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VI class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name VI class
Class ID 2
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance

This class is a top-level class.

Class Children

The VI class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide VI Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
VI Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
1F4 VI Name Name of the VI file. If a LabVIEW project library owns the VI, the property returns the qualified name of the VI, which includes the project library filename. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
1F5 VI Path Path to the VI file. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
1F6 VI Description Description of the VI that appears in the Context Help window when you move the cursor over the VI icon and in VI documentation you generate. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
1F7 History:Entire Text Returns all the text that was added to the VI revision history. Read Only No
1F9 Front Panel Window:Title Bar Visible Indicates whether to display a title bar on the front panel while the VI runs. Read/Write Yes
1FA Front Panel Window:Closeable Indicates whether the close button in the title bar is disabled and the Close item in the File menu is disabled. Read/Write Yes
1FB Front Panel Window:OldResizable Specifies whether or not the user can resize the front panel during execution. This property can be set on non-editable VIs. Read/Write Yes
1FC Front Panel Window:Allow Runtime PopUp Indicates whether to display shortcut menus for front panel objects while the VI runs. If you do not display default run-time shortcut menus, you can continue to include customized shortcut menus. Read/Write Yes
1FD Front Panel Window:Highlight Return Button Indicates whether to highlight Boolean controls that have a shortcut key of <Enter>. Read/Write Yes
1FE Front Panel Window:Size to Screen (Deprecated) Indicates whether to automatically size the front panel to fit the screen. Read/Write Yes
1FF Front Panel Window:Auto Center (Deprecated) Specifies whether to automatically center the front panel window on the computer screen each time the VI runs. If FALSE, the front panel appears on the screen where you last positioned the front panel. Read/Write Yes
200 Front Panel Window:Show Scroll Bars Read/Write Yes
201 Front Panel Window:Show Menu Bar Indicates whether to display the menu bar on the front panel while the VI runs. Read/Write Yes
202 Tool Bar:Visible Indicates whether to display the toolbar while the VI runs. Read/Write Yes
203 Tool Bar:Show Run Button Indicates whether to display the Run button on the toolbar while the VI runs. Read/Write Yes
204 Tool Bar:Show Free Run Button Indicates whether to display the Run Continuously button on the toolbar while the VI runs. Read/Write Yes
205 Tool Bar:Show Abort Button Indicates whether to display the Abort Execution button on the toolbar while the VI runs. Read/Write Yes
206 Execution:Allow Debugging If TRUE, you can use debugging tools on the VI. For example, you can set breakpoints, create probes, enable execution highlighting, and single-step through execution. Set this property to FALSE to disable use of debugging tools, reduce memory requirements, and to improve performance slightly for the VI. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
208 Front Panel Window:Is Dialog Read/Write Yes
209 Execution:Show Front Panel On Load Indicates whether to show the front panel when the VI is loaded. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
20A Execution:Show Front Panel On Call Indicates whether to show the front panel when the VI is called. Read/Write Yes
20B Execution:Close After Call Indicates whether to close the front panel after the VI runs. Read/Write Yes
20C Execution:Run When Opened Indicates whether to run the VI when it opens. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
20D Execution:Is Reentrant Indicates whether a VI can be reentrant. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
20E Execution:Priority Indicates the priority of the VI when it runs in parallel with other tasks. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
20F History:Use Defaults Indicates whether to use the global default history or to use the values entered in other history properties. Read/Write No
210 History:Always Add Comments At Save Indicates whether to add a comment to the VI revision history every time the VI is saved. Read/Write No
211 History:Prompt for Comments At Close Indicates whether to prompt for a VI revision history comment when the VI closes. Read/Write No
212 History:Prompt for Comments At Save Indicates whether to prompt for a VI revision history comment when the VI is saved. Read/Write No
213 History:Record Application Comments Indicates whether to add comments to the VI revision history when certain events occur, such as conversion to a new version of LabVIEW, subVI changes, and changes to the name or path of the VI. Read/Write No
214 Help:Document Tag Index keyword or HTML filename for a topic in the compiled help file to which the VI is linked. Read/Write Yes
215 Help:Document Path Path or symbolic path to an HTML file (.htm or .html) or compiled help file (.chm or .hlp) to which the VI is linked. Read/Write Yes
216 Front Panel Window:Open Read/Write Yes
