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LabVIEW File Extensions

From LabVIEW Wiki
Revision as of 04:46, 10 December 2018 by Q (talk | contribs)

This is a list of all the file extensions supported by LabVIEW:

File Extension Definition/Description
aliases File that maps computer names to IP Addresses
bin3 File to include example VIs in NI Example Finder
ctl Control
ctt Control Template
llb LabVIEW Library
lvclass LabVIEW Class Library
lvlad LabVIEW Ladder Diagram (LabVIEW 8.6 Only)
lvlib LabVIEW Project Library
lvlibp LabVIEW Packed Project Library
lvlps LabVIEW Local Project Settings
lvm LabVIEW Measurement File
lvproj LabVIEW Project
lvrbt LabVIEW Robotics (NXT Robot Project)
lvsc LabVIEW Statechart
mnu Palette Menu
rc IVI Instrument Driver Configuration File
rtm Run-Time Menu
tdm Technical Data Management File
vi Virtual Instrument
vit Virtual Instrument Template
xctl XControl
xnode XNode

LabVIEW NXG File Extensions

File Extension Definition/Description
dni .NET Interface (DotNet Interface)
  • Application Document
  • Library Document
gll G Linked Library
gpal G Palette
grsc G Resource Collection
grtm G Run-Time Menu
gtype G Type
gvi Graphical Virtual Instrument
lvdist LabVIEW Distribution Document
lvproject LabVIEW Project
mli MATLAB Interface
sli Shared Library Interface