VI Analyzer Error Code Family
Below are all of the Error Codes that belong to the VI Analyzer Error Code Family (see Error List for list of Families).
Code | Description |
14200 | VI Analyzer: The path you specified either is not a valid path, or does not exist in the VI Analyzer item list. |
14201 | VI Analyzer: You attempted to modify an item path that does not exist in the VI Analyzer item list. |
14202 | VI Analyzer: You attempted to remove an item that does not exist in the VI Analyzer item list. |
14203 | VI Analyzer: There was an error reading the specified configuration file. It may be corrupt. You might need to re-create your configuration file. |
14204 | VI Analyzer: An error occurred while saving the configuration file. Make sure you specified a valid path, that you have permission to write to the specified location, and that you set "Overwrite" to TRUE if you are specifying an existing file. |
14205 | VI Analyzer: An error occurred while saving your results. Make sure you specified a valid path, that you have permission to write to the specified location, and that you set "Overwrite" to TRUE if you are specifying an existing file. |
14206 | VI Analyzer: The path you specified is an invalid configuration file path. |
14207 | VI Analyzer: The item path you specified is invalid. You must enter a path to an existing VI, LLB, or folder. |
14208 | VI Analyzer: The VI Analyzer task reference you wired is invalid. |
14209 | VI Analyzer: The test you specified is an invalid VI Analyzer test name. |
14210 | VI Analyzer: You cannot store more than 20 passwords through the VI Analyzer programmatic interface. |
14211 | VI Analyzer: You did not specify a configuration file path. |
14212 | VI Analyzer: You did not specify the correct configuration file password. |
14213 | VI Analyzer: You provided an invalid configuration VI control value. Ensure that both the control name and the data type are compatible with the test configuration you are editing. |
14214 | VI Analyzer: Unable to display the VI Analyzer Results Window. Make sure the Results Window and the VI Analyzer are not already in use. |
14215 | VI Analyzer: The specified VI is no longer a supported feature in the VI Analyzer Toolkit. You cannot use the VI to perform VI Analyzer operations. |
14216 | VI Analyzer: This VI could not be analyzed because another VI of the same name, but a different path, is already in memory. |
14217 | VI Analyzer: The specified CFG file contains project-based analysis information. The VI Analyzer VIs only support loading CFG files containing file-based analysis information. In order to use a CFG file with project-based analysis information, you must load it in the VI Analyzer dialog box. |