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Project class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name Project class
Class ID 73
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance

This class is a top-level class.

Class Children

This class has no children.

The Project class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide Project Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Project Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
27109401NameGets the name of the LabVIEW project. If the project has been saved, this property returns the filename with the file extension. If the project has not been saved, this property returns untitled project x and you can write to this property to change the name.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
27109402PathGets the path to the saved LabVIEW project on disk. This path includes the filename of the project.Read OnlyYes
27109403RootReturns a reference to the project root in the Project Explorer window. The project root is the top item that represents the LabVIEW project in the Project Explorer window. You can use this reference with the ProjectItem properties.Read OnlyYes
27109408Active Items In TreeIf the Project Explorer window has focus, returns an array of references to the selected project items in the Project Explorer window. If the Project Explorer window does not have focus, returns a reference to the project item associated with the VI window that has focus. You can use these references with the ProjectItem properties.Read OnlyNo
27109409Window StateReturns the state of the Project Explorer window.Read OnlyNo
2710940ADebug Test Prop VIWrite OnlyYes
2710940BDebug Get Queued CallsRead OnlyYes
2710940CDiscoverable Device TypesRead/WriteNo
2710940DApplicationReturns the application reference for the My Computer target in the LabVIEW project. You can use this reference with the Application properties.Read OnlyYes
2710940EDescriptionGets or sets the description of the LabVIEW project. You also can use the Project page of the Project Properties dialog box to set the project description.Read/WriteYes (Read Only)
27109410Operation Is InteractiveRead OnlyNo
27109411ProvidersRead OnlyNo
27109414Installer File PathsRead OnlyNo
2710941FIs Default ProjectRead OnlyNo
27109420TargetsReturns an array of references to all targets in the current LabVIEW project. You can use these references with the TargetItem properties.Read OnlyYes
27109421My ComputerReturns a reference to My Computer in the Project Explorer window for the LabVIEW project. You can use this reference with the TargetItem properties.Read OnlyYes
27109422Selected Items in TreeReturns an array of references to the project items currently selected in the Project Explorer window. You can use these references with the ProjectItem properties.Read OnlyNo
27109423Loaded VersionRead OnlyNo
27109425Items View ActiveShow or hide the Items page in the Project Explorer window.Read/WriteNo
27109426Resolve Conflicts:VisibleRead/WriteYes
27109427Files View RootRead OnlyYes
27109428Separate Compiled Code For New Project ItemsRead/WriteNo


Show/Hide Project Properties Table

RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Project Methods Table
Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
27109002CloseCloses a LabVIEW project and all references to all items in the project. This method also closes the Project Explorer window if it is open and closes any VIs that are open in any application instance owned by the project. You also can select File»Close All to close the project and the Project Explorer window.Yes (Read/Write)
27109003SaveSaves the LabVIEW project to the path that the project was previously saved to or loaded from or to a specified path.No
27109006Item From Item IDNo
27109009Open WindowDisplays the Project Explorer window.No
2710900AClose WindowCloses only the Project Explorer window. This method does not close VI windows.No
2710900CCreate Context For TypeNo
2710900DCreate Context For InstanceNo
27109012Copy From ProjectNo
27109013Copy To ProjectNo
27109014Do Interactive SaveNo
27109015Deploy ItemsDeploys an array of items in the LabVIEW project.No
27109016Start ItemsNo
27109017Stop ItemsNo
27109018Undeploy ItemsUndeploys an array of items and their dependencies.No
2710901ASave Specified Dirty ItemsNo
2710901BGet Project Item From VI RefNo
2710901CPreview Data FilesNo
2710901EWrite Data FilesNo
2710901FGet Build TokensNo
27109020Query Type BehaviorNo
27109021Open ApplicationYes
27109022Has BehaviorsNo
27109023Populate Provider TreeNo
27109024Save For PreviousSaves a copy of the LabVIEW project that is readable by LabVIEW 8.0 and later. This method is similar to the LabVIEW Version selection in the Save for Previous Version dialog box.No
27109026Save AsAllows a LabVIEW project to be saved as a different name or to a different location. This method also enables the save operation to copy all of the contents of the project to the new location. If you do not wire data to Items to copy, LabVIEW copies everything to the new location. Otherwise, LabVIEW copies only the items you specify.No
27109027Save CopySaves a copy of the project to a new location on disk, where all referenced VIs are in the same location.No
27109028Save Items for SCCNo
2710902FLocal Project Settings:Get ItemGets an item from the local project settings file.Yes (Read/Write)
27109030Local Project Settings:Set ItemSets an item in the local project settings file.No
27109031Local Project Settings:Delete ItemDeletes an item from the local project settings file.No
27109032Local Project Settings:Delete SectionDeletes an entire section from the local project settings file.No
27109033Local Project Settings:Has ItemDetermines if an item exists in the local project settings file.Yes (Read/Write)
27109034Local Project Settings:Has SectionDetermines if a section exists in the local project settings file.Yes (Read/Write)
27109036Save As TestYes
27109037Industrial Deploy ItemsYes
27109038Build Assemblies From ProjectNo
27109039Change Controller Engine ModeYes
2710903AGet Items From Source IDYes
2710903BBuild Assemblies To ProjectNo
2710903CSet DocModNo
2710903ERefresh Auto-Populating FoldersForce all auto-populated folders on this project to update their contents to match the disk.Yes (Read/Write)
2710903FResolve Conflicts:Get ContentsYes
27109040Resolve Conflicts:AutomateDlgYes
27109041Resolve Conflicts:UseSelectedItemYes
27109042Files View:Get ContentsYes
27109048Create Context For Instance Without Sublib LoadingNo
2710904DPopulate Provider Tree (Files View)No
27109050Get Deployable DependenciesNo
27109051Browse Variable DialogDisplays a dialog box that allows you to browse for a variable and then returns a reference to the variable you select.No
27109053Save As With RenameNo
27109054Save As With Rename Progress IncrementNo
27109055Save As With Rename Progress CloseNo


This class has no events.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also