A Structure is a construct that surrounds other programming elements. It divides the block diagram into a hierarchy of sub-diagrams. Some structures only contain one sub-diagram, or frame, (i.e. For Loops , While Loops , In Place Element Structures , etc.). While others contain multiple sub-diagrams, or frames, (i.e. Case Structures , Event Structures , Diagram Disable Structures , and Conditional Disable Structures ).
Structures have three uses. They either:
Control the execution between blocks of code ([Flat Sequence structure|Flat Sequence Structure]], Stacked Sequence Structure , In Place Element Structures , Timed Sequence )
Allow a choice between different blocks of code to execute (Case Structures , Event Structures , Diagram Disable Structures , Conditional Disable Structures )
Allow code to repeat execution (For Loops , While Loops , Timed Loops )
Structures palette (Click on a function to navigate, or on the arrow to go to parent palette )