217 Front Panel Window:Is Frontmost Writing TRUE to this value brings the front panel to the front. This property applies only in the application instance of the calling VI. Writing FALSE to this value has no effect. If you read this property, it indicates whether the front panel window is the front window (ignoring floating windows). Read/Write Yes
218 Front Panel Window:Window Bounds The four elements in the cluster are the top, left, bottom, and right values of the front panel window, which includes the interior region, scroll bars, title bar, menu bar, and toolbar. They are in global screen coordinates, that is, the numbers refer to coordinates within a computer monitor's screen (rather than an open window). Read/Write Yes
219 Modifications:VI Modifications Bitset Old Read Only Yes
21A Modifications:Front Panel Mods Bitset Indicates whether changes were made to the front panel since the VI was saved. If the value is zero, no changes where made. If the value is nonzero, changes were made. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
21B Modifications:Block Diagram Mods Bitset Indicates whether changes were made to the block diagram since the VI was saved or opened, depending on which was last. If the value is zero, no changes were made. If the value is nonzero, changes were made. Read Only No
21C Metrics:Code Size Amount of memory used for VI code in bytes. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
21D Metrics:Total Data Size Amount of memory allocated for data in bytes. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
21E Metrics:Size of Front Panel Size of the front panel in bytes. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
21F Metrics:Size of Block Diagram Size of the block diagram in bytes. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
220 Callers' Names Returns a list of all the loaded VIs that call the referenced VI. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
221 Callees' Names Read Only Yes
225 Auto Logging:Log File Path Path of the datalog file in which front panel data and a time stamp are written. Read/Write Yes
226 Auto Logging:Log at Finish Indicates whether to write front panel values to a datalog file after the VI runs. Read/Write Yes
227 Auto Logging:Print at Finish Indicates whether to print the front panel after the VI runs. Read/Write Yes
228 Front Panel Window:Origin Read/Write Yes
229 Front Panel Window:Title String that appears in the title bar. This string does not have to match the VI filename. Read/Write Yes
22A Connector Pane:Set Sets the connector pane of the VI to match the connector pane of the VI reference input. Write Only No
22B Execution:Suspend On Call Indicates whether LabVIEW suspends the execution of the VI when calling it as a subVI. Use this property carefully with reentrant VIs. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
22C Front Panel Window:Panel Bounds The four elements in the cluster are the top, left, bottom, and right values of the interior portion of the front panel, not including the scroll bars, title bar, menu bar, and toolbar. The cluster elements are in global screen coordinates, which are the numbers that refer to coordinates within a computer monitor's screen (rather than an open window). Read/Write Yes
22D Execution:State Indicates the execution state of the VI. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
22E Edit Mode On Open If TRUE, the VI opens in edit mode. If FALSE, the VI opens in run mode, and the title bar, menu bar, and toolbar do not appear. Read/Write Yes
22F Execution:Preferred Exec System Indicates the execution system in which the VI runs. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
230 Modifications:User Changes Read Only No
231 Front Panel Window:Custom Title Indicates whether the VI has a custom title string. Write FALSE to remove the custom title string. Read/Write Yes
232 VI Type Indicates the type of VI. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
234 History:Revision Number Current revision number of the VI. Read/Write No
235 Connector Pane:Data (Deprecated) Read Only Yes
236 Metrics:Advanced Read Only No
237 Block Diagram Window:Open Opens or closes the block diagram window. Read/Write No
238 Block Diagram Window:Window Bounds Gets or sets the bounds for a block diagram window. Read/Write No
239 Connector Pane:Old Type Descriptor Read Only Yes
23A Tool Kit Attr Read/Write No
23B Front Panel RefNum TD Read Only No
23C Block Diagram Returns a reference to the block diagram of the VI. This property is not available in stand-alone applications. Read Only No
23D Front Panel Reference to the front panel of a VI. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
23E Connector Pane:Reference Returns a reference to the connector pane of the VI. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
23F Front Panel Window:Keep Window Proportions Indicates whether the front panel window adjusts its size in proportion with a change in monitor resolution. The window changes size so it covers the same percentage of the screen that it covered at its original resolution. Read/Write Yes
240 Modifications:VI Signatures Read Only Yes
241 Is Instance Returns whether or not the VI is an Express VI instance. Read/Write No
242 Automatic Error Handling If TRUE, enables automatic error handling for a VI. Read/Write No
243 Block Diagram Window:Origin Gets or sets the vertical and horizontal coordinates in the upper left-hand corner of the block diagram. Read/Write No
