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DAQmxNameConstant class

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VI Server Class Information
Return to VI Server Class Hierarchy
Class Name DAQmxNameConstant class
Class ID 16457
Scope VI Scripting
Class Inheritance
Class Children

This class has no children.

    The DAQmxNameConstant class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


    Show/Hide DAQmxNameConstant Properties Table

    R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
    RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    DAQmxNameConstant Properties Table
    Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
    78CA7000Allow Multiple NamesAllows multiple names to be entered.Read/WriteYes
    78CA7001Allow Undefined NamesAllows undefined item names to be entered.Read/WriteYes
    78CA7002Filter On DeviceFilters the pull-down menu of the control according to the names associated with Device.Read/WriteYes
    78CA7007DeviceDefines the I/O control name of the device string to filter the list.Read/WriteYes
    78CA7009Include Invalid NamesIndicates whether to include invalid items in the drop-down menu.Read/WriteYes
    78CA700AAllow Create NewIf TRUE, specifies that the Create New button is available in the Browse dialog box.Read/WriteYes
    78CA700FChannel:Signal TypeIndicates the type of signals that the control displays. Use this property only if the control is a DAQmx Channel control.Read/WriteYes
    78CA7010Physical Channel:Signal TypeIndicates the type of signals that the control displays. Use this property only if the control is a DAQmx Physical Channel control.Read/WriteYes
    78CA7011Analog Trigger:Show DedicatedRead/WriteYes
    78CA7012Analog Trigger:Show AI ChannelsRead/WriteYes
    78CA7013Switch:Show ChannelsIndicates whether to display the switch channels in the pull-down menu of the name control. Use this property only if the control is a DAQmx switch control.Read/WriteYes
    78CA7014Switch:Show RelaysIndicates whether to display the switch relays in the pull-down menu of the name control. Use this property only if the control is a DAQmx switch control.Read/WriteYes
    78CA7015Terminal:Show BasicIndicates whether to display basic and commonly used terminals in the pull-down menu of the control. Use this property only if the control is a DAQmx Terminal control.Read/WriteYes
    78CA7016Terminal:Show AdvancedIndicates whether to display advanced and rarely used terminals in the pull-down menu of the control. Use this property only if the control is a DAQmx Terminal control.Read/WriteYes
    78CA7017Terminal:Show PrivateRead/WriteYes
    78CA7018Physical Channel:Show ExternalIndicates whether to display external and commonly used channels in the pull-down menu of the control. Use this property only if the control is a DAQmx Physical Channel control.Read/WriteYes
    78CA7019Physical Channel:Show InternalIndicates whether to display internal and rarely used channels in the pull-down menu of the control. Use this property only if the control is a DAQmx Physical Channel control.Read/WriteYes
    78CA701APhysical Channel:Show Internal BizarreRead/WriteYes
    78CA701BSwitch:Show TopologiesIndicates whether to display the switch topologies in the pull-down menu of the name control. Use this property only if the control is a DAQmx switch control.Read/WriteYes


    This class has no methods or it inherits methods from its parent: IONameConstant Class.


    This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: IONameConstant Class.


    Version Change(s)
    LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

    See Also