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Picture class/Cursor property

From LabVIEW Wiki
VI Server Property Information
Property ID 6339805
Scope VI Scripting
Data Name Cursor
Short Name* Cursor
Long Name* Cursor
* Displayed here in English. Short and Long names appear in the language of the LabVIEW IDE.
Owning Class ID 15
Owning Class Name Picture Class
Data Type I32 data type


Property Node Cursor
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Available in Run-Time EngineYes
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Loads the front panel into memoryNo
Need to authenticate before useNo
Remote access allowedYes
Settable when the VI is runningYes

Gets or sets the cursor you want to use when you move the mouse over a picture control.

This property sets the cursor for all picture controls of that type, including picture controls in other VIs. For example, if you use this property to set the cursor for a 2D picture control, LabVIEW uses that cursor setting for all 2D picture controls as long as LabVIEW is running.

After you use this property, consider resetting the value of the property to 0 when the VI stops running. Resetting the value of the property allows you to maintain the default cursor setting for picture controls in other VIs.

0 Uses the default LabVIEW cursor. For example, if automatic tool selection is enabled and you move the cursor over a ring control, LabVIEW uses the cursor of the Operating tool. If you move the cursor over a string control, LabVIEW uses the cursor of the Labeling tool.
1 <img src="noloc_env_cursicon1.gif"> (Windows) LabVIEW uses this system cursor. (Mac OS X and Linux) LabVIEW uses the system cursor that corresponds to this Windows cursor.
2 <img src="noloc_env_cursicon2.gif"> (Windows) LabVIEW uses this system cursor. (Mac OS X and Linux) LabVIEW uses the system cursor that corresponds to this Windows cursor.
3 <img src="noloc_env_cursicon3.gif"> (Windows) LabVIEW uses this system cursor. (Mac OS X and Linux) LabVIEW uses the system cursor that corresponds to this Windows cursor.
4 <img src="noloc_env_cursicon4.gif"> (Windows) LabVIEW uses this system cursor. (Mac OS X and Linux) LabVIEW uses the system cursor that corresponds to this Windows cursor.
5 <img src="noloc_env_cursicon5.gif"> (Windows) LabVIEW uses this system cursor. (Mac OS X and Linux) LabVIEW uses the system cursor that corresponds to this Windows cursor.
6 <img src="noloc_env_cursicon6.gif">
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Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also

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