244 Run-Time Menu Path When read, this property returns the run-time menu path of the VI. When written, this property updates the run-time menu path of the VI. If the VI is running when you write this property, it updates the menu with data from the new path. Read/Write Yes
245 Front Panel Window:Is Floating Read/Write Yes
246 RunVILocal Read/Write Yes
247 Front Panel Window:Minimizable Indicates whether the user can minimize the front panel window while the VI runs. Read/Write Yes
248 Front Panel Window:Resizable Indicates whether the user can resize the front panel window while the VI runs. Read/Write Yes
249 Expand When Dropped As SubVI Expands to show terminals when dropped as a subVI. Read/Write No
24A Printing:Page Orientation Gets or sets the page orientation to use when printing the VI. Read/Write Yes
24B Printing:Page Headers? If TRUE, LabVIEW prints headers for the VI. Use the Printing:Header Content properties in this class to customize the contents of the headers. Read/Write Yes
24C Printing:Front Panel Scaling? If TRUE, LabVIEW scales the front panel to fit on the printed page. Read/Write Yes
24D Printing:Margins Gets or sets the page margins to use when printing the VI in inches or centimeters. Read/Write Yes
24E Printing:Header Content:VI Name? If TRUE, LabVIEW includes the VI name in the headers for the VI. Use the Printing:Page Headers? property to set whether LabVIEW prints the headers for the VI. Read/Write Yes
250 Printing:Header Content:Date Printed? If TRUE, LabVIEW includes the date printed in the headers for the VI. Use the Printing:Page Headers? property to set whether LabVIEW prints the headers for the VI. Read/Write Yes
251 Printing:Header Content:Modify Date? If TRUE, LabVIEW includes the last modified date in the headers for the VI. Use the Printing:Page Headers? property to set whether LabVIEW prints the headers for the VI. Read/Write Yes
252 Printing:Header Content:Page Number? If TRUE, LabVIEW includes the page number in the headers for the VI. Use the Printing:Page Headers? property to set whether LabVIEW prints the headers for the VI. Read/Write Yes
253 Printing:Header Content:VI Icon? If TRUE, LabVIEW includes the VI icon in the headers for the VI. Use the Printing:Page Headers? property to set whether LabVIEW prints the headers for the VI. Read/Write Yes
254 Printing:Header Content:VI Path? If TRUE, LabVIEW includes the VI path in the headers for the VI. Use the Printing:Page Headers? property to set whether LabVIEW prints the headers for the VI. Read/Write Yes
255 Purgative Read/Write Yes
256 Control VI Type Specifies whether a control VI is a control, a typedef, or a strict typedef. This property is valid for control VIs only. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
257 VI Linker Errors Read Only Yes
258 Hide Instance VI Caption On Drop Read/Write No
259 Front Panel Window:Behavior Sets the behavior of the front panel window. Valid values include 0 (Invalid), 1 (Default), 2 (Floating), 3 (Floating/Auto-Hide), and 4 (Modal). Read/Write Yes
260 Front Panel Window:State Current state of the front panel window. Read/Write Yes
262 Printing:Block Diagram Scaling? If TRUE, LabVIEW scales the block diagram to fit on the printed page. Read/Write Yes
263 Suppress Instance VI Halo Read/Write Yes
264 Is System VI Read/Write Yes
265 Front Panel Window:Minimum Size Minimum size of the front panel window in pixels. If Front Panel Window:Resizable is TRUE, the user cannot resize the front panel smaller than the width and height you wire to this property. Read/Write Yes
266 Connector Pane:Checksum v1 (Deprecated) Read Only Yes
267 Front Panel Window:OS Window Read Only Yes
268 Block Diagram Window:OS Window Read Only No
269 Modifications:VI User Code GUID Read Only Yes
26A Is Probe Returns TRUE if the VI is running as a probe and the probe VI is open. Read Only No
26B Suppress Data Manager Read/Write Yes
26C Suppress Transact Info Read/Write Yes
26D Execution:Retain Wire Values Reads or writes the Retain Wire Values setting of the VI. This property works on clone VIs, unlike the Highlight? property of the TopLevelDiagram object, which always only works on the original reentrant VI. Read/Write No
26E Is XNode VI Read/Write Yes
26F Owning Application Returns a reference to the application that owns the VI. Be sure and close this reference afterward. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
271 Front Panel Window:Window Read Only Yes
272 Block Diagram Window:Window Read Only No
273 Front Panel Window:Transparency Sets the window transparency level of the VI. The level of transparency is a percentage where 0 is opaque and 100 is invisible. This property returns an error if you specify a value outside the range of 0 to 100. If you set the transparency level to 100, the VI becomes invisible and uncontrollable from the front panel. You must stop the VI on the block diagram for the front panel of the VI to become visible. You must set the Front Panel Window:Run VI Transparently property to TRUE for this property to have any effect. The default value for the Front Panel Window:Run VI Transparently property is FALSE, in which changing this property has no effect. Read/Write Yes
274 Front Panel Window:Run VI Transparently Sets the VI to use a semi-transparent window style when running. Set the level of transparency using the Front Panel Window:Transparency property. Read/Write Yes
275 Front Panel Window:Monitor The monitor on which the front panel window appears, if you have multiple monitors. (Windows) The value 0 is the primary monitor. (OS X) The value 1 is the primary monitor. Read/Write Yes
