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Manage NI Package Dependencies

From LabVIEW Wiki
Manage NI Package Dependencies dialog

The Manage NI Package Dependencies dialog was added in LabVIEW 2023 Q1 and shows a list of packages that are recommended for installation and used by the current project. It is accessible under the Project menu option Package Dependencies in the Project Explorer. Packages can be installed directly through the Install option, which generates and executes a custom installer for all packages listed in the dialog.

Save List

The Save List option generates a dependency report in the form of a text file, using the content displayed in the dialog.

Recommended for installation (2)
Automotive Diagnostic Command Set Toolkit   2022 Q4
Pulsed RF Measurements Library   1.2.0
Installed (4)
NI-DAQmx   2023 Q1  
NI-DMM   2023 Q1  
NI-Industrial Communications for EtherNet/IP   2022 Q3  
NI-SWITCH   2023 Q1

Show VIs

When the Show VIs option is checked, the list of packages also includes the list of VIs provided by each package.

Additional considerations

Packages listed as recommended for installation are not necessarily required by the project. For example, a project that requires NI-SWITCH does not automatically require Pulsed RF Measurements Library, even though it is recommended for installation.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2023 Q1 Dialog added in LabVIEW 2023 Q1