire a value to the Timeout terminal at the top left of the Event structure to specify the number of milliseconds the Event structure should wait for an event to occur before generating a Timeout event. Notify
    1073741857 VI Activation Generated when you activate a VI window. Notify
    1073741907 VI Deactivation Generated when you deactivate a VI window. This event fires when you remove focus from a VI. Notify
    1073741858 VI Redraw
    1073741859 VI Scroll Notify
    1073741899 Window Opened
    2147483722 Window Opened?


    Version Change(s)
    LabVIEW 2020
    LabVIEW 2018
    • Linker:Read Info From File Exclude LVRT Shipped Libs property added.
    • Application:SaveChangesAutoSelection method added.
    LabVIEW 2017
    • Application:ImageTableMaxCount, Application:Enable Binary Compatibility Load, Application:EnableExcursionFreeExecSystems, Application:IgnoreUnresolvedDLLRef, Application:ImageTableCount, Application:PPL LoadInCompatible LVVersion Default Value, and Application:Treat LV 2016 As Binary Compatible properties added.
    • Application:ImageTableCount property deprecated.
    • Build:BCRTEEnabledPackedLibrary, Packed Library:Is Packed Library Loadable In Binary Compatible LabVIEW, BCRTE:SetGlobalBackwardCompatibleLoadEnabled, and BCRTE:IsGlobalBackwardCompatibleLoadEnabled methods added.
    LabVIEW 2016
    • Application:Enable Inheritance LinkRef Addition, Application:Enable Inheritance LinkRefs, Application:Version Year Number Only, and Application:ImageTableCount Is Running Interactively properties added.
    • Application:ImageTableSize property deprecated.

    See Also