LabVIEW File Extensions
This is a list of all the file extensions supported by LabVIEW:
File Extension | Definition/Description |
aliases | File that maps computer names to IP Addresses |
bin3 | File to include example VIs in NI Example Finder |
ctl | Control |
ctt | Control Template |
llb | LabVIEW Library |
lvclass | LabVIEW Class Library and LabVIEW Interface |
lvlad | LabVIEW Ladder Diagram (LabVIEW 8.6 Only) |
lvlib | LabVIEW Project Library |
lvlibp | LabVIEW Packed Project Library |
lvlps | LabVIEW Local Project Settings |
lvm | LabVIEW Measurement File |
lvproj | LabVIEW Project |
lvrbt | LabVIEW Robotics (NXT Robot Project) |
lvsc | LabVIEW Statechart |
mnu | Palette Menu |
rc | IVI Instrument Driver Configuration File |
rtm | Run-Time Menu |
tdm | Technical Data Management File |
vi | Virtual Instrument |
vim |
vit | Virtual Instrument Template |
xctl | XControl |
xnode | XNode |
LabVIEW NXG File Extensions
File Extension | Definition/Description |
dni | .NET Interface (DotNet Interface) |
gcomp |
gll | G Linked Library |
gpal | G Palette |
grsc | G Resource Collection |
grtm | G Run-Time Menu |
gtype | G Type |
gvi | Graphical Virtual Instrument |
lvdist | LabVIEW Distribution Document |
lvproject | LabVIEW Project |
mli | MATLAB Interface |
sli | Shared Library Interface |