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AugmentSelf (XNode Ability)

From LabVIEW Wiki
AugmentSelf (XNode Ability)
List of XNode Abilities
Public Name:AugmentSelf

This ability VI is called when you want to add things to the XNode's owning diagram via LabVIEW's scripting API. This VI is only called when you have previously informed LabVIEW that you want to augment the XNode through a AugmentSelf reply. Diagram is a reference to a diagram of a temporary VI that has a stand-in for your XNode connected to terminals. This diagram contains exactly one front panel terminal for each terminal of your XNode which represent whatever is connected to your XNode. Terms is an array of pairs of Term IDs and terminal references. LabVIEW will move the code scripted into this diagram onto the diagram of the VI containing your XNode and connect everything to the correct terminals. (If you want to get rid of the XNode delete it from this dummy, otherwise it will be there when you're done.) The front panel terminals that are on this diagram are special in that they can only be on the top level diagram.

ArgumentString is user specified to pass any special information to AugmentSelf.

Augment Self? is used to tell LabVIEW whether or not you want to copy the scripted diagram over. If there is an error and you wish not to commit the changes, then the old XNode behavior will be left unchanged. It will not be called again until you indicate that it should be through the reply on another ability VI.

You should not use the Copy scripting method to move code into the temporary VI. This will adversely affect the user's clipboard. You should use the Move scripting method instead.

Default behavior: None.

This ability does not provide UI and OS messages are not handled.

See Also