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Revision as of 09:26, 18 June 2020 by Mefistotelis (talk | contribs) (cluster def)

DCO stands for Data Controller Object. DCOs are related to control of data flow within VI files. They can be attached to DDOs in both Front Panel and Block Diagram.

Within VI files, DCOs are stored as an array of Clusters which is a part of Data Space.

DCO Cluster

Below are the Cluster fields which make up DCO within Data Space.

Data Type Field Name Description
I16 dcoIndex
U16 ipCon
U8 syncDisplay
U8 extraUsed
U8 flat
I8 conNum
I32 flagDSO
I32 flagTMI
I32 defaultDataTMI
I32 extraDataTMI
I32 dsSz
U8 ddoWriteCode
U8 ddoNeedsSubVIStartup
U8 isIndicator
U8 isScalar
I32 defaultDataOffset
I32 transferDataOffset
I32 extraDataOffset
I32 execDataPtrOffset
I32 eltDsSz
U8 copyReq
U8 local
U8 feo
U8 nDims
U8 copyProcIdx
U8 copyFromRtnIdx
U8 misclFlags
U8 unusedFillerByte
I32 subTypeDSO
4 x U8 customCopyFromOffset
4 x U8 customCopyToOffset
4 x U8 customCopyOffset