Category:Presentations without video recording
This category contains articles from Category:Presentations that do not provide a video recording, either because the presentation was never recorded or because the recording was not specified.
Pages in category "Presentations without video recording"
The following 175 pages are in this category, out of 175 total.
- GDevCon ANZ 1/Interfacing with Azure Queues
- GDevCon ANZ 1/Managing Test Systems and Engineering Data like a boss with NI SystemLink
- GDevCon ANZ 1/NI SystemLink for Software Deployment and Configuration Management
- GDevCon ANZ 1/Robust Test Limits – A Quality Cost Advantage
- GDevCon ANZ 1/Simplify Test Development with the Bloomy EFT Module for TestStand
- GDevCon ANZ 1/The Importance of Testing in Contract Manufacturing
- GDevCon ANZ 1/Unlocking the Potential of Deep Learning in Computer Vision with ANSVIS
- GDevCon ANZ 1/ViPER, an open source dependency injection framework for LabVIEW
- GDevCon North America 2022/Bowzer the Browser and the AF Guild
- GLA Summit 2021/Engineering Creativity On-Demand
- GLA Summit 2021/The Tribulations of Communicating with a REST API
- GLA Summit 2022/Designing LabVIEW Interfaces that Tell a Story
- GLA Summit 2022/From DLL to Bitfile: Using Vivado, LabVIEW, and .NET Together
- GLA Summit 2022/Maps, Sets, DVRs, and Classes: A Practical Exercise
- GLA Summit 2022/MeasurementLink: Simplifying the Interactive Measurement to Automated Test Workflow With an Eye Towards the Future
- GLA Summit 2022/NI Keynote
- GLA Summit 2022/Sharing Is Caring: HSE's Open-Source Offerings
- GLA Summit 2022/Significance of Learning Experience
- GLA Summit 2022/TestStand based actors
- GLA Summit 2022/TestStand Deployment: But it worked on my PC?
- GLA Summit 2022/Using Interfaces in Actor Framework: Design Implications
- GLA Summit 2022/Value at the Fringe: Solutions to Aysnchronous Edge Cases
- GLA Summit 2024/Case Study of Automatic Software Deployment on NI Linux RT
- GLA Summit 2024/Emotional awareness as a first step to resilience
- NIWeek 2019/10 Steps to Unleash Engineering Productivity With Automated Evaluation
- NIWeek 2019/2 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Production Test Systems
- NIWeek 2019/400 G Transceiver Test: High-Volume Manufacturing-Ready Solutions
- NIWeek 2019/A Deep Dive on Synchronization in PXI
- NIWeek 2019/A Platform-Oriented Approach to Electric Vehicle Test
- NIWeek 2019/Access, Visualize, and Interact With Your DAQ Applications From Anywhere Using SystemLink Cloud
- NIWeek 2019/Accuracy I: Understanding Data Acquisition System Accuracy
- NIWeek 2019/Accuracy II: SAR Versus Delta-Sigma ADCs
- NIWeek 2019/Accuracy III: Advanced Techniques for Removing Noise
- NIWeek 2019/Advances in Ethernet to Test Connected Electronic Devices
- NIWeek 2019/Aerospace and Defense Keynote: Key Trends Driving the Industry
- NIWeek 2019/An Effective Test Strategy is More Than a Killer HAL-MAL
- NIWeek 2019/An Effective Test Strategy is More Than a Killer HAL/MAL
- NIWeek 2019/Architecting a TestStand Automation
- NIWeek 2019/Automated Measurement Analysis Leveraging MathWorks & NI Tools
- NIWeek 2019/Automating App Distribution and Installation Using SystemLink™ Server and NI Package Manager
- NIWeek 2019/Automating Repetitive Development Tasks in TestStand
- NIWeek 2019/Automating Test Procedure to Test Sequence With the TestStand API
- NIWeek 2019/Automotive Track Keynote: Test the Vehicles of Tomorrow
- NIWeek 2019/AUTOSAR 4.3: Using LabVIEW for a Multiplatform Car Communication Network Framework
- NIWeek 2019/AUTOSAR Restbus Simulation
- NIWeek 2019/Battery Validation Test
- NIWeek 2019/Behind the Design: Turning Large Scale Metal Additive Technology into Smart Manufacturing
- NIWeek 2019/Benefits of Model-Based Control and Real-Sim Switching in Electromechanical Test Rigs
- NIWeek 2019/Building a Real-Time Radar Target Simulator With PXI and LabVIEW in 3 Months
- NIWeek 2019/Building Smarter Rack-Based Test Systems
- NIWeek 2019/C Series and DAQ Product Roadmap
- NIWeek 2019/Case Study: Software Standardization in Large Teams
- NIWeek 2019/Challenges and Solutions for mmWave OTA Test
- NIWeek 2019/Clean Code: FUNdamental Principles
- NIWeek 2019/Code Smells Part 2: Smelly Objects
- NIWeek 2019/Condition Based Maintenance in the IIoT
- NIWeek 2019/Continuous Integration Using GitLab and VMware: Dynamically Launching and Assigning Virtual Machines
- NIWeek 2019/Creating a High-Fidelity E-Motor Model for XiLS Using JMAG-RT
- NIWeek 2019/Custom Device Design for Usability and Maintainability
- NIWeek 2019/Customizing FlexLogger to Communicate With the World Around You
- NIWeek 2019/Data Workflow Management
- NIWeek 2019/DC Measurement Best Practices: Optimizing for Parasitics, Noise, and Drift
- NIWeek 2019/DCAF: A Framework for Efficiently Developing Robust Control Applications
