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VI class/Compiled.Last Compiled With property

From LabVIEW Wiki
VI Server Property Information
Property ID 2B4
Scope VI Scripting
Data Name Compiled.LastCompiledWith
Short Name* Compiled.LastCompiledWith
Long Name* Compiled:Last Compiled With
* Displayed here in English. Short and Long names appear in the language of the LabVIEW IDE.
Owning Class ID 2
Owning Class Name VI Class
Data Type Enum U16 TypeDef data type

Enum U16 TypeDef

Property Node Compiled:Last Compiled With
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Available in Run-Time EngineYes
Available with control VIsNo
Available with global VIsNo
Available with polymorphic VIsNo
Available with strict type definitionsNo
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Loads the front panel into memoryNo
Must wait until user interface is idleNo
Need to authenticate before useNo
PermissionsRead Only
Remote access allowedYes
Settable when the VI is runningNo

Returns the level of compiler optimizations that LabVIEW last used to compile this VI. The value corresponds to whether the complexity of the VI was greater or less than the threshold at which LabVIEW begins limiting compiler optimizations to prioritize editor responsiveness.

This property provides programmatic access to the Last compiled with field on the Memory Usage page of the VI Properties dialog box. You can use this value to determine whether adjusting the complexity threshold can improve the execution speed of the referenced VI.

Possible Errors This property returns error 1000 if the referenced VI has never been compiled.

0 Partial compiler optimizations—Indicates that the complexity of the referenced VI is greater than the last threshold used to compile the VI. VIs with this value may execute more quickly when compiled with a lower threshold.
1 Full compiler optimizations—Indicates that the complexity of the referenced VI is less than the last threshold used to compile the VI. You cannot adjust the complexity threshold to improve the execution speed of a VI with this value.



Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also

External Links