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Wire class/Joints() property

From LabVIEW Wiki
VI Server Property Information
Property ID 6371005
Scope VI Scripting
Data Name Joints[]
Short Name* Joints[]
Long Name* Joints[]
* Displayed here in English. Short and Long names appear in the language of the LabVIEW IDE.
Owning Class ID 16439
Owning Class Name Wire Class
Data Type Common Cluster Array data type

Common Cluster Array

Property Node Joints[]
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Available in Run-Time EngineYes
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Loads the front panel into memoryNo
Need to authenticate before useNo
PermissionsRead Only
Remote access allowedYes
Settable when the VI is runningNo

Returns an array of all joints of the wire, which includes intersections, bends, and end points.

The output of this property is an array of clusters, and each cluster represents one joint of the wire. The following table lists descriptions for the output of each cluster.

Name Description
Position Identifies the X,Y position of the joint on the block diagram.
Type Indicates whether the joint has a loose end, an endpoint, a bend in the wire, a fork of the wire, or a connection to a terminal.
Up Joint Index Identifies the next index of the array above the joint.
Down Joint Index Identifies the next index of the array below the joint.
Left Joint Index Identifies the next index of the array to the left of the joint.
Right Joint Index Identifies the next index of the array to the right of the joint.
Flags Indicates the action of the joint:
  • 0x1—The joint connects to one of the terminals of the signal.
  • 0x2—The joint optimizes the redrawing of signals. Do not modify.
  • 0x4—The joint optimizes the redrawing of signals. Do not modify.
  • 0x8—The joint is currently selected on the block diagram. Any edge LabVIEW selects to be connected to the joint is set.
  • 0x10—LabVIEW selects the right edge of the joint.
  • 0x20—LabVIEW selects the lower edge of the joint.
  • 0x40—LabVIEW uses the joint to optimize routing. Do not modify.
  • 0x8—LabVIEW uses the joint to optimize routing. Do not modify.
  • 0x100—The joint is loose and it is not between two joints that are connected to terminals. Do not modify.
  • 0x200—The joint is on the path. LabVIEW uses this joint during path and split algorithms. Do not modify.
  • 0x400—LabVIEW does not use the joint.
  • 0x800—LabVIEW does not use the joint.
  • 0x1000—LabVIEW shifted the joint horizontally during the most recent edit operation. The joint clears when the wire table rebuilds at the end of every edit operation.
  • 0x2000—LabVIEW shifted the joint vertically during the most recent edit operation.



Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also

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