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CIN class

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VI Server Class Information
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Class Name CIN class
Class ID 16416
Scope VI Scripting
Class Inheritance
Class Children

This class has no children.

    The CIN class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


    Show/Hide CIN Properties Table

    R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
    RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    CIN Properties Table
    Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
    636C800Code Resource PathSpecifies the path to the code resource (.lsb) file.Read OnlyNo
    636C801ParameterCountGets or sets the number of parameters.Read/WriteYes
    636C802Input Terminals[]Returns a 1D array of references to the input parameter terminals.Read OnlyYes
    636C803Output Terminals[]Returns a 1D array of references to the output parameter terminals.Read OnlyYes


    Show/Hide CIN Properties Table

    RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    CIN Methods Table
    Method ID Long Name (English) Description RTE
    636C400Load Code ResourceLoads a code resource from a code resource (.lsb) file.No
    636C401Create C FileCreates a C file for the Code Interface Node at the path you specify.No
    636C402Add Parameter AfterAdds a new parameter after the item you specify in Index and returns a reference to the new pair of terminals.Yes (Read/Write)
    636C403Remove ParameterRemoves the parameter at the index you specify.Yes (Read/Write)
    636C404Purge Code ResourceDeletes the code associated with the Code Interface Node.Yes (Read/Write)


    This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: GrowableFunction Class.


    Version Change(s)
    LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

    See Also