The MathScript executes LabVIEW MathScripts and your other text-based scripts using the MathScript RT Module engine. You can use the MathScript Node to evaluate scripts that you create in the LabVIEW MathScript Window.
If a MathScript Node contains a warning glyph, LabVIEW operates with slower run-time performance for the node. You can modify your script to remove the warning glyph from the MathScript Node and improve run-time performance.
Use this node to execute your scripts. Enter your script, which can contain built-in MathScript functions and user-defined functions, in the node or right-click the node border to import text into the node. Right-click the node border to add input and output variables. You can right-click an output variable to set its data type.
To display the data type of a variable in the Context Help window, click outside a MathScript Node and then move the cursor over a variable in the node. You also can move the cursor over a function to display information about the function in the Context Help window. When you create a LabVIEW MathScript, you must use supported data types.
Note: The MathScript Node and the LabVIEW MathScript Window can communicate only if they are in the same application instance.
Best practice
More info to come.
See Also
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