VI Analyzer Test Creator

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The VI Analyzer Test Creator tool is a utility provided by the LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit add-on and available from the tools menu at VI Analyzer > Create New Test. It creates new tests based on the user input and adds the necessary code infrastructure with code comments to guide the user.

  • Generated VI Analyzer test - Global Configuration
  • Generated VI Analyzer test - Test VI Front Panel
  • Generated VI Analyzer test - Test VI Block Diagram

Name and Describe Test

VI Analyzer Test Creator - Name and Describe Test

The Name and Describe Test page prompts for the test name, ranking, and description. Available options for the ranking are: Low, Normal, and High.

Select Configuration Type

VI Analyzer Test Creator - Select Configuration Type

The Select Configuration Type' page allows users to choose how the configuration page of a test is managed. Available options are: Global-based (recommended) and VI-based.


Global-based configuration pages allow tests to store static configuration data in a global variable with no additional functionality. For example, it is not possible to dynamically show or hide a configuration option in a global-based configuration.


VI-based configuration pages allow tests to manage configuration data in a VI with more complexity and additional functionality. For example, a configuration option can be shown or hidden depending on a user selection.

Save Path

VI Analyzer Test Creator - Save Path

The Save Path page displays the path where the test will be created and provides an option to open the test VIs when it is done.

See also