GLA Summit 2020/Git Going - A LabVIEW Project template wizard for starting new projects using Git Source Code Control
Git Going - A LabVIEW Project template wizard for starting new projects using Git Source Code Control | |
Conference | GLA Summit 2020 |
Presenters | Chris Roebuck |
Git Going - A LabVIEW Project template wizard for starting new projects using Git Source Code Control by Chris Roebuck
Many of us CLA's or aspire-to-be CLA's find ourselves working in environments where Source Code Control is an afterthought, not front and centre in our development toolchain or perhaps we're using a legacy provider such as VSS. Git has emerged the de-facto standard for Source Code Control but getting started can be daunting. Git Going is designed as an open-source LabVIEW Project Template Wizard that guides us through the creation of reports, implements branching structures and much more all from the comfort and safety of LabVIEW.