276 Library Returns the name of the LabVIEW project library, XControl, or LabVIEW class that owns the VI. If no library, XControl, or class owns the VI, the property returns Not a Refnum. Read Only No
277 Context:Has Edits In Another Context Read Only Yes
278 Context:Has Edits In This Context Read Only Yes
279 Context:Is Reserved In Other Context Read Only Yes
27A Context:Is Reserved In This Context Read Only Yes
27B Help:Examples Exist Read/Write No
27C BD Master Wizard Read Only No
27D Connector Pane:DataType Returns the data type of the connector pane as variant data. Connector panes for VIs have a VI data type. Connector panes for polymorphic VIs have a PolyVI data type. Connector panes for custom controls, global variables, and type definitions have the data type of the control. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
27E Overload Info Read/Write No
27F Connector Pane:Checksum v2 (Deprecated) Read Only Yes
280 Callees' Paths Read Only Yes
281 Callers' Paths Read Only Yes
282 VI Compile Time Read Only No
283 Auto Preallocate Arrays and Strings Get or set the Autopreallocate arrays and strings setting on VIs. This is used by the FPGA module to optimize array and string operations by forcing LabVIEW to preallocate memory at compile time rather than dynamically allocating memory at run time. Read/Write Yes
284 No Clone If Instance VI Read/Write Yes
285 VI Clone Name Name of the clone of a reentrant VI. Returns an error if the VI is not a clone. Read Only Yes
286 Is Clone VI Returns TRUE if the VI is a clone of a reentrant VI. Read Only Yes
287 Suppress Type Prop Read/Write No
288 Execution:Reentrancy Type Indicates the type of reentrancy LabVIEW uses for a reentrant VI. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
289 Statechart:Supress Parse Read/Write No
28A Statechart:Is Sub Panel Editable Read/Write Yes
28B C Code Generation:Generate Guard Code Read/Write Yes
28C C Code Generation:Generate Serial Only Read/Write Yes
28D C Code Generation:Generate Integer Only Read/Write Yes
28E C Code Generation:Generate C Function Calls Read/Write Yes
28F C Code Generation:Use Stack Variables Read/Write Yes
290 Item ID Read/Write Yes
291 Metrics:Front Panel Loaded Specifies whether the front panel of the VI is in memory. The front panel can be in memory even if the window is not open. Read Only Yes
292 Metrics:Block Diagram Loaded Specifies whether the block diagram of the VI is in memory. The block diagram can be in memory even if the window is not open. Read Only Yes
293 Library:Version Read Only Yes
294 C Code Generation:Expression Folding Read/Write Yes
295 Library:Private Read Only No
296 Is Skinned Read/Write Yes
297 Block Diagram Window:State Current state of the block diagram window. Read Only Yes
298 Modifications:VI Modifications Bitset Indicates if changes were made to the VI since the VI was saved. If the value is zero, no changes were made. If the value is nonzero, changes were made. Read Only Yes (Read Only)
299 Ladder VI Needs Scripting Read/Write Yes
29B C Code Generation:Inline SubVI Read/Write Yes
29C Do Not Show Save Changes Dialog Read/Write No
29F Front Panel Window:Native Window Read Only Yes
2A0 Block Diagram Window:Native Window Read Only No
2A1 Front Panel Window:Window Interface Read Only Yes
2A2 Block Diagram Window:Window Interface Read Only No
2A3 Is Generic Read Only Yes
2A4 Is VI Paused? Specifies whether the execution of the VI is paused. A TRUE value indicates that the VI is paused. A FALSE value indicates that the VI is not paused or that it is not running. Read Only No
2A5 Number of Non-Proxy Callers Read Only Yes
2A6 Compiler:Generated Code Profiling Settings Read/Write No
2A7 Compiler:Generated Code Profiling Result Read Only No
2A8 Contains Compiled Code Sets or returns whether the VI includes compiled code. Read/Write Yes (Read Only)
2A9 Is In Packed Library Returns TRUE if a packed project library contains the VI. Read Only Yes
2AA Execution:Inline SubVI Specifies whether to inline the subVI into its calling VIs. Read/Write No
2AB Execution:Inline Is Allowed Returns TRUE if you can inline this subVI into its calling VIs. Read Only No
2AC Execution:SSE Runtime Optimization Read/Write No
2AD Has MathScript Nodes Read Only No
2AE Execution:Inline SubVI If Possible Read/Write No
2AF Execution:Compiled With SSE Read Only Yes
2B0 Terminal Bounds[] Returns an array of terminal bounds for the connector pane of the referenced VI. The bounds for each terminal are represented as a cluster of integers that indicate the position of each edge of the terminal rectangle. Read Only Yes
2B1 Tagged And Not Edited Read/Write No
2B2 Connector Pane:Checksum Ignore Dynamic Dispatch v1 (Deprecated) Read Only Yes
2B3 Compiled:Code Complexity Returns the complexity of the referenced VI in relation to the Compiler optimizations slider on the Environment page of the Options dialog box. By comparing these two values, you can determine whether LabVIEW prioritizes editor responsiveness or execution speed when compiling this VI. Read Only Yes
2B4 Compiled:Last Compiled With Returns the level of compiler optimizations that LabVIEW last used to compile this VI. The value corresponds to whether the complexity of the VI was greater or less than the threshold at which LabVIEW begins limiting compiler optimizations to prioritize editor responsiveness. Read Only Yes
