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Functions Palette/Programming/Comparison

From LabVIEW Wiki
Object information
Owning palette(s) Programming palette
Type Palette
Requires Basic Development Environment

Use the Comparison functions to compare Boolean values, strings, numeric values, arrays, and clusters.

The Comparison functions treat Boolean, string, numeric, array, and cluster values differently. You also can use the Comparison functions to compare characters. You can change the comparison mode of some Comparison functions.

Programming paletteEqual?Not Equal?Greater?Less?Greater Or Equal?Less Or Equal?Equal To 0?Not Equal To 0?Greater Than 0?Less Than 0?Greater Or Equal To 0?Less Or Equal To 0?SelectMax & MinIn Range and CoerceNot A Number/Path/Refnum?Empty Array?Empty String/Path?Decimal Digit?Hex Digit?Octal Digit?Printable?White Space?Lexical ClassComparisonAssert TypeIs Value ChangedIs Path and Not EmptyFixed-Point Overflow?
Comparison palette (Click on a function to navigate, or on the arrow to go to parent palette)


Icon Name
Assert Type Assert Type


Icon Name
Equal? Equal?
Not Equal? Not Equal?
Greater? Greater?
Less? Less?
Greater Or Equal? Greater Or Equal?
Less Or Equal? Less Or Equal?
Equal To 0? Equal To 0?
Not Equal To 0? Not Equal To 0?
Greater Than 0? Greater Than 0?
Less Than 0? Less Than 0?
Greater Or Equal To 0? Greater Or Equal To 0?
Less Or Equal To 0? Less Or Equal To 0?
Select Select
Max & Min Max & Min
In Range and Coerce In Range and Coerce
Not A Number/Path/Refnum? Not A Number/Path/Refnum?
Empty Array? Empty Array?
Empty String/Path? Empty String/Path?
Decimal Digit? Decimal Digit?
Hex Digit? Hex Digit?
Octal Digit? Octal Digit?
Printable? Printable?
White Space? White Space?
Lexical Class Lexical Class
Comparison Comparison
Is Value Changed Is Value Changed
Is Path and Not Empty Is Path and Not Empty
Fixed-Point Overflow? Fixed-Point Overflow?


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.