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NI Package Manager

From LabVIEW Wiki

The NI Package Manager (https://www.ni.com/en/support/downloads/ni-package-manager.html) is NI's proprietary version of a Debian package manager software framework. Almost every NI Software is installed using NI Packages (*.nipkg). A very handy feature is the possibility to define package dependencies incl. version numbers.

Consuming NI Packages

The mostly known way of consuming *.nipkg files is the NI Package Manager GUI (%Programs%\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\NIPackageManager.exe on Windows machines). NI Package Manager GUI is registered as the default application for handling *.nipkg files during installation.

The GUI is an application providing easier access to the usage of the Package Manager. Generally speaking it is a Windows application wrapping the functionality of the underlying command line tool (%Programs%\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\nipkg.exe on Windows machines) and providing a kind of shop experience for the user.

INFO: since NI Package Manager is used to install software to the computer, it requires administrative privileges to run.

Use Cases for uisng NI Packages

  • Installation of NI Software (like LabVIEW, TestStand, ....) and required components
  • TestStand Deployments
  • Installation of general software packages incl. required dependencies

Contents of NI Packages

A NI Package can consist of different contents depending on what kind of software needs to be distributed

  • Distribution and execution of MSI installers
  • Distribution of files and folder structures
  • Distribution of multiple nipkg files (Package of Packages)

Internal structure of an NI Package

An *.nipkg file is an archive file which holds a defined file / folder structure. Detailed information can be found at https://www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/package-manager/page/package-components.html

How to create *.nipkg files

There are different possibilities to create nipkg files; the choice which one to actiually use is dependant on your workflow.

Using LabVIEW Build script

Details to be added

Using TestStand Deployment Tool

Details to be added

NI Package Builder

NI Package Builder


Refer to https://github.com/mbilyk/NIPM-Tutorial/blob/master/README.md for details