2B5 Inline Callees Read Only Yes
2B6 Library:Version Returns the version of the library that contains the VI you specify. Read Only Yes
2B7 Metrics:Number of clones Read Only Yes
2B8 Execution:Inline Enum Read/Write No
2B9 Execution:Did Compiler Or User Approve Inlining Read Only No
2BA Help:Document Web URL URL for the web-based help topic to link to a VI from the Detailed help link in the Context Help window. Read/Write Yes
2BB Help:Use Web URL Indicates whether to link to a web-based help file from the Detailed help link in the Context Help window for a VI. Read/Write Yes
2BC Execution:Shrink Large Buffers Read/Write Yes
2BD Is Running Interactively Returns TRUE if the VI is running interactively on the target device. Read Only Yes
2BE Execution:Shrink Large Buffer Threshold Read/Write Yes
2BF Execution Highlighting? Reads or writes the execution highlighting setting of the VI. This property works on clone VIs, unlike the Highlight? property of the TopLevelDiagram object, which always only works on the original reentrant VI. Read/Write No
2C1 Did Recompile InThis Version Read Only Yes
2C2 Saved Version Read Only Yes
2C3 Front Panel Window:Alignment Grid Size Reads or writes the size of the alignment grid squares on the front panel of the VI. Read/Write No
2C4 Block Diagram Window:Alignment Grid Size Reads or writes the size of the alignment grid squares on the block diagram of the VI. Read/Write No
2C5 Connector Pane:Checksum v3 Read Only Yes
2C6 Connector Pane:Checksum Ignore Dynamic Dispatch v2 Read Only Yes


Show/Hide VI Methods Table

RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
VI Methods Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
3E8 VI Strings:Export Exports the following strings about VI and front panel objects to a tagged text file: VI name and description, object caption labels, object free labels, default data (string, table, path, and array default data), private data (listbox item names, table row and column headers, graph plot names, graph cursor names, graph annotation names, and tab control page captions), and polymorphic VI data (instance names in the polymorphic VI and selector shortcut menus). No
3E9 VI Strings:Import Imports the following strings about VI and front panel objects from a tagged text file: VI name and description, object caption labels, object free labels, default data (string, table, path, and array default data), private data (listbox item names, table row and column headers, graph plot names, graph cursor names, graph annotation names, and tab control page captions), and polymorphic VI data (instance names in the polymorphic VI and selector shortcut menus). Yes
3EA Save:Instrument Saves a VI that is not currently running and synchronizes the VI with the edited version in other application instances before saving. No
3EB Run VI Starts the VI execution, similar to the Run button. This method is different than calling a VI because it uses the current values of all front panel controls for execution rather than using data passed in through parameters. This method also ignores the Execution:Show Front Panel On Call property of a VI and the Execution:Close After Call property. Yes
3EC Abort VI Aborts the execution of a top-level VI. Yes
3ED Print:VI To Printer Prints the VI information to a printer. Yes
3EE Print:VI To HTML Saves the VI information to an HTML file and saves the graphics in external files. You can use the Open URL in Default Browser VI to display the HTML file in the default Web browser. No
3EF Print:VI To RTF Saves the VI information to an RTF file. No
3F0 Print:VI To Text Saves the VI information to a text file. You cannot save the icon, connector pane, front panel, block diagram, subVI icons, and VI hierarchy to text. No
3F1 Control Value:Set [Flattened] (Deprecated) Yes
3F2 Control Value:Get [Flattened] (Deprecated) Yes
3F3 Default Values:Make Current Default Changes the defaults of all controls on the front panel to be the current values. This method is available only in edit mode. No
3F4 Default Values:Reinitialize All To Default Changes the current values of all controls on the front panel to their defaults. Yes
3F8 Front Panel:Old Get Image Yes
3FA Revert VI Discards changes and reloads a VI from disk. No
3FB Print:Panel To Printer Prints just the front panel to the current printer. You cannot use this method to print a block diagram, list of controls, or polymorphic VI front panel. Yes
3FC Control Value:Get All [Flattened] (Deprecated) Yes
3FD Lock State:Get Returns the lock state of the VI and indicates whether the password for the VI is in the password cache. Yes
3FE Lock State:Set Sets the lock state of a VI. If interactive is FALSE (default), you can use password to either unlock a password-protected VI or set the password of an unprotected VI. If interactive is TRUE, LabVIEW ignores password and displays a dialog box that prompts you to change the lock state. No
3FF Save:Instrument (Private) No
400 Save:For Previous Saves a copy of the VI that is readable by LabVIEW version 8.0 and later. If you save a password-protected VI for a previous LabVIEW version, you must enter the password. You can enter the password programmatically as an input on the Open VI Reference function. No
401 Empty Empties the front panel and block diagram of the VI. No
402 Transaction:Begin Undo Begins an undo transaction on a VI. No
403 Transaction:End Undo Ends an undo transaction on a VI. No
404 Set Front Panel Scaling Mode Yes