- NIWeek 2019/Design and Testbed Evaluation of a Converged Sensing and Communication System for Autonomous Vehicles
- NIWeek 2019/Designing and Deploying SIGINT and Electronic Warfare Systems
- NIWeek 2019/Designing for High-Throughput Data Movement on the PXI Platform
- NIWeek 2019/Developing an ATE Standardization Roadmap With PXI at the Core
- NIWeek 2019/Developing an Energy Manager for Microgrids Based on LabVIEW
- NIWeek 2019/Dodging Distributed DAQ Disaster: 5 Do's and Don'ts
- NIWeek 2019/Driving Millions of Virtual Miles Overnight: Testing Autonomous Vehicle Software With Pure Simulation
- NIWeek 2019/Efficient User Interface Development in Post-Silicon Validation
- NIWeek 2019/Embedded Software Validation With VeriStand
- NIWeek 2019/Emulating EV Powertrains for HIL and System Integration
- NIWeek 2019/Flexible HIL Design Using NI SLSC
- NIWeek 2019/FlexLogger: Fast, Flexible Data Logging without Programming
- NIWeek 2019/FPGA Image Processing: When, Why, How?
- NIWeek 2019/From Research to Industry: High-Speed Synchrophasors for Smart Grids
- NIWeek 2019/Getting the most out of the New CompactRIO and sbRIO Controllers with NI-DAQmx and TSN
- NIWeek 2019/Hack Your Car With NI CAN Interfaces and LabVIEW
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Automating Data Management with SystemLink
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Big Analog Data with DIAdem
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Build an Automated Test System with TestStand and PXI
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Data Logging with FlexLogger
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Design Web-based User Interfaces with the LabVIEW NXG Web Module
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Explore C-C++ Development, Third-Party Packages with NI Linux RT
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Integrate LabVIEW With Python
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Introduction to HIL Test with VeriStand
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Introduction to LabVIEW and DAQ
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Introduction to LabVIEW for Instrumentation
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Programming with LabVIEW FPGA Module on CompactRIO
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Programming with LabVIEW Real Time Module on CompactRIO
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Sound and Vibration (Introduction)
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Strain Gauge Fundamental
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-on: System and Test Management with SystemLink and cRIO
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Transforming Academic Accounts With the Latest NI ELVIS III Features
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Vision Builder for Automated Inspection
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Vision Development Module
- NIWeek 2019/Hands-On: Web Module
- NIWeek 2019/HIL and RCP Using MathWorks and NI Tools
- NIWeek 2019/How Companies Save Millions by Managing Sensor Data
- NIWeek 2019/How NI Technology supports Remote Labs in Engineering Education
- NIWeek 2019/How to Design a Multi-FPGA System
- NIWeek 2019/How to Optimize Signal Integrity: Oscilloscopes
- NIWeek 2019/How to Succeed (and Fail) at Bridging Validation and Production Test
- NIWeek 2019/If It Bleeds We Can Kill It: Ninja Skills for Test Time Reduction
- NIWeek 2019/Implementing the Latest DPD Models From Theory to Reality
- NIWeek 2019/Improving the Semiconductor Design to Test Workflow
- NIWeek 2019/Integrating Python and LabVIEW
- NIWeek 2019/Introducing JIVE: JIRA Integration for LabVIEW
- NIWeek 2019/Introducing NIs First Wireless Sensor
- NIWeek 2019/Introducing the New Automotive Ethernet Interface
- NIWeek 2019/Introduction to LabVIEW Real-Time and LabVIEW FPGA
- NIWeek 2019/Introduction to Vision Software
- NIWeek 2019/ITA Design Considerations
- NIWeek 2019/Iteration on Student Projects: Beating Humans at Foosball
- NIWeek 2019/Key Considerations When Selecting Contactors for 5G and mmWave Semiconductor Devices
- NIWeek 2019/Keynote: Endeavor to Transform Traditional Engineering Education
- NIWeek 2019/LabVIEW Authentication with Microsoft Azure
- NIWeek 2019/LabVIEW NXG Web Module: Developing Web-Based User Interfaces
- NIWeek 2019/LabVIEW-Based Internal Combustion Engine Control Using CompactRIO
- NIWeek 2019/Learning to Love Text Again With Measurement Studio
- NIWeek 2019/Leverage SystemLink for Machine Learning
- NIWeek 2019/Linux and NI: How This Combination Benefits You
- NIWeek 2019/Mapping Product Requirements to Test System Requirements and Creating Test Limits
- NIWeek 2019/Microwave Lab Course at the University of Colorado Boulder
- NIWeek 2019/Multi-User MIMO Sounding Platform for High-Dynamic V2X Channels
- NIWeek 2019/No NI Summit in Your City? Build Your Own!
