GLA Summit 2022
GLA Summit 2022 | |
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14th-15th November 2022 | |
GLA Summit 2022 Homepage |
- A Custom Project Template based on QMH CLA Sample Exam - by Ederson Ramalho
- All About Collection Data Types - by Darren Nattinger
- All you wanted to know about LabVIEW and Web Services but feared to ask - Part 2 - by Matthias Baudot
- Architecting the best Test Team - by Steve Evans & Sam Roundy
- A real-life example of contribution to a LabVIEW open-source project - by Olivier Jourdan & Paul Morris
- A simple 3D renderer done 100% in LabVIEW - by Neil Pate
- Automating the Automator - Simplifying the TestStand API in LabVIEW with TSnax - by Derrick Bommarito
- Beyond STM - TCP, WebSockets, and VISA oh my! - by Derrick Bommarito
- Beyond unit tests - automated GUI testing of LabVIEW applications - by Sam Sharp
- Become the World's 3rd Best LabVIEW Presenter - by Darren Nattinger & Norm Kirchner
- Continuous Integration - using Team City and composed-ci - by Maciej Kolosko
- Context-Agnostic Actors - The Holy Grail of Distributed Application Development - by Dmitry Sagatelyan
- Creating sequence diagrams and flow charts using Plantuml - by Sree Ranjani Sowndharya Ganesan
- Deep Learning and GPU Acceleration with LabVIEW - by Ish Gevorgyan & Alik Sargsyan
- Design to Production - Maximizing Code Reuse - by Sam Roundy
- Designing LabVIEW Interfaces that Tell a Story - by Hunter Smith
- Docs as code approach applied to LabVIEW projects - by Olivier Jourdan
- Empathy is a Technical Skill - by Andrea Goulet
- Extending LabVIEW application functionality with ActiveX and .NET - by Muruganandhan Subramaniam
- FlexTest 2.0 using Actor Framework - by Akshata Nayak, Ashish Uttarwar, & Matt Bradley
- From DLL to Bitfile: Using Vivado, LabVIEW, and .NET Together - by Adam Fern
- G Idea Exchange: Empowering Your Open-Source LabVIEW Ideas - by Jesper Kjær Sørensen
- Improve your UI with the DMC GUI Suite - by Roman Cyliax
- LabVIEW - Coexisting with Other Programming Technologies - by Saravana Kumar Muthusamy
- LabVIEW and Python - A Discussion - by Sam Taggart
- LabVIEW for Composing and Simulating Quantum Circuits - by Murtaza Vefadar
- Ludicrous Ways to Fix Broken LabVIEW Code - by Darren Nattinger
- Maps, Sets, DVRs, and Classes: A Practical Exercise - by Allen Smith
- MeasurementLink: Simplifying the Interactive Measurement to Automated Test Workflow With an Eye Towards the Future - by John Bongaarts
- NI & Regional User Groups: Engaging, Energizing, & Evolving - by Nancy Henson
- NI Keynote - by Eric Reffet & Nancy Henson
- "New VI From Template" IDE extension (right-click menu plugin) - by Petru Tarabuta
- Overview of the TestStand gRPC API Technology Preview - by Shauna Rae
- RAM: Understanding Memory Performance and LabVIEW - by James McNally
- Sharing Is Caring: HSE's Open-Source Offerings - by Jörg Hampel
- Smartphone-like User Interfaces in LabVIEW - by Quentin "Q" Alldredge
- Significance of Learning Experience - by Ram Gurung
- SLL Drona - Open Source LabVIEW UI Testing Framework - by Keerthi Varman Nageshwaran, Karthik Abiram & Sairam S
- Streamline your Graphical Diffing with QuickDrop Plugins - by Leah Edwards
- STS Live Test Result Viewer - by Venkatesh Perumal & Pranay Chandragiri
- Test Driving a CLD - by Anton Sundqvist
- TestStand based actors - Natan Biesmans
- TestStand Deployment: But it worked on my PC? - by Georgios Tsalavoutis
- The Pampered Pig: The Wired-in Software work experience program - by Christopher Farmer & Vishal Bajaj
- Using DQMH with TestStand: Tips, Tricks, Pros and Cons - by Cyril GAMBINI
- Using Interfaces in Actor Framework: Design Implications - by Allen Smith
- Using sets and maps in configuration and measurement data - by Stuart Trevillian
- Value at the Fringe: Solutions to Aysnchronous Edge Cases - by Ethan Stern
- What is this CD thing anyway? - by Samuel Taggart & Casey May
- What's new in TestStand - Python integration - by Bapi Mahanta
- What’s new in Workers 4.0 and development with TestStand - by Matthias Kubli & Peter Scarfe
- What would a SubVI do? - by James Powell
- What’s new on Panther Dashboard for DQMH - by Enrique Noe Arias
- uFramework - A recent experiment - by Moataz Kamel