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Bus class

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VI Server Class Information
Return to VI Server Class Hierarchy
Class Name Bus class
Class ID 131
Scope Basic Development Environment
Class Inheritance
Class Children

This class has no children.

The Bus class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


Show/Hide Bus Properties Table

R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
Basic Development Environment
VI Scripting
Bus Properties Table
Property ID Long Name (English) Description R/W RTE
632B411Plot NameGet or set the name of the plot. If the Ignore Attributes property is FALSE, you cannot set the plot name.Read/WriteYes
632B412Plot ColorGet or set the color of the plot.Read/WriteYes
632B413Plot InterpolationGet or set the interpolation of the plot.Read/WriteYes
632B414Point StyleGet or set the point style (0-16) as shown on the shortcut menu from top-left to bottom-right.Read/WriteYes
632B415Line StyleGet or set the line style (0-4) as shown on the shortcut menu from top-left to bottom-right.Read/WriteYes
632B416Fill/Point ColorGet or set the color of the point and fills.Read/WriteYes
632B417Line WidthGet or set the width of the plot (0-5).Read/WriteYes
632B418Bar Plot StyleGets or sets the bar plot style.Read/WriteYes
632B419Fill ToFill baseline: -1 None, -2 Zero, -3 Negative Infinity, -4 Infinity. Otherwise, the number of the plot being filled.Read/WriteYes
632B41AX Scale IndexGets the index of X-scale with which this plot is associated.Read/WriteYes
632B41BY Scale IndexGets the index of Y-scale with which this plot is associated.Read/WriteYes
632B41CVisibleShows the plot.Read/WriteYes
632B41DPlot InfoRead/WriteYes
632B41ELabel FormatGets or sets the format of the text label on a digital bus. LabVIEW displays the plot label only if there is enough room in the digital graph plot.Read/WriteYes
632B41FDigital Transition TypeSets how LabVIEW distinguishes differing values in the plot. This affects only plots with more than one bit. Applies to digital plots only.Read/WriteYes
632B420Digital Transition LocationSets whether to display high to low transitions at the previous point, in between points, or at the new point on the x-axis. The default displays high to low transitions at the new point on the x-axis. Applies to digital plots only.Read/WriteYes
632B421Digital Line StyleSets whether LabVIEW uses a thin or thick line in the plot to distinguish high or low values or to offset a particular plot line. Applies to digital plots only.Read/WriteYes
632B422Fixed Point SettingsGets or sets a cluster of settings that indicate or control the fixed-point representation of a digital bus. You can use this property only if you set the bus to Fixed Point label format. You can use the Label Format property to set the label format programmatically.Read/WriteYes
632B423Fixed Point StyleGets or sets the formatting style of the digital bus label that LabVIEW displays when you select the Fixed Point label format. You can use the Label Format property to set the label format programmatically.Read/WriteYes
632B424Fixed Point Digits of PrecisionSets the number of digits of precision shown in the digital bus label when you select the Fixed Point label format. You can use the Label Format property to set the label format programmatically.Read/WriteYes


This class has no methods or it inherits methods from its parent: Generic Class.


This class has no events or it inherits events from its parent: Generic Class.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also