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GrowInfo (XNode Ability)

From LabVIEW Wiki
GrowInfo (XNode Ability)
List of XNode Abilities
Public Name:GetGrowInfo

This ability VI is used to describe your XNode's grow behavior. GrowInfo is a cluster containing the following elements: Min Bounds: The minimum bounds of your XNode. Max Bounds: The maximum bounds of your XNode. Vertical Increment: The vertital grow increment of your XNode. Zero is interpreted as a one pixel increment. Horizontal Increment: The horizontal grow increment of your XNode. Zero is interpreted as a one pixel increment. Maintain Aspect?: Indicates that your XNode should maintain aspect ratio. Oval?: Indcates that your grow lines are drawn as an oval instead of a rectangle. Vertical Only Resize?: Indicates that your XNode only grows vertically. Horizontal Only Resize?: Indicates that your XNode only grows horizontally. Resize None?: Indicates that your XNode can not be resized.

Default behavior: Indicate that your XNode cannot be resized.

This ability does not provide UI and OS messages are not handled.

See also