- NIWeek 2019/Novel Approaches to Pass Data Between TestStand and LabVIEW
- NIWeek 2019/ON Semiconductor Takes a New Approach to Production Test
- NIWeek 2019/One-Stop Test Solution for Autonomous Driving
- NIWeek 2019/Prophecy of the SMoRES: Coding Principles for All
- NIWeek 2019/Prototyping With CompactRIO and HIL Testing With PXI for the Race Track
- NIWeek 2019/PTP for Data Synchronization: Time-Critical Acquisition Across Multiple Devices
- NIWeek 2019/Rebuilding an Iron Bird With PXI and SLSC
- NIWeek 2019/Redefining Test Procedures With TestStand Automation
- NIWeek 2019/Remote Labs for the Development of Engineering Skills
- NIWeek 2019/Rock On! Using Record Players and LabVIEW to Teach PID Control
- NIWeek 2019/Save Onboarding Costs Through an Industry-University Partnership
- NIWeek 2019/Save Time by Continuously Testing Reused Libraries: For Beginners
- NIWeek 2019/Securing Your cRIO Deployment
- NIWeek 2019/Semiconductor Wafer Probe Test Solutions for mmWave Production
- NIWeek 2019/Simplifying your HAL with LVOOP and DQMH®
- NIWeek 2019/Stop Breaking the Trunk! A Step-by-Step CI Tutorial for Test Programs
- NIWeek 2019/Streamline Your LabVIEW Real-Time Development
- NIWeek 2019/SystemLink Software: Better Operational Efficiency With Systems Management
- NIWeek 2019/SystemLink Software: Connected Intelligence for Test and Measurement Systems
- NIWeek 2019/SystemLink Software: Maximize Utilization With Asset Management
- NIWeek 2019/SystemLink: Accelerate Software Deployment and System Diagnostics
- NIWeek 2019/SystemLink™ Software: Deriving Automated Test Insights
- NIWeek 2019/Techniques for Performing High-Bandwidth In-Vehicle Data Logging in Autonomous Vehicles
- NIWeek 2019/TestStand Customization: Architecting TestStand Framework for Noncoders
- NIWeek 2019/The Big Daddy of Big Data: A Whirlwind of Data in Wind Tunnels
- NIWeek 2019/The Importance of Abstraction and Standardization in Automated Test
- NIWeek 2019/The Reconfigurable Radio Network Platform
- NIWeek 2019/The Ups and Downs of Moving a VNA From the Frequency Domain to the Time Domain
- NIWeek 2019/Tips and Tricks for Using TSN With NI Hardware
- NIWeek 2019/Tips and Tricks With Vision Builder for Faster and Easier Applications
- NIWeek 2019/Traits: A New Approach to Designing Reusable Code
- NIWeek 2019/Using CompactRIO With NI-DAQmx in the Real World
- NIWeek 2019/Using DQMH in TestStand
- NIWeek 2019/Using Driving Scene Data to Meet Automatic Driving Simulation Test Challenges
- NIWeek 2019/Using Templates and LabVIEW OOP for Flexible Projects
- NIWeek 2019/USRP-Based Vehicular Visible Light Communications (V-VLC)
- NIWeek 2019/V2X Emulator: A Smart Way to Test V2X
- NIWeek 2019/Vehicle-to-X Test for Global Standards With the NI Platform
- NIWeek 2019/Virtual Validation ADAS
- NIWeek 2019/VPX Technology Update and Test Challenges
- NIWeek 2019/What Is the LabVIEW NXG FPGA Module?
- NIWeek 2019/What's New in LabWindows-CVI 2019
- NIWeek 2019/What's New in the NI PXI Platform
- NIWeek 2019/Why I Cringe When Everyone Wants Data in Excel
- NIWeek 2019/Wireless Design and Test using MATLAB and NI Tools
- NIWeek 2019/Writing Data-Management-Ready Measurement Files
- NIWeek 2019/Zero to Application in ~90 days using LabVIEW with DQMH