NIWeek 2019/Developing an ATE Standardization Roadmap With PXI at the Core

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Developing an ATE Standardization Roadmap With PXI at the Core
Conference NIWeek 2019
Presenters Jerry Hopp
Quentin Smith
Developing an ATE Standardization Roadmap With PXI at the Core by Jerry Hopp and Quentin Smith
The standardization of automatic test equipment (ATE) is more important today than ever before. With significant budget constraints and the increasing pressure to rely on test systems for longer than originally designed, test engineers must ensure that the design and implementation of new ATE solutions remain robust and future-proof throughout the life of a program. At this session, learn best practices for key design and build processes that protect against obsolescence and provide multiple paths for migration for the life of a program. Also identify opportunities for which you can achieve compatibility, interoperability, interchangeability, and commonality to further advance test programs without significant reinvestment downstream.

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