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From LabVIEW Wiki
This is the documentation page for Template:VIServerProperty.
When it is viewed directly, links using variables may appear broken; do not replace these with hardcoded page names or URLs.


Use this template is to create the Property Information table in VI Server property pages.

Syntax is as follows:

{{VIServerProperty | classid = | propertyid = | scope = | dataname = | shortname = | longname = | datatypeimage = | datatype = | propertynodeimage = | availableinrealtime = | availableinruntime = | availablewithcontrolvis = | availablewithglobalvis = | availablewithpolyvis = | availablewithstricttypedefs = | loadsbd = | loadsfp = | mustwait = | needsauthentication = | permissions = | remoteallowed = | settablewhenrunning = |}}


Parameter Description Default
classid The Class ID of a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy.
propertyid The Property ID of the property owned by the class defined by the Class ID {{{classid}}}.
scope The scope of the property as either {basic, script, private, deprecated}.
dataname The data name of the property.
shortname The short name of the property.
longname The long name of the property.
datatypeimage The filename to the wiki image for the data type terminal for the property.
datatype The data type of the property.
propertynodeimage The filename to the wiki image for the property node for the property.
availableinrealtime The value for "Available in Real-Time Operating System".
availableinrealtime The value for "Available in Real-Time Operating System".
availableinruntime The value for "Available in Run-Time Engine".
availablewithcontrolvis The value for "Available with control VIs".
availablewithglobalvis The value for "Available with global VIs".
availablewithpolyvis The value for "Available with polymorphic VIs".
availablewithstricttypedefs The value for "Available with strict type definitions".
loadsbd The value for "Loads the block diagram into memory".
loadsfp The value for "Loads the front panel into memory".
mustwait The value for "Must wait until user interface is idle".
needsauthentication The value for "Need to authenticate before use".
permissions The value for "Permissions".
remoteallowed The value for "Remote access allowed".
settablewhenrunning The value for "Settable when the VI is running".


{{VIServerProperty| classid = 36 | propertyid = 632A813 | scope = script | dataname = UID | shortname = UID | longname = UID | datatypeimage = I32.png | datatype = I32 | propertynodeimage = GObject-UID.png | availableinrealtime = Yes | availableinruntime = Yes | loadsbd = No | loadsfp = No | needsauthentication = No | permissions = Read Only | remoteallowed = Yes | settablewhenrunning = No }}


VI Server Property Information
Property ID 632A813
Scope VI Scripting
Data Name UID
Short Name* UID
Long Name* UID
* Displayed here in English. Short and Long names appear in the language of the LabVIEW IDE.
Owning Class ID 36
Owning Class Name GObject Class
Data Type I32 data type


Property Node UID
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Available in Run-Time EngineYes
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Loads the front panel into memoryNo
Need to authenticate before useNo
PermissionsRead Only
Remote access allowedYes
Settable when the VI is runningNo