NIWeek 2019/Building a Real-Time Radar Target Simulator With PXI and LabVIEW in 3 Months

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Building a Real-Time Radar Target Simulator With PXI and LabVIEW in 3 Months
Conference NIWeek 2019
Presenters Satya Gopal
Avinash Chenreddy
Ravi Teja
Building a Real-Time Radar Target Simulator With PXI and LabVIEW in 3 Months by Satya Gopal, Avinash Chenreddy, and Ravi Teja
The signal processing, RF performance, and high data processing capabilities of today's radars are growing more complex. Learn how engineers at Constelli developed an advanced radar target simulator with range, velocity, RCS, antenna pattern, and multitarget and trajectory simulation using PXI RF hardware from the ground up in three months.

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