405 Get Front Panel Scaling Mode Yes
407 VI Icon:Set From File Sets the image of a VI icon from a file. LabVIEW creates a user layer called VI Icon for the image and deletes any other existing icon information from the Icon Editor dialog box. No
408 Front Panel:Open In Window Yes
409 Tag:Remove Tags Yes
40A Tag:Set Tags Yes
40B Tag:Set Persistence Yes
40C Tag:Remove All Tags Yes
40D Tag:Set Tag Yes
40E Tag:Get Tag Yes
40F Tag:Remove Tag Yes
410 Block Diagram:Remove Bad Wires Removes all the broken wires on the block diagram of the VI. No
411 Fake Exec State Yes
412 Generate VHDL No
413 Save:Run-Time Menu Saves the run-time menu to a file specified by Path. This method works only when the VI is running. It saves only menu items with valid tags. No
414 Disconnect Polys And Typedefs No
415 Print:Panel To PostScript Prints the panel of the VI to the specified PostScript file. Yes
416 Export Interface (Deprecated) Yes
417 Create Constant or Control Yes
418 VI Icon:Save To File Saves an image of the VI icon to a file. No
419 Clear History Clears the revision history of the referenced VI. No
41A Save:To Buffer Yes
41B Control Value:Set Sets the value of a named control or indicator of the variant. You can wire a value of any data type to this method. You do not have to use the To Variant function to convert the data to a variant data type. Yes
41C Control Value:Get Gets the value of a named control or indicator as variant data. Use the Variant to Data function to convert the data to another LabVIEW data type. Yes
41D Control Value:Get All Gets the values of all controls or indicators in a VI as variant data. This method returns an array of clusters that contains control and indicator names and their values as variant data. Use the Variant to Data function to convert the data to another LabVIEW data type. Yes
41E Replicate Conpane (Old Type Desc) Yes
41F Save:Target Instrument No
420 Block Diagram:Open In Window Yes
421 VI Icon:Get As Image Data Returns the VI icon as a cluster of image data so you can draw it as a picture using the Draw Flattened Pixmap VI or save the image to a file using the Graphics Formats VIs. Yes
422 VI Icon:Set From Image Data Sets a VI icon from image data you specify. LabVIEW creates a user layer called VI Icon for the image and deletes any other existing icon information from the Icon Editor dialog box. No
423 Front Panel:Get Image Returns an image of the front panel as a flattened pixmap. Use the Front Panel:Get Image Scaled method to return an image of the front panel and scale it proportionally according to the maximum width and height you wire to the method. Yes
424 Front Panel:Old Open Yes
425 Front Panel:Close Closes the front panel window. Yes
426 Front Panel:Get Image Scaled Returns an image of the front panel and scales it proportionally according to the maximum width and height you wire to the method. This method is similar to the Front Panel:Get Image method. Yes
427 VI Hierarchy:Get Signature Yes
428 Transaction:Undo Undoes the last operation. This method is similar to selecting Edit»Undo. No
429 Transaction:Redo Redoes the last operation. This is similar to selecting Edit»Redo. No
42A Transaction:Fail Fails the current transaction and deletes the undo information for the transaction. No
42B VI Strings:Export Private No
42C Block Diagram:Get Image Scaled Returns an image of the block diagram and scales it proportionally according to the maximum width and height you wire to the method. For example, if the image of the block diagram is 200 by 200 pixels and you wire a value of 50 to maximum width and a value of 100 to maximum height, this method returns an image that is 50 by 50 pixels. If you do not wire a value to maximum width or maximum height, the image retains its actual size. No
42D Get Conpane Image Returns the connector pane image, as it appears in the Context Help window, as a cluster of image data so you can draw it as a picture using the Draw Flattened Pixmap VI or save the image to a file using the Graphics Formats VIs. Yes
42E Remote Panel:Lock Control Returns control of the front panel to the server and queues any requests from clients to control the front panel. LabVIEW ignores this method if the front panel is already locked. Yes
42F Remote Panel:Unlock Control If the front panel is locked, this method grants control to the next client in the queue. If no clients are in the queue, the method unlocks the front panel. LabVIEW ignores this method if the front panel is already unlocked. Yes
430 Remote Panel:Client Connections Returns an array of clusters containing connection information about the clients viewing or controlling the VI. Yes
431 Remote Panel:Close Connection To Client Closes a remote front panel connection to a client. Yes
432 User Edits:Allow Yes
433 User Edits:Block Yes
434 Front Panel:Set Close If Lonely Yes
435 VI Hierarchy:Get User GUID Yes
436 Generate C Code Yes
437 Cause Type Propagation Yes
438 Front Panel:Open Opens the front panel window. If the front panel is already open, this method changes the state of the front panel window to the state you wire to this method. Yes
439 Block Diagram:Set Mod No
43A Front Panel:Set Mod No
43B Adapt Nodes Private No
43C Adapt Nodes Allows LabVIEW to replace overloaded nodes with more appropriate implementations. For example, if you script an Add function and wire a Matrix control to it, LabVIEW breaks the wire. If you call Adapt Nodes, the Add function might be replaced with a Matrix Add VI. Operator overloading will not occur during scripting. You must call this method for Overloading to happen. No
