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GLA Summit 2022/LabVIEW for Composing and Simulating Quantum Circuits

From LabVIEW Wiki
LabVIEW for Composing and Simulating Quantum Circuits
Conference GLA Summit 2022
Presenters Murtaza Vefadar
LabVIEW for Composing and Simulating Quantum Circuits by Murtaza Vefadar

Among the researchers in the field of quantum information with different backgrounds such as physicists, computer scientists, and engineers, the "quantum circuit" (QC) model is widely used for its visual representation of quantum algorithms. Various online and local drag-and-drop programs allow the designing and simulation of QC with parallel “quantum wires” and interconnected “quantum gates” at the front-end level. However, by replacing these wires and gates with wires and subVIs in the block diagram, it would be possible for "quantum programming" at the back-end level and unlock the true visual programming for quantum computers with LabVIEW. In this presentation, I will go through the already published toolkit on VIPM; "QuVI - Quantum Circuit" and discuss its challenges and obtain immediate benefits and also future improvements.

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