DCO stands for Data Controller Object. DCOs are related to control of data flow within VI files. They can be attached to DDOs in both Front Panel and Block Diagram.
Within VI files, DCOs are stored as an array of Clusters which is a part of Data Space.
DCO Cluster
Below are the Cluster fields which make up DCO within Data Space.
Data Type | Field Name | Description |
I16 | dcoIndex | Index of the DCO currently being defined. DCOs are stored within VI files sorted by this index. |
U16 | ipCon | |
U8 | syncDisplay | |
U8 | extraUsed | |
U8 | flat | |
I8 | conNum | |
I32 | flagDSO | Data Space Offset which is start of the data for the Type descriptor referenced by flagTMI. |
I32 | flagTMI | Type Map Index which references Type descriptor containing flags. |
I32 | defaultDataTMI | Type Map Index which references Type descriptor containing Default Data for the DCO. |
I32 | extraDataTMI | Type Map Index which references Type descriptor containing Extra Data associated with the DCO. |
I32 | dsSz | |
U8 | ddoWriteCode | |
U8 | ddoNeedsSubVIStartup | |
U8 | isIndicator | Boolean value which informs whether this DCO is a Control or an Indicator. |
U8 | isScalar | |
I32 | defaultDataOffset | Offset within the Data Space which is start of the data for the Type descriptor referenced by defaultDataTMI. |
I32 | transferDataOffset | |
I32 | extraDataOffset | |
I32 | execDataPtrOffset | |
I32 | eltDsSz | |
U8 | copyReq | |
U8 | local | |
U8 | feo | |
U8 | nDims | |
U8 | copyProcIdx | |
U8 | copyFromRtnIdx | |
U8 | misclFlags | |
U8 | unusedFillerByte | |
I32 | subTypeDSO | |
4 x U8 | customCopyFromOffset | |
4 x U8 | customCopyToOffset | |
4 x U8 | customCopyOffset |