43E Synchronize In All Contexts Yes
43F Enter Text Yes
440 Generate C Code Variant Yes
441 Front Panel:Center Specifies whether to automatically center the front panel window on the computer screen. Yes
442 Set Is Instance (Deprecated) No
443 Create from Reference Creates a constant or control using a constant or control reference as a template. No
444 Create from Data Type (Deprecated) Creates a control or constant of the data type you specify. LabVIEW always creates a control initially, even if you configure Style to create a constant or indicator. To change the type of the new object, use the Indicator property. No
445 Front Panel:Run-Time Position:Get Position Returns the default position of the front panel window at run-time. Yes
446 Front Panel:Run-Time Position:Unchanged Configures the VI to maintain the position of its front panel window when the VI runs. Yes
447 Front Panel:Run-Time Position:Centered Configures the referenced VI to center its front panel every time the VI runs. If the VI is running when you call this method, the change does not take effect until the next time the VI runs. Yes
448 Front Panel:Run-Time Position:Maximized Configures a VI to maximize its front panel every time the VI runs. If the VI is running when you call this method, the change does not take effect until the next time the VI runs. Yes
449 Front Panel:Run-Time Position:Minimized Sets a VI to minimize its front panel every time the VI runs. If the VI is running when you call this method, the change does not take effect until the next time the VI runs. Yes
44A Front Panel:Run-Time Position:Custom Configures the referenced VI to open its front panel in a custom position every time the VI runs. If the VI is running when you call this method, the change does not take effect until the next time the VI runs. Yes
44B Disconnect From Library Disconnects a VI that a LabVIEW project library owns from the owning project library. No
44C Set VI Mod (Deprecated) No
44D Replicate Conpane Make the connector pane of the VI Reference match the given connector pane. Yes
44E Add To AutoSave Pending List No
44F Remove Breakpoints Yes
450 Save:Hierarchy for Previous Yes
451 Save:Instrument (No Sync) No
452 Get Errors Yes
453 Tag:Get Names Yes
454 Give Temporary Unsaved Name No
455 Set Online Edit Yes
457 Control VI Apply Changes Apply changes made to a control VI. This method returns an error if used on non-control VIs. Yes
458 Set Path No
459 Set Filename Yes
45A Save:Copy As System Yes
45C Save:Instrument and Callers Debug No
45D Invoke Built in Menu Item (Not Implemented) Yes
45E Begin Scripting (Not Implemented) Yes
45F End Scripting (Not Implemented) Yes
460 Move Objects Moves the objects by the offset amount of pixels. No
461 Get Menu Item State (Not Implemented) Yes
462 Backup:Suppress (Not Implemented) Yes
463 Backup:Unsuppress (Not Implemented) Yes
464 Find Control with Key Focus Return a reference to the control that currently has key focus. If there is not a control with key focus in the target VI, Not a Refnum is returned. Yes
465 Set VI Mod No
466 Compile:VI Compiles the VI and optionally the entire VI hierarchy of that VI. Yes
467 Run VI And Deploy Yes
468 Deploy VI Yes
469 LadderVI Clear Ladder Editor Yes
46A Control Value:Get Default Yes
46B Control Value:Get Array Element Default Yes
46C Get Named Instance VI Yes
46D Code Coverage:Reset No
46E Code Coverage:Percentage No
46F Code Coverage:Uncovered Diagrams No
470 Control Value:Get Type Yes
471 Save:Interactive No
472 Set Is Instance No
473 Refresh Error Window Entry Yes
474 Block Diagram:Clean Up Cleans up the block diagram of the VI by rearranging and resizing its objects and signals to improve readability. You also can select Edit»Clean Up Diagram to clean up the block diagram. Yes
477 Front Panel:Open In Native Window Yes
478 Block Diagram:Open In Native Window Yes
479 Detect Parallel Loops Detects parallel loops in the VI. No
47A Get VI Dependencies (Names and Paths) This method returns the names and paths of the VI dependencies of a VI. You can use this method to return a specific subset of the total set of VI dependencies of a VI. This method does not return non-VI dependencies, such as project libraries, XControls, classes, and statecharts. Yes
47B State Chart Instantiate VI No
47C Transfer VI Cleanup Proc Yes
47D Save:VI Hierarchy to Folder No
47E Library:Get Previous VI from Library Yes
47F Library:Get Next VI from Library Yes
480 Pause VI Pauses or unpauses the VI execution. No
481 Debugging:Step Into Single-steps through a VI to help you debug the VI. To use this method, the VI must be paused. Yes
482 Debugging:Step Over Single-steps through a VI to help you debug the VI. To use this method, the VI must be paused. Yes
483 Debugging:Step Out Single-steps through a VI to help you debug the VI. To use this method, the VI must be paused. Yes
484 Debugging:Get Debug Button Display State Returns TRUE if the button is enabled or FALSE if the button is grayed out. This method also returns the string for the tip strip associated with the button. For example, this method might return Step into For Loop for the Step Into button. Yes
485 Copy VI Hierarchy With FPGA Side Effects No
486 VI Hierarchy:Remove Generic From VI Hierarchy No
488 Save:Prepare For Compile And Save No
489 Transaction:Get Undo State Returns whether there is an action to undo and, if so, the text that corresponds to that action. Yes
490 Transaction:Get Redo State Returns whether there is an action to redo and, if so, the text that corresponds to that action. Yes
491 Compile:Compile To DFIR XML (Not Implemented) Yes
492 Reset Generated Code Profile Results No
493 Compile:Compile To DFIR CPP No
494 License:Get License Status Yes
495 Get Compile Metrics Returns a string that describes transform metrics from the most recent compile of the VI, if metric recording was enabled. Yes
496 Set Is Instance No Owner Check No
49B Get Library Access Scope Returns the access scope or inherited access scope of this VI if it is owned by a LabVIEW project library. This method provides the same information as the method Source Scope:Get of the Project Library class without requiring a reference to the owning project library. No
49C Library:Has Library? Yes
49D Create from Data Type Creates a control or constant of the data type you specify. LabVIEW always creates a control initially, even if you configure Style to create a constant or indicator. To change the type of the new object, use the Indicator property. No
49E Get CallPaths To Other VI Yes
49F Check AppBuilderCache No
4A0 Save:Target Instrument For AppBuilder No
4A1 Control Value:Set Multiple Yes
4A2 Populate Asynchronous Call Pool Ensures that the asynchronous call pool for a VI reference contains at least the number of data spaces specified by the Minimum Size parameter. By default, when you open a reference with the Open VI Reference function, LabVIEW allocates one data space per CPU core on the development computer. Yes
4A3 VI Icon:Load VI Icon Manually No
4A4 Export Interface Yes
4A5 Attempt Setting Disconnect From Callers Needed No
4A6 GetXMLDataTypes Yes
4A7 Get Control Index by Name Gets the index for the control or indicator of the given name. If the control or indicator for which you want to get an index does not have a terminal on the block diagram, this method returns an error. Yes
4A8 Get VI Bookmarks Returns the bookmark information for the specified VI reference. You must load the VI into memory in order to read the bookmark information. This method returns an error if the VI is password protected or if the VI does not have a block diagram. Yes
4A9 Get ObjectRef From BookmarkID Returns a reference to the object, such as the label, that contains the bookmark. Yes
4AA Get AppBuilder Source Checksum No
4AB InternalStats Yes
4AC Get Missing Dependencies Information Yes
4AD Contains LinkRef No
4AE Clear TypeCast LinkRefs No
4AF Get UDClass LinkRefs No
4B0 Configure Panel As Top-Level Hidden Hides the front panel of the VI and optionally hides the VI from the taskbar when the VI runs as a top-level VI by changing the VI properties, such as the front panel transparency, run-time position, and minimization properties. This method is useful when you want to control if and when the front panel opens for top-level VIs. For example, use this method to hide the front panel of startup VIs of stand-alone applications that you build in LabVIEW. No
4B1 GetAllHierarchyRefers Yes


Show/Hide VI Events Table

Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
VI Events Table
Code Name Description Type
1073741895 DiagNodeSize
1073741847 Key Down Generated when the user performs keystrokes on the keyboard. Notify
2147483658 Key Down? Generated when the user performs keystrokes on the keyboard. Filter
1073741848 Key Repeat Generated at regular intervals when the user presses and holds a key anywhere on the front panel. Notify
2147483659 Key Repeat? Generated at regular intervals when the user presses and holds a key anywhere on the front panel. Filter
1073741836 Key Up Generated when the user releases a key on the keyboard. Notify
2147483680 VI class/ event
1073741851 Menu Selection (App) Generated when the user selects an application item from the LabVIEW menu, such as Help»Show Context Help. Use the Menu Selection (User) event to generate an event when the user selects a user-defined menu item. Notify
2147483654 Menu Selection? (App) Generated when the user selects an application item from the LabVIEW menu, such as Help»Show Context Help. Filter
1073741829 Menu Selection (User) Generated when the user selects a user-defined item from the LabVIEW menu. Use the Menu Selection (App) event to generate an event when the user selects an application menu item. Notify
1073741839 Mouse Enter Generated when the cursor enters the bounds of the front panel. Notify
1073741838 Mouse Leave Generated when the cursor leaves the bounds of the front panel. Notify
1073741849 Panel Close Generated when the user tries to interactively close the front panel of a VI by selecting the Close item in the File menu or by clicking the close glyph on the window border. Notify
2147483651 Panel Close? Generated when the user tries to interactively close the front panel on a VI by selecting the Close item in the File menu or by clicking the close glyph on the window border. Filter
1073741843 Panel Resize Generated when the user sizes the front panel by clicking and dragging the window frame, minimizes or maximizes the front panel, or restores the front panel to its original size from a maximized or minimized state. Notify
1073741894 Start Diagram Drag
1073741860 VI Will Be Purged


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2020 In LabVIEW 2020 the following changes were made:

See Also